Okay. This one’s interesting. This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa). It was sent to me by Daniel – one of the guys from www.exoticnoods.com who visited Taiwan recently and brought it back for me – thanks again! Let’s check it out!
Tag: seafood
#3500: Fujiwara Shijimi 70KO Chikara Ramen – Japan
Another one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! So, what have we here? Well, this is a special ramen – clam flavor (shijimi) – specially about sumo (chikara). Clam noodle soup for wrestlers. Sounds interesting – let’s check it out!
#3476: Kang Shi Fu Never Met Noodles Shrimp Flavour – United States
Yet another one of these cups! I think I actually have two more. It’s tough doing a series honestly; but it’s just something I have to do. Let’s see how this shrimp variety does.
#3276: Nongshim Neoguri Seafood & Spicy Ramyun – South Korea
So you might be wondering – you haven’t reviewed this popular South Korean variety before? Well, yes and no. I’ve had it quite a few times – South Korean versions as well as ones manufactured in the United States. However this particular version is made for Europe and Oceania, so a different export version. I try to hit every version of everything- especially ones people have lots of access to. This one is generally a nice spicy seafood soup – let’s check it out.
Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019
This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition!
#3113: Itsuki Ebi Tempura Udon – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3051: Best Wok Mi Goreng Sambal Seafood Instant Noodles – Indonesia
I was sent three different varieties of Mi Goreng from Best Wok a while back and finally we have the third of the three. Spicy seafood sounds real good today – real good. Let’s give it a look!
#3037: Yum Yum Spicy Thai Seafood Flavour – Thailand
Here’s another one sent by the nice folks at Yum Yum – thanks again! It’s been crazy lately – doing the whole YouTube thing is very time consuming and had a couple weeks recently where reviewing has kind of hit the back burner. This week has been different and it’s really nice. I’ve been able to crank out quite a few reviews and get to many varieties I’ve wanted to. Here’s one of them – let’s check it out!
#2995: Uni-President XO Sauce Stir Noodle Bowl
We found this one up at Foodyworld in Richmond, BC. They were on a great sale – 2 for $3CAD! Not bad at all! I have to say I love this packaging’s graphic. The food is all sharp and colorful and contrasts so well with the background. Very old school Chinese! Let’s have a look!
#2986: Yum Yum Instant Dried Noodles Pad Kee Mao Flavour – Thailand
Alright here we have a variety that’s been one of my favorites – and it translates to Drunken Noodles! Here’s a little something about it from Wikipedia –
#2980: Sapporo Ichiban Pokemon Seafood Noodles
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#2970: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Lobster Flavor
Well this is something different. I haven’t had a lobster flavor variety in quite a while – definitely well over a year – at least I think so. Let’s give it a try!
#2961: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Flavor
Yep – another one from our trip to the Real Canadian Superstore! Cup Noodles from the Philippines! Rad! You know, it can be real tough for me to find new stuff from the Philippines and when I do,m I’m very happy. This is a little plastic cup victory, finding this! Let’s check it out.
#2934: Samyang Foods Big Bowl Seafood Flavor
Samyang Foods just came out with three varieties of these large bowls. Seafood, chicken and lobster. They definitely look to be export varieties – the nutrition panels are in English and French, which might mean they’re more tailored for Canada. Anyways, I’m curious about these – let’s have a look!
#2877: Super Cup Instant Noodle Seafood Flavour
Found this one at the Hi-Life store at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei, Taiwan. Notice on the image it says ‘improved taste’. Making this claim always gives me a bit of a laugh. You could also call it ‘different taste,’ right? Was it too watery before so the amount of liquid added recommendation changed? more of one ingredient? Less of another? Well, we shall never know because all it says is ‘improved taste.’ Also – improved for whom? Person on the left likes it, person on the right wishes it were like it used to be. Anyways, there’s no person A or B here – there’s just me and my tongue. Let’s give it a try!
#2875: Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood Ramen Noodle Soup
Well this is very nice to see. This is a popular variety in Japan. Cup Noodle Seafood has been around for some time. Well, Nissin USA has brought it here to the United States in a microwave form with no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Here’s a little tidbit from Wikipedia about Cup Noodle –
#2806: Nissin Cup Noodles Light Seafood Flavour
Here’s a new one from Hong Kong – a light Cup Noodles. I’ve had many of the Light+ varieties from Japan and loved them. Curious if this will be similar? Let’s crack the lid open and have a look inside!
#2755: Vedan Wei Wei ‘A’ Seafood XO Sauce Noodle
I’m sure you can guess – I found this one in Taiwan. Got this at RT-Mart, a huge grocery and department store in November of 2017. So XO sauce – here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
#2750: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum Goong Flavour Potato Chips
You may recall I reviewed some Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum chips a while back – those were from Singapore while these are from Hong Kong. Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia –
#2698: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour (More Crabtastic)
Today it’s a new reformulation Cup Noodles from Singapore. Nissin Singapore looks to have done newly formulated versions of pretty much all their Cup Noodles over there and they sound really good. I mean, more crabtastic chilli crab – can’t shrug that off. For those of you who haven’t tried Chilli Crab – here’s a little from Wikipedia –
#2696: Nongshim Neoguri Spicy Seafood Flavor Noodle Soup
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had a version of Neoguri to review. Actually, wait – not that extremely long – they came out with the Neoguri dry stir noodle one recently. So this is one I got up in Canada a couple of months ago.
