Last night, Obama got re-elected as the President, and here in Washington state, same-sex marriage was approved – as was the recreational use of marijuana. Quite an evening! Anyways, was fun watching the political process wind up and come to a close for this cycle. Now, on to the urgent task of noodle reviewing! The last time I reviewed this one was back in February of ’11 and was #287 (link). I forgot how awesome the picture on this one – I love how it says ‘serving suggestion.’ It makes me think that this is one enormous king of the lobsters that wants you to serve it these self-flavored noodles! Roarrr!!! On a side note, if you look at the lower right hand side of the cup, you can see it says “Chitosan Oligosaccaride 2 mg.” What the heck is that?!?! What I got out of this Wikipedia article is that this is something that comes from the exoskeletons of crustaceans. It got me thinking – Chitosan… ChitoSlim? I remember commercials for ChitoSlim, a weight lossupplement. I found it and lo and behold it contains 1000 mg of Chitosan. I figure it’s basically like a super-fiber. Anyways, let’s continue.
Tag: romney
Curry For Lunch
Here’s what I had for lunch (click to enlarge). Some Daddy Kari 365 Curry Flavour Instant Noodles (here’s the original review) that were sent by Jerry W. of Malaysia (thanks again!), sweet onion, thin sliced ribeye, a 2 egg omelet with a slice of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno sauce and a little bit of Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Really tasty stuff! By the way – I started a new facebook page here. It’s in protest of the ridiculously large amount of election signs everywhere that look so nasty. Like the page if you agree!