Looks like I’ll be doing some interview here in the USA soon! Those are always a lot of fun. I asked Prima Taste over in Singapore if they could send some samples along of the products they have that are in the Top Ten this year – and they did!
Tag: prima taste
The Ramen Rater’s Reader’s Choice Top Ten Instant Noodles 2016 Edition
A couple days after The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition came out, I got to thinking. Every year, a lot of people enjoy my list, a lot also complain. They’ll say things like ‘how can this not be on here,’ or ‘you have no clue of what youre talking about’ – you can guess the rest but it sometimes gets downright rude. I usually tell people to go and review as many instant noodles as I have and make their own list and we can compare notes, but nobody’s ever taken me up on that. At the same time I thought of this, I came to the realization that although they might not agree with me, they’re still people who love their varieties of instant noodles. I thought that they (you) should have a voice. So, I started a poll. I didn’t want to make a list of varieties for people to pick from – that would sway things in those varieties’ favor. I told people to just write in the flavor they liked and what brand made them. A week or so ago, I ended up with a difficult task. See, a lot of them were listed as the brand name but no variety (six people put Maggi, but Maggi what? From India, From Malaysia? Which one?). Some got cut, but most got counted. There were almost 300 votes and here are the results. I’m going to start a new poll tomorrow and this will be an annual thing! Let’s begin!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition
It’s been quite a year for The Ramen Rater. I’ve reviewed 357 new instant noodle varieties. I got to visit an instant noodle company in Thailand. I just hit my 2000th review. Since the beginning of this ‘noodle journey,’ I’ve wanted to try flavors from around the world and have been able to do just that. This new list is a compilation of the best of the best; the most memorable and most wonderful of the 2,004 varieties I’ve sampled thus far. If you are an instant noodle company and I haven’t reviewed your products, please contact me – I would love to review them. I decided to include what I added to them this year – however note the products are scored before anything is added. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of all Time 2016 Edition.
#1985: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup La Mian
Today, I am really stoked to be reviewing something brand new – Prawn Soup. It’s been a couple years since Prima Taste has rolled out a new Singapore La Mian and this is it! Prawn Soup! . I do like prawns alot! Let’s check this one out!
New Prawn Soup Samples From Prima Taste Of Singapore
Hmmm – what have we here?
Hey (click to enlarge) – something new! Will have to give this one a try soon! Thank you!
Hong Kong Donations From Prima Taste 2
When I asked for people to send donations recently, Prima Taste offered to pool their resources around the world and help me out! Here’s some sent from Hong Kong- a second box of the same samples. Two of each helps with reviewing – makes things a lot easier – plus a better chance of making it through customs!
Hong Kong Donations From Prima Taste 1
When I asked for people to send donations recently, Prima Taste offered to pool their resources around the world and help me out! Here’s some sent from Hong Kong!
#1953: Prima Taste Singapore Fish Soup La Mian
I’ve been wanting to try this one for a really long time and the folks at Prima Taste were kin enough to send it to me recently! Thank you very much! Pretty sure this has been around just as long as the curry and laksa la mian varieties – been a long wait! As I don’t have any fish really, I’m going to go with a little assortment of seafood – sounds good to me! Let’s dig in!
Prima Taste Sends Donations To Help In Time Of Need
Prima Taste saw my call for donations/samples and asked if they could help – and I said absolutely!
#1947: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa Wholegrain La Mian
So Prima Taste has recently come out with wholegrain varieties. It was explained to me that wholegrain noodles can tend to be brittle or crumbly – so to prevent this, Prima has created a superfine powder. Indeed, the curry whole grain la mian was absolutely wonderful stuff! The noodles were perfect and had a kind of rustic, artisan kind of character to them. The point of wholegrain noodles is to promote a healthier alternative to white flour. Not only that, these are not fried noodles. Instant noodles are now starting to attempt to please the consumer with more healthy options. Pretty cool! I’m very curious how this laksa does! Let’s dig in and find out!
#1907: Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian
Here’s something new from Prima Taste that’s geared a little more towards healthy living – this one has noodles made with special wholegrain flour. Their original version has been on my top ten list for a few years now, and I’m very curious to see how this one is. Seems like a good day for some curry! Let’s crack it open!
Something I’ve Wanted Try For Years From Prima Taste Singapore!
Two days ago, I got a big box full of really nice gifts and product samples from Prima Taste of Singapore. Well, yet another box showed up today. I had an idea of the product samples that might be in the first, but not sure on this one – let’s open it!
An Early Christmas Present From Prima Taste
A big box came today! I was expecting one from Prima Taste of Singapore – they have a couple new varieties I’ve been curious to try – let’s see what’s inside!
The Ramen Rater’s Easy-To-Find Instant Noodles 2015 Edition
A lot of people have come to my site from the United States, knowing only a couple varieties, those usually being chicken or beef, pack or cup. If that’s you, this is kind of a beginner’s guide to exploring the different brands and varieties that are pretty easily sourced here in the States. You can find many of these in your local grocery store, although some might require a trip to the Asian grocery, or to Amazon. But all of them can be found here, unlike many I review that only are sold in their local countries. Many of these have even been on my top ten lists, past and present – so get ready to have some of my favorite and most memorable varieties that you can easily find here in the United States!
