This one came from Greg B. of Marathon, Florida – thanks, Greg! What the heck is Moo Nam Tok supposed to taste like? From Wikipedia:
Tag: pork
Show Your Noodles: Week 3
This week there were two submissions! Awesome!@ Keep em coming! I’ve decided to let my wife decide which is best for the contest – so here we go! Just a reminder, if you want to send in a noodle pic or two, send them to and please put ‘Show Your Noodles’ in the subject line!
#636: Yamamori Tom Yam Ramen Pork Flavor(Tomyankun Ramen Porkfu)
After tasting those last two earlier, I was ready to have something that looked really good – and here it is! Tom Yam noodles, made in Thailand and from Japan!
#630: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Mushroom Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here’s one that has been in the noodle bin since the trip to California my wife and son and I took in July! Time to eat. Mushroom pork just didn’t sound too good, but you know me, I have to try it.
#628: Lucky Me! Supreme La Paz Batchoy Artificial Beef Garlic Flavor Instant Noodles
Haven’t had any Lucky Me! in quite some time. This is a smaller version of the Lucky Me! La Paz Batchoy I’ve had before. Let give this one a renewed and smaller look!
#624: Master Kong Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle
Here we have one of the three packages I got yesterday as part of a gracious donation from a fellow named Chad B. of Highland, Il. Thanks again! Stickers coming soon! I haven’t tried Master Kong products before so I did a little reseasrch on Wikipedia:
#620: Vifon Phu Gia Mien Instant Bean Thread Bamboo Shoot & Artificial Pork Flavor
Another ‘bottom of the hamper’ pick. Not a huge fan of the bean thread – you surely know that if you’re a follower of this blog. Really hoping to become one though – maybe pork will change my view.
Re-Review: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pork Flavor
I remember reviewing this one a while back up in Anacortes – got it and was really stoked as I’d never seen it before!
#613: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Artificial Pork Flavor
The last noodles were so bad that I had to toss them. What a waste! Ah well, this should be good enough to eat!!!
How I Eat My Ramen
Hello fellow “Rameners” My name is Greg, and I am a Ramenholic. As a new contributor to I thought it would be appropriate to use my first post to share how I prepare Ramen noodles.
#588: Vifon Tu Quy Instant Noodle Pork Flavor
Hey cool I didn’t realize I still had one of these left! I liked this line of Vifon stuff!
#569: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Suc Song Huong vi Thit bam Artificial Pork Flavor
This one’s pretty unique looking – what the heck is Suc Song? I would love to find out because I can’t find anything about it! Artificial pork flavor sounds good though!
#562: Batchelors Super Noodles Bacon Flavour
When I mentioned I would be reviewing this to my friend Matthew B., he exclaimed ‘bacon is the opiate of the masses!’ I would have to agree; there is nothing on this planet as good as the prince of foods, bacon. With that, I present for your viewing pleasure, bacon flavored British instant noodles. Thanks again, Cindy!
#489: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Pork Flavour
So here’s the first one I’m reviewing that were sent by Greg B. of Orlando, FL. He says it’s really good stuff and so I’ll give it a shot!
#456: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Szechuan Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here’s something from Ve Wong. I’ve been enjoying these bowls so far – pork sounds good! I did review some Baijia pickled radish and duck flavor earlier, but honestly I couldn’t eat the whole thing it was so nasty – I only ate perhaps a 1/4 of it… So yeah here’s this one.
#397: Quickchow Quickie Cup Mami La Paz Batchoy
Something new – a cup noodle from the Philippines!
Two packets – dry seasoning on the left and a seasoned oil on the right.
#386: Fu Chang Chinese Noodle Company Pork, Seafood & Noodles Combo
Well, this looks like a lot of insanity! Here we go!!!
Wait – I thought this was pork and seafood flavor, not shrimp flavor…
#368: Knorr Chili Pork Flavour Cup Noodles
So here’s a weird looking one – something my sis brought me back from Canada. Chili Pork flavor sounds good in theory, but very curious how it’ll be in practice. Also, This is the first Knorr brand instant noodle I’ve reviewed; kind of surprising to be honest.
#363: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Macaroni
Since I did my first radio interview today, I thought I’d review something equally interesting – Japanese macaroni weirdness!
#361: Tayho Miễn Thịt Băm Vermicelli with Pork Ground Meat
Check this one out! This is manufactured in California. Not foreign! Interesting… Let’s give it a try!
#358: Doll Instant Noodle Spicy Artificial Pork Flavour
Always a big fan of the Doll brand stuff. Spicy pork huh? Awesome – sounds like a part of a wholesome breakfast!
