Tag: paste

Homiah Sends Flavors Of Southeast Asia!

Homiah Sends Flavors Of Southeast Asia!

I got an email from Michelle over at Homiah.com recently. She mentioned she started a company out of her apartment in New York – one to expose people here to the flavors and nuance of Southeast Asian cuisine. Well, she sent me a box of her products and it’s really amazing stuff – all 5 stars, all top notch. Check out what she sent as well as images of what I created which will appear in upcoming posts! ...see full post

#4062: A1 Mi Kari Laksa Curry Laksa Noodle – Malaysia

This is a special one I’m posting today – it’s the subject of a short film I’m doing as I type this about how I review! I want to thank a fellow instant noodle enthusiast named Andres who was kind enough to donate this to me yesterday – he’s a local who has visited a lot of places in search of instant noodle varieties! This one was found up in Canada. ...see full post

#3006: Uni-President Guizhou Spicy Soybean Paste Flavor – China

#3006: Uni-President Guizhou Spicy Soybean Paste Flavor - China

First off, thanks to Kyle K. for help with translating this one! I found this up in Canada at FoodyWorld – a huge Asian supermarket which is a must see for anyone doing the tour of Asian grocery stores up in Richmond – lots of fun and much to see. These were on sale and looked neat so I went and got all the varieties. Let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1452: Nissin Premium Instant Noodles Spicy Beef Flavour

Looks like we’ve got some hot weather coming to the northwest this week. One weather report is saying it will get into the 90’s which is pretty darn hot for these parts. My wife and I were talking about it the other day and she mentioned that the last time we had a summer with such hot temperatures, the winter was equally as extreme – got lots of snow! I hope that it turns out the same way this year because I really like snow quite a bit. Granted, there are quite a few challenges getting around being legally blind, but it’s neat stuff all the same. ...see full post

#118: Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle

So sometimes I’m looking for some new ramen and see it but it only seems to come in a 5 pack. Nowhere else in the noodle aisle do they have it… That’s really annoying! This was one such variety but I finally found it at a new Asian market I found today out of nowhere across from 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds. Anyways, here’s Paldo brand Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle ...see full post