Tag: shallot

#4294: Mom’s Dry Noodle Spicy Goose Oil With Shallot – Taiwan

#4310: Mom's Dry Noodle Spicy Goose Oil With Shallot - Taiwan

It’s probably a surprise to you, but I haven’t done a regular review in about a month. Why? Well, for almost two months I was doing 3 reviews a day, almost every day. So, I got way ahead of myself and decided to take a break. I also ran out of noodles and thought maybe I’d let my noodle supply grow a little bit, which it has. This is a variety that came in the last month. I did an interview for a fancy food publication called Magazine F from South Korea – they did a ramen themed issue. They hired a local photographer to do a photo shoot and I made some of this for it. It’s Friday right now – June 23rd. I’m guessing it’ll be late autumn when it comes out. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

Taiwanese The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

It’s been quite a year of reviewing as far as Taiwan is concerned. I brought back a trove of varieties I’d never had the chance to try before. Really opened my eyes many varieties that people had recommended I try over the years. This is the top ten – the best Taiwanese varieties I’ve tried from the over 2,500+ reviews I’ve posted to date. As always, if I’ve not tried your noodles, please contact me! I’m interested! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

Well folks it’s that time again. This one’s a big deal – the list that people from around the world have been waiting for every year. Since the last list came out, I’ve reviewed over 400 varieties of instant noodles – a new record in one year for me. So many good ones this year! These are my absolute favorites of the over 2,400 reviews of instant noodles I’ve posted to date. There are some big announcements at the end of the video, so make sure to check them out! As always, I invite instant noodle makers to contact me so I can try your noodles! Now without further ado, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2312: Xiao Ban Mian Traditional Shallot & Onion Oil Noodle

Xiao Ban Mian Traditional Shallot & Onion Oil Noodle - Taiwan - The Ramen Rater

During my trip to Taiwan in November of 2016, I had the opportunity to try the three varieties of the new Xiao Ban Mian line. I remember this one in particular; it was really quite good and I only got a bite or two of it – my sister actually scarfed this one down quickly! Now, back in the controlled environment of my noodle lab (sounds more amazing than it is, really), I’m really excited to give this a try. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2168: Tseng Rice Noodle Shallot With Braised Pork Flavor

Here’s another new one from Tseng’s – shallot braised pork. Man, this sounds good – I really have high hopes. As I’ve opined before, Taiwanese braised anything is unbelievably good. Really, it isn’t just my opinion – I would mark it down as fact. If you don’t like Taiwanese braised anything, you just don’t know what tastes good and should have your tongue examined for mold or aliens. Let’s give this one a try and see how it translates to a rice noodle. ...see full post

Product Samples From Tseng Noodles Of Taiwan

Today started well, then got a little crazy then got better – I started at 5am with reviewing some noodles. Then the power went out around 7am for over two hours! A bit later, the mailman knocked on the door with a big package of Taiwanese noodles! Tseng was in The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 list this year – and they have some new products! Let check them out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1932: Love Cook Guanmiao Dried Noodles With Shallot Flavor

To start things off, I thought something sesame sounded good. Today alsol marks the start of regularly using my new camera/copy stand setup. I’m hoping this will allow for much higher quality photos! I suppose we’ll see! Anyways, let’s check out this noodle from Taiwan! ...see full post

#1600: Chering Chang Instant Non-Fried Noodles Shallot Pork Flavour

Today my wife asked me if I had any non-spicy noodles without much broth. It’s pretty rare for her to ask me to make her some noodles; she’s not the biggest fan of them, and really doesn’t like broth – she’s usually game for yakisoba or mi goreng as long as it isn’t spicy. I looked around through my stores of noodles – the ones in my son’s room, the ones under my desk, the ones that arrived the other day that are sitting in boxes in front of the fireplace. So this is the one I thought she might like. These are by a company that ranked high on my top ten Taiwanese instant noodles list that I contacted, asking if they could possibly send some varieties I couldn’t get here – and they did. Let’s see how we like them. ...see full post

#1540: Unif-100 Instant Noodles Artificial Shallot Beef Flavor

I keep looking at this one in my noodle hamper and then curse at myself for not getting shallots… I mean, they’re cheap and taste really good – why didn’t I get shallots? Well, I kept forgetting to. But fear not shallot lovers! I now have shallots. Beef and shallot lovers, your day has arrived. Let’s delve into the insides of this Unif-100 Artificial Shallot Beef flavor pack from Unif of China! ...see full post

#339: Payless Xtra Big Chilimansi Pancit Canton

So I’ve been waiting for a good time to try this stuff and today seemed the right time. My 5 year old stuck his headf in the ramen box and picked it out for me. I have so many and its so hard to pick that I often ask family to pick the one I’m going to have – and usually after they pick once or twice I agree to the one the pick the third time. ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang Jumbo Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Instant Noodles

So I got a message this morning from a gentleman in Denmark who thought that Indomie’s special fried curly noodles were some of the best stuff he’s ever had. I must agree! Coincidentally, I found a pack of this stuff sitting in the cupboard and thought that the barbecue chicken flavor really could use a re-review. So come on and follow me on a journey into the world of tasty noodles! ...see full post

#194: Saigon Ve Wong Kung Fu Instant Rice Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor

So today my nose is bugging me so I thought perhaps something chickenny would be good. Well, this is artificial chicken flavor so we’ll see. Also if you look closely at the photo, the chicken in the bowl on the package looks like its made out of plastic! Truly artificial chicken flavor! Har har! ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Satay AND Rasa Baso Sapi (Meatball Flavor

So after seeing an article or two about Indomie’s problems with ‘noodlegate,’ I thought I’d show my support by eating two packages for breakfast. These are some of the best packages of noodles ever – they’re both reviewed on here already, so this is a re-review. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Big time – good stuff here! ...see full post