Tag: ratings

#960: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Super Picante

Here’s one that was sent by Nissin Foods USA – thanks! I want to mention really quick – January 19th is Momofuku Ando Day! If you would like to participate in the special Show Your Noodles, send pictures of the noodles you make, your name (abbreviated if you like), locale and a description of the noodles you’re enjoying to hans@theramenrater.com. ...see full post

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Miso Flavor

Today is the last of the Sakurai Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I have enjoyed trying such a great range of products from Japan! We finish with the one that made this Meet The Manufacturer happen. I email lots of instant noodle manufacturers, trying to get Meet The Manufacturer interviews to happen. I hadn’t contacted Sakurai Foods before and gave it a shot. Here’s my re-review of their miso vegetarian flavor. ...see full post

#954: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods – ARCHE Naturküche Japanische Nudelsuppe mit Ingwer (Japanese Noodle Soup With Ginger)

I know what you’re thinking – “hey – I thought this was a Sakurai Foods Meet The Manufacturer!” Well, it still is. Sakurai Foods also makes products for export and this is one of them. These noodles are for sale in Germany! Never tried noodles from Germany before, regardless of where they are made! This is a real treat. Let’s check out this exotic variety! ...see full post

#950: Ottogi Kiss Myon Asian Style Instant Noodle Bowl (Cup)

Here’s the first new Ottogi variety I’ve reviewed in a long time! It’s an interesting one, too. This is most definitely a cup, however it says it is a noodle bowl on the packaging – weird! Hoping in 2013 to be able to get with Ottogi and do a Meet The Manufacturer – they’ve got some interesting twists on Korean instant noodles that are really good! Well, let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

A New Thai Chili Sauce From Apinya Thai Food Co.!

I saw something about a Thai chili sauce mentioned on my favorite hot sauce group on facebook recently. It got me wondering if it would be something that could be an alternative to the standard big bottle of Sriracha that I usually go for. I tracked down the company and asked if they could possibly send a sample – a few days later, it arrived! ...see full post

#947: Maruchan Yakisoba Jalapeno Cheddar Flavor

Merry Christmas Eve! Thought today I would go a little festive with my review. What does Jalapeno Cheddar instant yakisoba have to do with Christmas? Well, I don’t know but it just seemed like the right thing to do. You’ll see – trust me you’ll see. This is one I was looking for for a long time and my lovely wife Kit found it at the Grocery Outlet! Rad! ...see full post

#945: Pot Noodle Jamaican Jerk! Flavour

Here’s another awesome looking Pot Noodle flavor that was sent by Joe & Gill of the UK – again, I must say thank you very much! They are a couple of the many people who have been extra kind and sent varieties that I haven’t ever reviewed my way. No way I could find this one here in the states! So what is Jamaican Jerk flavor anyways? I asked Wikipedia: ...see full post

#944: Wai Wai Brand Oriental Style Instant Noodles (Dry Version)

I reviewed this one years back – in the first 50 reviews. Back then I reviewed it as a soup. Recently, it was brought to my attention that these could be made in a different way – drained. Sure enough, on the back of the package are instructions on how to make them this way. I have deemed this worthy of a new review! Here we go. ...see full post

#939: Pot Noodle Sweet & Sour Flavour

Here’s the first of many reviews of instant noodles that were donated by Joe & Gill of the UK! Thank you again! It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Pot Noodle. Generally they’re impossible to find in the United States – which surprises me since I think they’d do really well here. Anyways, Let’s check out the sweet and sourness! ...see full post

Re-Review: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor King Cup

Here’s the original review. It’s cold today so I thought it sounded good. I figure I should mention – there will be some new reviews very soon! I am working on a huge project that’s been taking so much time. A hint – it has to do with upgrading this blog! I’ve been editing every post and image. A lot of work let me tell you! It will definitely be worth it in the end! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Tests The Rapid Ramen Cooker

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for articles to add to The Ramen Rater Noodle News and found an article with a YouTube video attached. Apparently, a recent college graduate had made something that involves cooking instant noodles and it would start selling at Walmart. I thought I’d see if I could contact the guy and get a sample of the product to review. Well, he sent a couple and here we go! Chris Johnson is the inventor of the Rapid Ramen Cooker. It promises speedy delivery of your instant noodles via the microwave! Before the review, here’s an interview I did with him recently via email. ...see full post

Samples Of The Rapid Ramen Cooker

Got this mailer today from the mailman…

This is a new product I found out about from a news story (link). I thought ‘wow this is awesome!’ After looking, I found the guy who invented and is marketing the product, Chris Johnson. He graciously offered to send samples and do an interview! Well, here are the samples and I will be trying them out with a few brands and doing an interview pretty soon. Thanks for these, Chris! Looking forward to hearing more about them! By the way, you can check out his website at www.rapidramen.com! ...see full post

Re-Review: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Thought I’d try this one again – it’s pretty sad – I have nothing new to review! Looking forward to some new varieties coming soon though hopefully! A couple from the UK have informed me that they’re sending a treasure trove of interesting varieties! Can’t wait! In the meantime, here’s the elusive Cucharealo – haven’t seen it for sale anywhere yet. Good stuff! Here’s the original review here. ...see full post