#325: Namchow Mee-Jang Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodles
So some noodles from Thailand. I have no idea what to expect from this one… Let’s see what’s inside…
#316: Unif Super Bowl Instant Noodles Artificial Stewed Pork Chop Flavor
Jeez these things are big enough… I wasn’t able to finish the last one! So here e go with some stewed pork chop! Interesting – don’t those meat cuts on the label look like ribs? I’m just sayin’…
#273: Wai Wai Minced Pork Tom Yum Flavor
So here’s some Wai Wai noodles. Let’s see how they are! One thing I should mention first is that it’s a little smaller than most packages of noodles and only calls for 300cc of water.
#270: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With BBQ Pork Flavor Sauce
So today’s a downtime today. My lady Kit’s not feeling well and we decided a couple days ago that we would chill and watch Star Trek movies and eat noodles together. That being said, I needed to find some kind of new noodle thing that she night like. Well, BBQ Pork flavor sounded pretty good to me and I thought she’d dig it too.
#267: MAMA Cup Pork Flavour
A little taller than most of the cup noodles I’ve seen, here we have MAMA Pork Flavour…
#246: MAMA Artificial Pork Flavour Jumbo Pack Oriental Style Instant Noodles
So thought I’d give it a whirl. This is one of the few I haven’t tried left at 99 Ranch Market! I see a problem coming on and I don’t like it!
#224: MAMA Instant Bowl Noodles Artificial Pork Flavour Base
Happy bowl of artificial pork flavor noodles! Awesome!
Oil and powder and chili powder and veggies…
#211: Vina Acecook Mi Xao Kingcook Fried Instant Noodle Tomato Sauce & Pork Flavor
Wow this is very interesting! Pork and Tomato? How bizarre! I think this’ll be quite a different experience.
#176: Paldo Dosirac Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle
So I have seen these all over the place but don’t think I’ve ever tried it. I’ve seen red background ones with a lady that looks like a nurse. Anyways, Kit picked this one out of my ‘vault’ to try today.
#158: MAMA JokCup Artificial Pork Flavour Instant Porridge Soup
Pork porridge. Let me refine that – ARTIFICIAL pork porridge. Those three words have been kind of interesting to say while this little cup has been kicking it around here. But no more. Artificial pork porridge is lunch.
#123: Wai Wai Minced Pork Soeng Kreung Flavor Instant Noodle
Wai Wai? Because because I’m done with folding laundry and it’s lunch. So I’m making some of this stuff. By the way – notice that little dude on the packaging? Apparently there’s a celebrity chef in Thailand called McDang and he has a kind of guide to the best stuff. So this stuff is supposedly good according to McDang.
#119: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Pork & Chicken Flavor (Mi Ga Suon Heo Khau Vi)
Chicken and pork. I have heard jokes about picken and chork made but never really thought of the two being brought together. I guess We’ll see if this combo works or not.
#96: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle Vietnam Flavor
So I thought why not – a sunny day here in Edmonds. Pork? Yes, pork sir. After my sweety had some Unif stewed pork noodles a couple weeks ago I thought I’d best try some form of pork noodles. Other than Maruchan’s entry into the pork race that is. So here we are. Quite possibly the longest name in noodles so far, Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodles Vietnam Flavor.
#89: Unif – 100 Artifical Stewed Pork Chop Flavor Instant Noodles
This is Christine’s first official ramenrater appearance! Look for more reviews by her soon!
#72: Nissin Demae Ramen Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodles
Tuck in folks! Let’s get down with some artificial pork flavoring!
Two flavor packets on this one – Soup base and seasoning sauce.
#69: Baijia Instant Sweet Potato Noodle Spicy Fei-Chang Flavor
Since these noodles are Chinese, I thought I’d include our pugs in on cooking them. They were extremely helpful with the preparation.
#66: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pork Flavor
Okay so I was falling asleep the other night and thought to myself “I wonder if there is pork flavor ramen… Does it exist, and does it taste remotely like pork?” Answer: yes there is and other answer is not really.
#55: Hua Feng Noodle Expert Favoury Pork Flavor
Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Favoury Pork Flavor
Stars: *
Notes: Aside from being ‘favoury,’ this wasn’t really all that good. More like ‘pork rancid favoury’ if you ask me.
#41: Little Cook Pork & Mustard Stem Bowl
Little Cook: Pork & Mustard Stem Bowl Stars: 1/2
Notes: This stuff is bad – very bad. Boasting great flavor because of fresh meat and
vegetables [retort pouch], the freshness wasn’t there. As with many bowl noodles,
the ramen’s quality is overlooked and the retort pouch is added. The pok was
spongy, like wet pork rinds and had a bitter, almost sour coffee taste.