#2597: Nongshim Neoguri Stir-Fry Noodles Spicy Seafood
I have long recognized this package – except this one has a twist! These have no broth. Here’s a little from Wikipedia about Neoguri –
#2583: Daikoku Kaisen (Seafood) Shio Noodles
#2526: Samyang Foods Jjamppong Big Bowl
Here’s one Samyang Foods sent a little while back – thanks again! So this is a jjamppong bowl – a spicy seafood concoction from South Korea. Here’s some more info from Wikipedia about it –
Bokkeum Neoguri & Mr. Bibim Samples From Nongshim South Korea
A fellow reviewer from Happy Souper posted about these new Nonshim varieties and gave me the contact info for Nongshim Korea – I lost touch with my contact a while back. These were kindly sent by Danny – thank you very much! Let’s have a look!
#2483: Paldo Bul Jjamppong Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup
I’m pretty sure I found this one at HMart a few months back but to be honest I can’t remember. This one is a fancy variety of jjamppong. Here’s a little something from Wikipedia –
#2471: Nissin Cup Noodles Mini Seafood Flavour
After years of reviewing, I’ve seen them all. Well, not every single instant noodles (definitely not every single Cup Noodle(s)) but quite a few.
#2465: Nissin Cup Noodles XO Sauce Seafood Flavor
Here’s one that Colin from Massachusetts sent – thanks again! So this one looks a lot like the Hong Kong versions, however this is the Chinese version. Here’s a little about XO Sauce and what it is from Wikipedia –
#2460: Daifuku Bowl Katsuo Udon / Katsuo Bowl Udon
I think I found this one at HMart a little while back. Indeed, I must say the nomenclature is pretty interesting; I mean, c’mon – commit to a name already! Alright so this is a katsuo udon variety – let’s ask Wikipedia about katsuo udon –
#2459: Nissin Cup Noodles MUG Shoyu & Seafood
Way, way, way back, I had one of these packs. I bought it at a local Asian grocery and never reviewed it. That was 15 years back and it has been haunting me ever since.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2452: KOKA Signature Laksa Singapura Flavor Instant Noodles
Previously, I reviewed the package version of Laksa Singapura – the Delight version. The Signature and Delight ranges have a couple of key difference in that the Delight is non-fried whereas the Signature are fried.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2448: KOKA Seafood Flavor Instant Noodles
Most people don’t know, but I’ve been to Singapore. It was in 2014 – and it was a very short visit.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2444: KOKA Silk Spicy Marinara Instant Rice Fettuccine
Today it’s a rice noodle variety with an Italian twist: spicy marinara. So, what is marinara? Wikipedia, if you please –
#2442: Nissin Cup Noodles Sopa Nissin Hot Sauce Con Camaron
Here’s one left over from the Meet The Manufacturer I did with Nissin Mexico a little while ago. These are very cool – they have little packets of hot sauce in them! Indeed, I think these should be available in the United States as well. I think they’d do really well! Indeed, who wouldn’t like the Cup Noodles here to come with a little packet of hot sauce? I know I would.
#2432: Fashion Food Yummy Spicy Rice Soup With Seafood
Okay first off, this isn’t a noodle review and I know, I know… But this one looks exactly like the other ones they sell that are noodles. FF (Fashion Foods) has these little bowls with lids everywhere, and usually they’re either a wheat instant noodle or instant vermicelli. I looked at it, didn’t recognize it, and popped it in my basket thinking I’ve just found a rice noodle version of their stuff I hadn’t tried previously. Well, this is a broth with rice. I only realized this until I had done the picture of the side panels.
#2420: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor
Here’s one sent by Colin from Massachusetts – thanks again! You might be thinking ‘man, this guy reviews a LOT of these Hong Kong CUP Noodles!’ Well, yeah I was sent 57 different varieties form Nissin Hong Kong last year so yeah – lots of them! But this one is actually from Nissin China. The packaging is similar, but different. Here’s a snippet from Wikipedia about Nissin’s footprint:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2409: Mama Pat’s Seafood Gumbo Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
One of the first things I learned about Mama Pat’s foods was when I saw a video of Chef Ron making gumbo at a store demo. He used big bags of shrimp, tons of crab and other really great ingredients. He didn’t hold back and definitely went for the gusto. I’m a fan of seafood but haven’t had a lot of seafood from the USA as of late since it’s usually found slathered in white sauces or copious amounts of butter. I definitely got spoiled in Malaysia and Thailand trying all that seafood from there – amazing stuff! Gumbo however is something different. It’s full of seafood and has a nice strong taste – something I really like. I have high hopes for this one; it sounds good, but will it be? Let’s give this seafood gumbo a look!
#2400: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood Flavour
This was sent to me by Ippin, a purveyor of wonderful Japanese items! Thank you again! This is one from Singapore. Tom yum is a very popular flavor in Southeast Asia – here’s a little about tom yum from wikipedia:
#2381: Nissin Demae Iccho Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type)
One of the waning few left from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Indeed, Nissin Hong Kong was more than generous in sending over 50 different varieties! Nothing better than a great big injection of noodle varieties into my noodle hampers. At one point, I had to have them staying in their original box since they wouldn’t fit into the containers I have under my desk. Today, we have a seafood Demae Iccho cup. Looks pretty good from the picture of the front -. Let’s have a look at this one.
#2350: Nissin Cup Noodles Big XO Sauce Seafood Flavour
Here’s another left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. Here’s a little about XO sauce from Wikpedia –