Tag: ramen talk

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2025 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2025 Edition

It’s been awhile since my last roundup of Chinese varieties and I thought a new one would be good. There’s been a flood of great Chinese varieties that I’ve found here in the US lately. I do know that there’s a lot I’ve not had the chance to try and would very much like to. If you’re a manufacturer or distributor of instant noodles from China, I’d love to hear from you and sample your products. With that, let’s take a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2025 Edition. ...see full post

#4527: Ramen Talk Japanese Style BBQ Pork Tonkotsu Ramen – China

#4527: Ramen Talk Japanese style BBQ Pork Tonkotsu Ramen - China

Behold! I was contacted by a fellow on instagram who follows my reviews and asked if I’d tried these as he has, loved them, but couldn’t source them. I looked around and found ramentalk.us and let him know he could get them there, so he was really happy. I also contacted Ramen Talk to hopefully arrange for some samples. I’m certainly glad I did! These look really quite fascinating – they have a few varieties that I’ll be reviewing in short order as well, but this tonkotsu style sounds great – comes with lots of garnish – including a 7cm slice of chashu. On with the show! ...see full post

Amazing Varieties from ramentalk.us

I got a message from someone on instagram asking me if I’d tried varieties from a company called ‘Ramen Talk’ a couple weeks ago. They really wanted to know where they could get more of them because the locak place they could get them didn’t have any more. Well, I looked around and found ramentalk.us so I was able to get that info to him, and at the same time ask if they could send me some samples. Well, he’s happy and now I’m happy because I got some samples and boy, do these look great! It looks like a couple of them have large slices of chashu; one with octopus?? This should be a fun set to review but let’s start with the unboxing! ...see full post