Here’s anothe Nissin Demae Iccho cup found at miniso. Anyways, the last one was good and sesame oil is kind of the standard for this range – the flagship I suppose, Let’s give it a go!
Tag: sesame oil
#4312: Mom’s Dry Noodle Veggie Sesame Oil With Ginger – Taiwan
I’ve had a couple from this range from Mom’s Dry Noodle in the past – they’ve been pretty good. Sesame oil and ginger sounds very tasty, and these are Vegan friendly. Let’s check this one out!
#3935: Yi Lai Shuen Kinmen Thin Noodles – Sesame Oil Flavor – Taiwan
Was neat seeing these – I’d tried a previous variety from this brand a while back. They mailed it to me but no clue how they got my address. Tried them and enjoyed them thoroughly. So here’s a version with really thin noodles. Let’s give ’em a try!
#3900: Doll Ramen Noodles Sesame Flavour – Hong Kong
Another one that I’ve not samples in many, many years – October of 2010. Curious how it’ll be – I generally remember liking all of these Doll brand ones so we shall see.
#3513: Nissin Demae Ramen Original Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Last night, we had to do a Walmart Neighborhood Market run. It’s basically just a grocery store Walmart – kind of nice – wide aisles, lots of stuff… Anyways, I always look in the noodle aisle. There are two areas actually; domestic and ‘ethnic.’ Well, this was in the ethnic category. What is very interesting is that this is made in California. What’s kind of funny is how it says ‘#1 Ramen Noodle Soup In Hong Kong.’ This version is much different. The Hong Kong version includes fishcake with the little delivery guy’s face on it. Also, the bowls are more like the king cups – much taller.
#3477: Sapporo Ichiban Maruhon Sesame Oil Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop box. Zenpop is a subscription box service – check em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3394: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Bowl – United States
This is the third and final variety of the new Top Ramen bowls – Soy Sauce. Originally called oriental flavor, Nissin decided to change it over to soy sauce flavor. It’s kind of interesting; I’ve been to Asia a handful of times and seen the term oriental all over the place, however here in the states I’ve heard of some discontent with the term, possibly the impetus for this change. Anyways, let’s give this one a try!
#3252: Shin Horng Lukang Thin Noodles Ginger & Sesame Oil Flavor – Taiwan
I often end up at 99 Ranch Market to pick up mung bean sprouts, other produce, and other things once every week or so. It’s a chain of Asian markets that started on the west coast but after looking at their site, they’ve popped up all over the United States – which is good – they’ve got lots of neat stuff.
#2906: Myojo Shoyu Sesame Chili Oil Yakisoba
Here’s a big tray of yakisoba I found up in Canada at Osaka Market in Yaohan Centre, Richmond, BC. Yeah, that’s a mouthful. Anyways, sometimes they’ll have a special on Japanese varieties that are somewhat new and this is one of them. Here’s a little about yakisoba from Wikipedia for you –
#2903: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Potato Chips
Here’s the last of the potato chip varieties I’ve got for review. The hamper is dry of potato chips! Still makes me laugh a little – I would have never thought that instant noodle flavors would crossover to potato chips. Let’s check these out!
#2872: Chongqing Suanlabao Food Co., Ltd. Hot Pot Mala Seasoning & Sesame Oil Package
Hey it’s a self heating hot pot! I got this one at China World on St. Patrick’s Day this year. The weekend before, we drove up to Canada and checked out China World in Richmond, BC. It was amazing – awesome! Got two baskets of noodles. Went tot he front and boom – cash and Canadian debit only. That sucked. So we came back the next weekend! I found about eight different varieties of these hot pots and so here’s the first. I’ve reviewed two others in the past. Let’s open this thing up and see what makes it tick – yeah – it cooks itself!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition
It’s time for another top ten list and this time it’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition! The first list debuted in 2013 – I can’t believe this is the sixth list! As always – if you are a company who would like me to review your products, please contact me via the contact link – I want to talk to you! These are my favorite instant noodle bowl selections from my over 2800 reviews to date. Let’s get started!
