Here’s one that was sent to me from Australian by Jen – thank you very much! It’s pretty rare that I get anything from Australia and her package a while back was a trove of neat stuff! This one’s sold in Australia and elsewhere and made in Singapore by the folks at Tat Hui. Let’s check it out!
Tag: rice noodle
#2218: Tseng Rice Noodle Spicy Braised Pork Flavor Flavor
Okay now this – this sounds good. I absolutely love a few things in this world. Curries, Korean BBQ, dim sum… Something new has been anything braised and Taiwanese. We’ve got a little restaurant nearby called Looking For Chai and their braised pork and braised beef is so good – tender and so full of flavor. Just a nice slab of it on a bed of rice and that’s all you need – well, that and a little milk tea. Let’s check out this spicy braised noodle!
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: MAMA Pho Bo Rice Noodles With Artificial Beef Flavour
It’s been a while since I’ve done any re-reviews and there will be a couple in this Meet The Manufacturer. This is from a long time ago – last time I had this bowl was in review #304 which I posted February 20th, 2011. Yep – very old review and should be interesting to see how I like it now as opposed to back then. I know it’ll look nicer than back then – I used to drop two fried eggs in with EVERYTHING and a lot of the time it looked like a hideous trainwreck. Let’s revisit this one!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2172: MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Phnom Penh Style
It’s kind of neat – this is the first Meet The Manufacturer I’ve done with only rice noodle varieties! Today, it’s Phnom Penh style. Phnom Penh is the biggest city in Cambodia and this variety purports to take the flavors of the place and bring them to the rice noodle. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With President Rice Products
Interview With President Rice Products * Product Samples From President Rice Products * MAMA Instant Flat Noodles Tom Yum Flavour * MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Phnom Penh Style * MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Stew Beef Flavour * MAMA Cup Rice Noodles Tom Saab Flavour * MAMA Instant Flat Noodles Clear Soup * MAMA Instant Rice Vermicelli Yentafo Tom Yam Mohfai * MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Vegetable Flavour * MAMA Pho Bo Rice Noodles With Artificial Beef Flavour * MAMA Instant Tom Yam Rice Noodles * MAMA Instant Rice Vermicelli Bihun Goreng Perisa Asli * MAMA Oriental Kitchen Instant Rice Vermicelli In Gravy * MAMA Pho Ga Rice Noodles With Artificial Chicken Flavour * MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Chicken Flavour * MAMA Instant Rice Vermicelli Clear Soup * MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Moo Nam Tok Flavour * President Rice Coriander Instant Rice Noodles
#2168: Tseng Rice Noodle Shallot With Braised Pork Flavor
Here’s another new one from Tseng’s – shallot braised pork. Man, this sounds good – I really have high hopes. As I’ve opined before, Taiwanese braised anything is unbelievably good. Really, it isn’t just my opinion – I would mark it down as fact. If you don’t like Taiwanese braised anything, you just don’t know what tastes good and should have your tongue examined for mold or aliens. Let’s give this one a try and see how it translates to a rice noodle.
Product Samples From Tseng Noodles Of Taiwan
Today started well, then got a little crazy then got better – I started at 5am with reviewing some noodles. Then the power went out around 7am for over two hours! A bit later, the mailman knocked on the door with a big package of Taiwanese noodles! Tseng was in The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 list this year – and they have some new products! Let check them out!
#2140: Wang Rice Noodle Seafood Flavor
A big rice noodle bowl from South Korea graces my desk today. I must say, this is the only one I’ve ever seen mentioning ‘clean room’ on the label. Unsure if this is in reference to where it’s produced or has to do with ‘clean eating.’ Either way, let crack it open and look within.
#2104: Wang Rice Noodle Kimchi Flavor
Got a few varieties of these bowls a month of two ago and thought they sounded interesting. Let’s take a look!
