Tag: seasoning

#1139: Meet The Manufacturer: Asian Thai Foods Gaurav Chicken Seasoning

Here’s the first review of the Asian Thai Foods Meet The Manufacturer spotlight! Wow – noodles from Nepal! Let’s have a look at these, called Gaurav. I couldn’t figure out what Gaurav means – if anyone knows, please comment! UPDATE – Thanks for KC Gabby for letting me know that gaurav means pride! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#653: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor

I thought today would be a nice day to have some pork ribs in noodle form! I wonder how it’ll be? I think it’ll pass the test as it’s yet another Dragonfly product. I know it’s wintertime and all but I think that Punksatawnee Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction was incorrect. He saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. On  the bright side, statistics show he’s been correct  – 39% of the time. ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Satay Fried Noodles

This is one of the samples sent by Empire International – thanks again to them and Jim C.! Many years ago, I tried this stuff. This was the first Indomie product I’d ever tried! I used to get tons of this stuff – my folks would bring it back to Anacortes from Seattle , a bit of a journey for noodles! All the packets, the draining, the eggs… This is where it all begand for me. ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Special Quality Instant Noodles Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor

Okay this is a very special ramenrater review here – if asked what is my favorite meal that is of instant noodles, this would be it. I have been making it and variations on it for years now. Behold the fine Indonesian treat, Indomie’s Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang!!! ...see full post