Tag: song

The Ramen Rater – Looking For Musicians!

So I’m still looking for some more folks that might be interested in doing a short theme for The Ramen Rater to be used in my upcoming podcast show as well as when I do TV/radio/other podcasts. I can’t afford to pay anything other than my gratitude and I’ll plug you/your band a lot, exposing you to my large audience. Interested? Please contact me at hans@theramenrater.com for more info. ...see full post

#879: Song Hak Rice Topokki Bowl

While at the KS Mart in Lynnwood, Washington, I saw this and had to give it a try. Wasn’t sure what (if any) noodles would be within, although I know one thing: topokki (or ttebokki) are really neat – they’re like enormous noodle chunks. Korean food is awesome stuff. Here’s what Wikipedia says about how it arrived in its current form: ...see full post