James is a kind of noodle whisperer; he has been sending boxes with stuff in them that 99% of the time I’ve never heard of. This box is no different – lots of neat stutff in here including a variety made in Vietnam for Poland! Thanks!! Let’s take a look.
Tag: poland
#2965: Ajinomoto Oyakata Soy Sauce Ramen Soup
This is one that was sent to me by the Butlers from Illinois – thanks again! They got this and a few other varieties during a trip to Italy. Ajinomoto is the company that is best known for producing MSG. Check out the video at the bottom. This variety hails from Poland actually – kind of a surprise! Let’s crack it open and see what a Polish shoyu is like!
#2775: Vifon Garlic Flavour Instant Noodle Soup
I found this one up in Canada at a place called Hen Long Market. Did find a whole lot there, but this was definitely a score. They’re made in Vietnam – however they’re for Poland! Poland! European noodles! Yeah – I’m sure you can tell that makes me happy. Always wish I can find more stuff from/for Europe.
#1006: Amino Barszcz czerwony (Borscht)
Here’s the last of the varieties from Poland that were kindly sent by Joe & Gil of the UK! Borscht! I’ve never actually had real borscht before, but I read up on it on the Wikipedia page:
#988: Amino Kuchnia Polska Ogorkowa
Here’s another great one sent by Gil & Joe of the UK! This is a Polish variety. What’s Ogorkowa mean? Simple – cucumber soup. I looked around online and found lots of recipes, some using dill pickles and mentioning that pregnant Polish women favored this soup. Well, let’s check it out!
#951: Vifon Pomidorowa Zupa Błyskawiczna Zmakaronem (Tomato Instant Noodle Soup Mild)
Here’s another great one sent by Joe & Gill from the UK! Thank you again! So this is a product geared towards the Polish market and made in Vietnam! Fascinating… Pomidorowa though; what’s that all about? I asked Wikipedia and got this:
#943: Amino Kuchnia Polska Żurek
Here’s another new one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Wow! This is something brand new to me – instant noodles from Poland?! Yup they sure are. But what the heck is ‘Żurek?’ Well, Wikipedia has this to say: