Tag: reviews

What’s All The Mess About MSG?

Let me make a disclaimer before you read this post. I am not a doctor or health official, and I dont hold a doctorate. The information I am providing you here is through my own research – though all major health agencies have made statements that agree with the facts that I will present to you here. This is the best information that is available at the time of this post. If new things should be discovered in the future, this information may change. ...see full post

Check Out This Awesome Blog – EKP Adventures

So I was looking around for ramen news to post here one day and I came across a blog post about bizarre foods. I put it on TRR and got a nice note frtom the bloggers! Now they’ve done a part two and been kind enough to mention The Ramen Rater! Here is a link to their blog. I spent some time reading and it looks really cool – they’ve done an entire travelogue of their trip to Nepal and climbing 18,250 foot Kala Patthar! See? Instant noodles aren’t so bad for you, are they? ...see full post

#623: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavor

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York! I know… Yep – it’s a swastika, the symbol of the national socialist party of Germany in WWII, the Nazis. Well, Wei-Wei isn’t a Nazi company or has anything to do with oppression. On the complete opposite side, in the far east it represents the whole of creation as well as Buddhism. Wikipedia says: ...see full post

The Ramen Rater News: Korea Yakult (Paldo) Will Be Exporting Kkokkomyeon Soon!

I’ve heard now from two separate sources that this Kkokkomyeon stuff is really popular and is going to be a really big deal when it comes to the USA. Both a seller of instant noodles alluded to it as well as a mention by name by the lady at the Kitty House at 99 Ranch Market (they sell Hello Kitty stuff there). ...see full post

#611: Batchelors Super Noodles Low Fat Sweet Thai Chili Flavour

This is the last of the Super Noodles sent by Cindy C. of England. Thanks again!

So today is my wife and I’s second anniversary. No, not a wedding anniversary – we got married in July. This is our two year ‘Click-I-Versary.” You see, we met on an online dating website! Two years ago today she clicked a button on my profile and let me know she liked me. I did the same. The chatted online for a little bit and then called and talked to each other for many hours – the rest is history! I can honestly say I’ve never been happier in my life. Love you, Kitten! ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Satay Fried Noodles

This is one of the samples sent by Empire International – thanks again to them and Jim C.! Many years ago, I tried this stuff. This was the first Indomie product I’d ever tried! I used to get tons of this stuff – my folks would bring it back to Anacortes from Seattle , a bit of a journey for noodles! All the packets, the draining, the eggs… This is where it all begand for me. ...see full post

#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor

Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock.  Note the economical 49 cent price tag! ...see full post