Tag: prawn soup

Prima Taste Sends More New Size/Package Varieties

Prima Taste Sends More New Size/Package Varieties

If you follow my annual global top ten list, you’ll know that Prima Taste’s Wholegrain Laksa LaMian has been at the top of the list of my faves for many years. But that’s not the only product they produce. Here are four others that you might not have seen, some of which unavailable in the United States. Let’s check ’em out! ...see full post

Unboxing Time: New Wholegrain Prawn Soup From Prima Taste

Unboxing Time: New Wholegrain Prawn Soup From Prima Taste

Got this package the other day – and I didn’t expect it. Well, I WAS expecting it, however both I and Prima Taste thought that it probably had been seized by customs. The tracking was going great then it hit Oakland, California and then Import Delay. It stuck that way for over a week – and then started moving again! What’s more, they never opened the package. Let’s have a look inside! ...see full post