Tag: sesame

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Mom’s Dry Noodle Pepper & Sesame Sauce

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Mom's Dry Noodle Pepper & Sesame Sauce - The Ramen Rater - Taiwan

So today we kick off Meet The Manufacturer with a unique variety – pepper and sesame sauce. First, this is black pepper, not hot chill. Second, sesame sauce is completely different from sesame oil. Sesame sauce has a more peanut butter kind of texture and flavor whereas sesame oil has that strong sesame scent and saltiness. Let’s dig into this one and get things started! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2086: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s an interesting one – probably the most recognizable Demae Ramen. When I first tried it, I was around 18 years old and I couldn’t get past the sesame oil smell – didn’t like it back then. It’s funny since I really like sesame oil scent and flavor now… I guess years change the palate! Let’s have a look at this iconic noodle – Hong Kong style! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1843: Forest Noodles Sunbaked Noodle With Sesame Oil Sauce

Today, we bid a fond farewell to another Meet The Manufacturer. Forest Noodles products all have one thing in common – they’re all dried in the sun. They also highlight nature which is pretty great as well. Let’s have a look at the last in this series, their sesame oil sauce variety with sunbaked noodles. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1829: Zeng Noodles Hu Sesame Flavor

I think when people here in the United States usually think of something sesame flavor, they think immediately of sesame oil. In Taiwan, sesame is something much different; sesame paste like tahini and peanut combine. The first time we found this out was when my wife got some noodles a few years ago that said sesame flavor and were like this – she’s not a fan of peanut butter, so it didn’t work out so well for her. Very curious about this one though – let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1725: A-Sha Veggie Noodle Black Sesame Noodle

This year, Taiwan made The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 edition for the first time with A-Sha’s Veggie Noodle Tomato variety. This one is part of the same line, which also includes carrot and ‘baby grass’ flavors which I’m also hoping to try soon! Let’s have a look at this interesting variety. ...see full post

#1592: Mom’s Dry Noodle Vegan Chilli With Sesame Sauce

Today’s a very big day for people living in Asia as well as the rest of the world! It’s Chinese New Year! I thought today would be a good day to have this new Mom’s Dry Noodle from Taiwan. I have the honor of taking part in a special Chinese New Year gathering in Seattle this year with a Singaporean group! I’ll be posting about that on Sunday. For those of you unfamiliar with Chinese New Year, here’s a little about it from Wikipedia: ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time Hong Kong 2015 Edition

I thought to myself recently that it would be great to end 2014 and start 2015 with a new top ten list – but from where? A couple places came to mind, and Hong Kong sounded like a good one. I’ve found a lot of excellent instant noodles that have been from Hong Kong. Been hoping to see more arrive here in the United States, but many of the ones on this list I’ve found up in Canada. I would definitely like to reach out to instant noodle companies in Hong Kong to take part in Meet The Manufacturer; there’s not been a Hong Kong participant yet! With that, here’s the top ten instant noodles of Hong Kong – the best and most memorable – from the last 1,553 reviews. Enjoy and Happy New Year, Hong Kong! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1457: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base

Many of you familiar with the sight of this package may say – hey waitta minute – what are you calling this? In fact, this is known by a few names! Here in the United States, it’s called Nissin Demae Ramen. In Japan, the four characters in big print translate to Demae Iccho. In Singapore however, Chinese is often spoken, and they translate to Chu Qian Yi Ding. I’m pretty sure it means something like delivery boy’ or something – the little guy on the package. Anyways, this is pretty easily gotten the world over, however this is the Singaporean made one! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition

It’s only a few days until Momofuku Ando Day, and what better time to introduce the very first Japanese Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list? In 1958, Momofuku Ando initially brought these convenient products to the world. At first seen as an overpriced novelty, they’ve grown in popularity; 100 billion instant noodle products were enjoyed in 2012! Here are my favorites, manufactured in the instant noodle’s birthplace of Japan. ...see full post

#1238: Sapporo Ichiban Sesame Ramen

Wow a noodle review on Thanksgiving? Yeah – although I did it yesterday and scheduled it to auto-post… Rest assured as you read this I’m probably helping make Thanksgiving dinner up at my mom’s. Sesame ramen eh? I bet turkey would go good with it… I’ll do some kind of turkey recipe soon. Let’s check this one out. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1077: Deshome Aloe Noodle Red Onion & Sesame Sauce

Here’s another one of the aloe varieties from Deshome – this time it’s sesame and red onion. Let’s check it out!

Here’s the sticker from the back of the package.

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge). Vegetarian.

The noodle blocks. Purplish is made with purple sweet potato and the other is just aloe.

The sesame sauce packet.

Again, a earthy color and nice aroma.

The red onion packet.

Red onion in an oil base.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a fried egg and some Vidalia onion and ham sauteed in a little soy sauce. The noodles are again really good – nice and wide and perfect texture as well as chew. The flavoring was nice and hearty with a strong sesame and nice red onion notes. This was great – 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 4716873921224. ...see full post