To start, I want to take a moment to recognize the passing of Nunuk Nuraini. Many of you haven’t heard of her and so I wanted to tell you a little about her. She was the spice mixer for Indomie and died earlier this year. The flavors she shared with the world are legendary I thought it fitting to honor her with a mention before we start this list. If you’d like to read and article about her life, there is one here.
Tag: salam mie
#1603: Salam Mie Mi Goreng Ala Jawa Dengan Sambal Cabe Asli
Got this one during my trip to Malaysia at the Chain Ferry Econsave in Butterworth, Penang. Today is March 5th, 2015 and Momofuku Ando would have been 105 years old today! It’s fascinating to me to think that I wouldn’t be doing any of this if he didn’t invent the instant noodle. Happy Birthday, Mr. Andi! This one however is an Indonesian brand called Salam Mie. The flavor translates to original spicy sambal. Let’s have a look at this variety by Salam Mie!