Tag: soup

#5127: Myojo Ramen Plant-Based Creamy Tonkotsu – United States

#5127: Myojo Ramen Plant-Based Creamy Tonkotsu - United States

Here’s something new that arrived in a refrigerated pack from Myojo USA – thank you very much! It’s hard. I always want to embellish a bowl of tonkotsu with egg and chashu, fish cake, you know… But although I’m guess they’d all compliment this, I want to keep it on the plant-based side of things. This is a refrigerated section item and should be able to be found at the store in the United States. Anyways, let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#5063: Nissin Sauce Yakisoba With Soup – Japan

#5063: Nissin Sauce Yakisoba With Soup - Japan

Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “We love yakisoba, and while it can be found all over Japan, one of our noodle staff has fond memories of eating this by the ocean at summer festivals. This yakisoba features a traditional yakisoba sauce with tons of flavor and tasty chicken soup to enjoy on the side!” ...see full post

#4628: Nongshim Bowl Noodles Savory Chicken Flavor – United States

#4628: Nongshim Bowl Noodles Savory Chicken Flavor - United States

Our local store sells these for $4 each. I thought this was a little high and then I went to a different store and they were $2 which seemed a bit more reasonable. These are the popular bowls Nongshim has been producing and selling for years – I have seen them be made! It’s a very impressive process, with lots of little interesting things. One is a machine that checks each and every bowl to see if say a screw from the machinery fell into a bowl – they don’t. It’s pretty neat stuff. Most people are really into the whole deal with making noodles, but I find it fascinating. Let’s cook one of these up. ...see full post

#3879: Baixiang Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China

#3879: Baixiang Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor Instant Noodle - China

I first found Baixiang products up in Richmond, BC a number of years ago. Good stuff – always like to try new ones they make. A reader mentioned this one – I’d seen it before, and I’d thought I’d bought the chicken one and the pork one, but instead I’d gotten two pork ones. Well, when asked if I’d tried it I decided to grab the chicken one. Only one pack this time though. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3495: Nhu Vietnamese Pho Instant Rice Noodles Beef Flavor – Vietnam

#3495: Nhu Vietnamese Pho Instant Rice Noodles Beef Flavor - Vietnam

Good morning! I’m getting this post ready at 2am. I actually shot the pictures around 1am. Did 18 miles of walking yesterday and so when my buddy Matt decided to play with his Google Nest device and call me at 11:50pm and wake me up and alerted me to a bad leg cramp about o catch fire I ended up staying up. I’ll sleep tonight… Anyways, yeah – been a while since some pho – fingers crossed. Let’s give it a go! ...see full post

#3342: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle – Hong Kong

#3242: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle - Hong Kong

Alright so this one is made in Singapore, but it’s made for the Hong Kong market. It’s funny how products are made elsewhere for other countries, right? Well, you honestly should be used to it by now – Take the myriad of products in your home. If you have a Big Mouth Billy Bass on the wall, it’s made in China. Singing bass don’t seem like something very popular in China – could be wrong but who knows. Anyways, let’s crack this open and see what we have. ...see full post

#3270: Fitmee Konjac Chicken Soto – Indonesia

#3270: Fitmee Konjac Chicken Soto - Indonesia

The second of the Fitmee varieties sent by Empire International – thanks again! I sampled the first a couple days ago and was very impressed – it was a kind of buldak dry version that was pretty good and only 150 calories! This one has a soto flavor and is – get this – only 60 calories! What’s soto? Here’s some info from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#3214: Lau Liu Tou Beef Flavor Spicy Soup – China

#3214: Lau Liu Tou Beef Flavor Spicy Soup - China

Another one from my trips to Chin World up in Richmond, BC. Remember kids, if you’re coming from the states, bring your Canadian cash because they’re not going to take your cards or exchange your greenbacks for ya! Really interested in how this one’s going to be – last one I tried wasn’t too shabby from this brand so let’s take a look! ...see full post

#3109: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen Soup – Chili Beef Flavor – Taiwan

#3109: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen Soup - Chili Beef Flavor - Taiwan