#2007: Nongshim Rice Fettucine Alfredo
Found this one at Uwajimaya the other day. We thought it sounded interesting – a fettucine alfredo made in South Korea? Hey – why not. I thought the idea of it being made with rice noodles was enthralling as well. Let’s have a look!
#1984: Nissin Chinese Tan Tan Vermicelli
Here’s one that the folks from Prima Taste in Hong Kong sent – thanks you! So Tan Tan – what is it? Wikipedia, if you please:
#1913: Thai Smile Mushroom Rice Noodle Soup Bowl
The last of the stuff I found at BigLots! a while back. BigLots! is a kind of clearance/liquidation chain. What I like is that I usually find something or other in there that I’ve never heard of or reviewed before which is nice. Let’s have a look at this rice noodle bowl.
#1787: Pama Kua Teaw Segera
Another I picked up in Butterworth, Penang during my Malaysia trip last year. That Econsave was really great – so many varieties! Trying to run through them before they expire! Not this one’s a little interesting – you might say the logo kind of looks familiar… Well, it’s made in Thailand for the Malaysian market by President Rice Products. They make all of the MAMA branded rice vermicelli – and in Malaysia their products go under the name PAMA. Simple really. Anyways, let’s check this one out!
Re-Review: Quickchow Instant Bihon Guisado Instant Rice Noodles Saute
So my sister got me a neat plate a couple weeks ago at Shipwreck Day. Shipwreck Day is like a big citywide garage sale up in Anacortes, Washington – my hometown. The plate was part of a set and the lady didn’t want to break up the set, but my sister came back a little later and the lady gave in and let her buy one after she mentioned what I would use it for. The lady was originally from the Philippines and was a travel agent. I decided maybe I ought to do a review of something from the Philippines in honor of her relenting, and that’s what today’s review is about. Bihon is like bihun – it’s rice noodles. I reviewed this one originally almost 5 years ago – and really didn’t like it. Wondering if my palate might be a little more interested, I thought it’d be nice to try again, and so here we are – let’s check it out.
#1661: Chencun Senior Food Rice Noodle Fragrant Peppery Beef
Here’s one from low in the hamper that needs reviewing! I’m woindering if perhaps ‘senior’ isn’t the correct word in this one; the title as it is sounds like something for older folks. Perhaps they’re going for something more along the lines of ‘classic?’ I don’t know, but it’s time to review this one – let get to it!
#1660: Sau Tao Ho Fan Wonton Soup Flavored
I’ve reviewed a few of these Hong Kong instant rice noodles in the past, but never looked up the meaning of Ho Fan. I did some research and found this on wikipedia:
#1625: MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Soup Spicy Shrimp Flavour
I often get asked ‘can you make a top ten gluten free list?’ My answer unfortunately is always no. Since I’m not someone who’s a doctor and not having to modify my diet for gluten intake, I would be afraid of telling people ‘oh yeah – eat this!’ and then they get sick, file a lawsuit against me, and I end up so poor I can’t evern afford instant noodles! But there’s a however coming up! I have been thinking I may start an annual top ten rice noodles list. Why? Well, my top tens probably will never include rice noodles or rice vermicelli; instant noodles are more of the wheat flour kind of thing. Rice noodles however do appear to be mostly gluten free as this variety is, so a top ten list of rice varieties might be a great place to start if you’re looking for something that you can have if gluten isn’t on your personal menu. Let’s have a look at these gluten free spicy shrimp noodles by MAMA!
#1436: Chencun Rice Noodle Beef With Brown Sauce
These little cups always are a nice surprise. I usually expect that they’ll be funky and gross but they usually have been very good! This one sounds interesting – I’m curious what ‘brown sauce’ means; like brown gravy? The pic on the front looks like wide rice noodles too. Well, it looks like fun to me – let’s crack this one open and see what’s going on inside.