#2766: LeeZen Sesame Oil Angelica & Sinensis Instant Noodles
Found this one up in Canada at a place called FoodyWorld – awesome! Okay so this is an odd variety so let’s hit up Wikipedia for some info on what this is all about:
#2462: TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Noodle With Rice Wine
This is one I was sent by Daniel of Exotic Noods, a subscription service specializing in instant noodles. I should note that this was something special he put in after a recent trip to Taiwan – thanks again! So these are manufactured by Wei Lih for TTL. TTL stands for Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor. Tobacco and liquor – what?! Indeed, this is a boozy noodle. It contains rice wine, something apparently that goes well in noodles and cooking. Ireviewed the bowl version of this a few weeks back.
#2387: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
This one is a left over from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again for sending so many! So lately I’ve noticed quite a few of the Demae Iccho varieties in local stores around where I live. I’ve also found them in the past in Canada including this one. What’s the difference? Well, it all comes down to meat.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2086: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s an interesting one – probably the most recognizable Demae Ramen. When I first tried it, I was around 18 years old and I couldn’t get past the sesame oil smell – didn’t like it back then. It’s funny since I really like sesame oil scent and flavor now… I guess years change the palate! Let’s have a look at this iconic noodle – Hong Kong style!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1843: Forest Noodles Sunbaked Noodle With Sesame Oil Sauce
Today, we bid a fond farewell to another Meet The Manufacturer. Forest Noodles products all have one thing in common – they’re all dried in the sun. They also highlight nature which is pretty great as well. Let’s have a look at the last in this series, their sesame oil sauce variety with sunbaked noodles.
#1121: Sau Tao Oat Noodle Sesame Oil Flavored
Let me say that the past couple of days have been probably a couple of the most crazy, fascinating and rewarding of my run so far as The Ramen Rater. I did am interview with Quartz (part of The Atlantic) and it went viral; Huffington Post picked it up, Grub Street, Digg,… Did an interview with South Korea’s Cultwo Veranda Show and appeared, and have two interviews with radio and television lined up in the next couple of days. A couple of interesting opportunities I can’t talk about yet have popped up and I’m very excited about them and will share as soon as I can. Thursday I went up to Canada and met with some folks at a big Asian grocery called T&T Supermarket. They were really nice people and even sent me home with some great new varieties to review and share! Thank you so much! This is one of them. Oat noodles? This sounds different – see the little circle on the lower right? It says ‘health is important. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1094: Amianda Noodle Thin Noodles – Sesame Oil
Gol Bim Men Recipe – Paldo Bibim Men with Bai-Top Shell
Today, I’m trying a new recipe sent to me by the folks at Paldo! Summer is right around the corner and this cold noodle dish is great to enjoy during the warmer months of the year. It was first introduced on a South Korean TV show on the KBS network called ‘Happy Together’ (click here to see the video). It uses some ingredients I’ve never heard of before, but I’m sure the folks in South Korea are very familiar with them – Cho Gochujang and Bai-Top Shell. Cho Gochujang is a gochujang infused with vinegar. But what’s bai-top you ask? Sea snails! Never had snails from the sea or otherwise before. Thank you to Moses over at Paldo America for sending me everything to make this! Always excited to try something new.
#1008: Ottogi Sesame Flavor Noodle Bowl
Found this one up the road at KS Mart in Lynnwood, Washington. Looks really interesting – an egg block huh? I imagine it will be like a seasoning block or something… Funny; I had a sesame one yesterday too. Well, on with the sesame flavored noodles!
#1007: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one we got in Canada on my birthday! I was surprised to see a Demae Ramen bowl – always nice to see something new on the shelf! This one’s from Hong Kong. Let’s check it out.
#448: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here we have some noodles from Vietnam. I got these during the trip to California in Pleasanton. I’m figuring these won’t be too bad – in my time as a noodle reviewer, I must say that chicken flavor is pretty hard to screw up. So let’s see what we have here!