SG50: Happy Birthday, Singapore!
My wife and I entered a special photo contest today here in town and there were six categories of pictures we could enter. One of them was ‘Happiness Is’ and since I was planning on doing something to celebrate SG50, I thought I’d have some Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian today in honor of SG50 – the 50th anniversary of Singapore! I added fish ball from Singapore, Crab Claw fish cake from Singapore, white onion, mint, tau pok and mung bean sprouts. Singapore Laksa is something that truly makes me happy! Hope everyone in Singapore has a great day!
Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian
I thought it was about time to review this one again. Prima Taste Simgapore Curry La Mian has been on my top ten lists for the last couple of years – it’s really great stuff! I remember when I first tried it tell my friends and colleagues that it was ‘a real game changer.’ I hadn’t seen but sachets like the ones found within before and though it was really neat stuff. I just found out about a couple new videos Prima Taste has made to prepare them as well – check them out here! Let’s have another look at Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian!
Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian
Celebrating Lunar New Year With The Seattle Singaporeans Meetup Group
Gong Xi Fa Cai! A couple weeks ago, I got an email from my friend Zi Hua from Prima Taste in Sngapore inviting me to a lunar new year’s celebration. It sounded great, but Singapore is so far away and such short notice. I quickly realized I was being invited to a Singaporean event very near where I live! The Seattle Singaporeans Meetup Group holds an annual lunar new year celebration at a restaurant called China Harbor on Westlake down in Seattle. I happily accepted the invitation and yesterday got to attend!
Top Ten 2014 Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian
There’s a reason there are three Prima Taste products are on the top ten list – they’re amazing. Two big sachets with serious ingredients and noodles that are so nice and tasty. I’ve really enjoyed the products they’ve made and hope they make lots of more noodle varieties in the future! Let’s give this one an up close and personal look.
Top Ten 2014 Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian
When I first had curry it was when I was a kid. My mom would make curried chicken liver over rice and it was really good. Yep – liver. I really liked some things I don’t think my 8 year old son would touch with a ten foot pole! My mom would use curry powder and it came out really good. Since then, I’ve relished on many, many different curries. I think my favorites by far have been in paste form; there’s such variety and strong flavors that are involved – a true playground for the senses. Let’s have a look and see why this one made the last two top ten lists.
Gifts from Prima Taste!
The folks over at Prima Taste sent some nice gifts the other day! Let’s have a look!
A fancy wall or desk calendar!
#1271: Prima Taste Singapore Chilli Crab La Mian
At the beginning of this year, I’d never tried any of their products. When I did, I was blown away; so much so that they ended up ranking 1st and 2nd place on my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Tiume 2013 Edition list. I’m very curious how this one will fare. Chilli Crab is considered to be the signature dish of Singapore. To ring in the new year, I thought I’d start out with this one. I decided to post it right when the clock strikes midnight the very first time of 2014. Where’s that? Turns out it’s in Kiribati, which is GMT+14! For those in my timezone which is GMT-8 (Seattle time), that will be 2am on December 31st. With that, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2014 – let’s check this out! By the way – I just found out there are a couple new ways to cook this one – check them out here!
New Product Samples From Prima Taste
The last time I got product samples from Prima Taste of Singapore I was pleasantly surprised. Their Laksa and Curry noodles ended up at the top of my yearly top ten list. What lies inside this box?
Top Ten List: The Past Two Days Have Been Amazing!
So these last two days have been crazy – so many people from Taiwan just coming in droves to the site and declaring their passion for the instant noodles of their country! You should be proud of yourselves; I’m never going to look at Taiwanese noodles the same again, that’s for sure! I’m sure I’ll be reviewing more very soon so keep your eyes on The Ramen Rater!
The Ramen Rater Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition
Meet The Manufacturer: #992: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian
Here’s the other of the two Prima Taste La Mian varieties they sent. Laksa is a dish that’s extremely popular around the world that comes from Singapore. Wikipedia defines it: “Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup from the Peranakan culture, which is a merger of Chinese and Malay elements found in Malaysia and Singapore, and Indonesia.”
Meet The Manufacturer: Prima Taste Rendang Curry Sauce Kit
I know, thewse aren’t noodles but I thought it’d be nice to show some of the other things that Prima Taste sent. This one’s for making rendang – a spicy curried beef.
Meet The Manufacturer: Prima Taste Samples
Here’s the box that the samples came in…
Six of each…
…of two varieties: Laksa LaMian and Curry LaMian! Really looking forward to trying these!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Prima Taste
This is a Meet The Manufacturer that’s been a long time in the making – and well worth it! Prima Taste is a company out of Singapore that makes all sorts of meal kits and now ‘LaMian,’ which is a line of instant noodle products. Here’s the interview I conducted with them via email.