Today, we’ve got a nice one from Taiwan’s Wu-Mu. This is a newer variety that uses wide gauge noodles for a soup – something I find really interesting and not done nearly enough. Although these noodles are absolutely excellent in a dry noodle (without broth) setting, I think in soup they really excel too. Let’s see how these end up! ...see full post

#2965: Ajinomoto Oyakata Soy Sauce Ramen Soup

#2965: Ajinomoto Oyakata Soy Sauce Ramen Soup

This is one that was sent to me by the Butlers from Illinois – thanks again! They got this and a few other varieties during a trip to Italy. Ajinomoto is the company that is best known for producing MSG. Check out the video at the bottom. This variety hails from Poland actually – kind of a surprise! Let’s crack it open and see what a Polish shoyu is like! ...see full post

#2950: Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)

#2950: Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)

It kind of confuses me on this one – I mean, yeah, it says ‘the original’ and doesn’t really say that there’s been a recipe change. But there has – now there’s no MSG and no artificial flavors., plus a reduction in sodium. These aren’t bad things at all of course, but I’m just kind of left wondering – so shouldn’t it say new and improved instead of ‘the original?’ Anyways, let’s see what’s in this, one of the Vegetarian varieties in the Top Ramen range. ...see full post

#2931: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Creamy Chicken Flavor (New Packaging)

#2931: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Creamy Chicken Flavor (New Packaging)

Yesterday, I needed a new pair of pants. I’m not into ultra fashionable stuff – like paying $100 for jeans, so we went to Walmart. Walmart is an interesting place – you’ll see some interesting people there – especially at the one in Lynnwood, Washington. When we got out of the car, there was the sound of some guy at the other side of the parking lot screaming obscenities at someone or some thing – unsure. But that was entertaining. In the store, we g ot to see a lady with a very small dog barking at everyone and every thing ( apparently, if you have an ’emotional support’ dog you can bring it with you, but this dog needed emotional support and was definitely not providing it for anyone). I did get some new pants, and they were extremely cheap. $16 for pants. It’s been a while since we’ve been to Walmart so I thought a trip down the domestic instant noodle aisle might be in order. Surprisingly, they had a very small amount of them, however they did have this pack. Creamy Chicken has been one of my absolute favorites for a very,  very long time. I am curious to see whether or not they’ve changed the recipe as that seems to be a popular thing to do in the US instant noodle market right now. Let’s crack open this new package design and give it a try! ...see full post

#2910: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

#2910: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Well would you look at that! Top Ramen. An American original. You might be thinking ‘aww that’s Japanese,’ but this stuff is as American as it gets. The flavor is made to appeal to the local market. What bums me out is when I say ‘an American original’ all I can think about is my favorite political show which is no more. My dad used to watch The McLaughlin Group for years and I finally hit an age after he was gone that I checked it out and got hooked on it. I’d torture poor Andy and make him watch it all the time. But Dr. McLaughlin died a couple years ago, and they ended the series long run. I would be curious how it would have been if he would have stayed alive longer – how the show would be these days. Anyways, I’ve gone way off track. So soy sauce is known as Shoyu in Japan. This is a kind of Shoyu ramen. Let’s check i tout! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavored Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavored Soup

Today, we head to the second half of this series with the shrimp pack version. Cups and packs, packs and cups. As you may remember, I was pretty impressed by the cup version. I’ve tasted shrimp flavor instant noodles in a few different ways. Sometimes, it’s kind of like as buttery broth which doesn’t taste like shrimp, but one that shrimp may go well in. – kind of the way that oyster sauce doesn’t taste like oysters. The cup version with this brand has a nice sweetness that you find in shrimp. Let’s see how it translates to the pack version. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Beef Flavored Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Beef Flavored Soup

Beef flavor isn’t usually something I think of when I think about ramen. I generally think of pork, chicken, fish, seaweed, etc. Beef leads me more towards ramyun to be honest. But these are varieties catering to the taste of the United States – and beef is definitely a western kind of flavor as well. Let’s see how a beef noodle goes in this variety. Looks like I did a re-review ion 2017 and the first time I reviewed it was #205 in 2010! Okay – let’s get to it! ...see full post