#1402: Pop Bihun Spesial Rasa Kari Ayam Pedas
Here’s one a friend in Indonesia sent me a while back – thanks! So these are rice noodles – which are called bihun over in Indonesia. Rasa Kari ayam Pedas translates to spicy curry chicken flavor. This looks like a tasty one – let”s see how it comes out.
#1370: Papa Oriental Style Instant ‘Kua-Chap’
Here’s a neat one! These little square pieces of rice curl up like ziti when they are cooked! Usually served with pig offal or duck, but I have neither so I opted for chicken. This is only the second time I’ve sampled these, thanks to the package my friend from Indonesia sent me a while back – thanks! Let’s check it out!
#1339: Kin-Dee Instant Rice Noodle Pad Thai
Here’s a brand I’ve never tried before. Got it up in Canada last year in July. I’m pretty excited – Friday’s my birthday and we’re headed up to Canada on Saturday to do some noodle hunting! I’ve had quite a few Pad Thai ‘make at home’ dishes before – some that were pretty good and some that tasted absolutely nothing like Pad Thai. Curious how this one will pan out – let’s have a look!
#1163: Chewy Rice Vermicelli Spicy Beef With Chilli Flavour
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada in March – thanks, Kit! Hot and spicy sounded like something I could go for today. Let’s see how this spicy rice vermicelli comes out – I must admit I don’t see spicy rice vermicelli variants ofter.
#1112: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Kua-Chap Clear Soup
Another one that was donated by a friend in Indonesia – thank you! So this is something very different – kua chap. It looks like from the package, these are like large tube noodles, although it does not seem that way from the way this package feels. It’s thin and flat – hmmm… Let’s have a look!
#1108: Chencun Noodle Spicy Beef
Earlier today, I did an interview with NTDTV about the Bottom Ten list! Should be a link coming soon! Woo-hoo!!! In the meantime, here’s a Chinese rice noodle variety from Chencun. We got it during my birthday trip up to Canada! Thank you, Kit!
#903: Han’s Korea Rice Noodles With Seafood Flavored Soup
Here’s the last of the Han’s Korea trays that I have found. I think seafood sounds good for today. Let’s check it out!
#894: Han’s Korea Rice Noodle With Kimchi Flavored Soup
Here’s another one we picked up over at KS Mart in Lynnwood, WA the other day on our regular kimchi supply run. How fitting – kimchi noodle! Let’s hit it!
#815: Chencun Stewde Chicken Of Mushroom
See? it really says it right there – stewde chicken of mushroom! I think this has to be one of my favorite misspellings yet! My sister brought me this back from Canada earlier this year. Let’s have a look!
#761: Thai Kitchen Garlic & Vegetable Instant Rice Noodle Soup
#681: Nongshim Hearty Rice Noodle Black Bean & Vegetables
This is one that’s been in the ramen hamper for a while and so it’s time to give it a go. I’m usually a little leery of the noodles with the thick black coating, but I’m throwing caution to the wind; I liked the last Jjajangmen I had so why not!
#644: Sura Knife-Cut Rice Noodle
#637: Snapdragon Pan-Asian Cuisine Chinese Mushroom Rice Noodle Soup
#580 Baijia Original Hot & Sour Flavor Casserole Stewed Rice Noodle
Baijia with rice noodles eh? Sounds different – hope it’s better than all the others I’ve tried!
#375: Vifon Pho Bo An Lien Vietnamese Style Instant Rice Noodle Beef Flavour
So here’s something new but kind of like a lot of other stuff…
Clockwise from top: powdered soup base, veggies and seasoned oil.
#233: Tat Hui Koka Instant Rice Noodles Tom Yum Flavor
So some new stuff. I like Tom Yum flavor noodle soup usually so hpoing this should be nice. I really liked the last Koka bowl noodle I had recently – it had a packet of coconut powder in it – weird!
#177: Vifon Hu Tieu Bo Kho An Lien Beef flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodle
So another day and some more noodles my lady picked for me. This one’s Vietnamese and looks a lot like pho. At least on the package.