Here’s another one from Scott at Nissin. Noticed this was another one that was needing review as it’s a little past its date. Let’s check it out!
Tag: soy sauce
#1051: Maruchan Seimen Japanese Instant Ramen Noodles Soy Sauce Taste
This is a fancy one from Japan sent by the kind folks at MBS Planning! Thank you! From what I could translate and infer, this is a special, premium pack of noodles. Let’s check it out.
#984: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Shoyu Flavor
Well, this is the last of the sun Noodle Meet The Manufacturer samples to review. Some really tasty stuff has been tried – I bid them a very fond farewell. We finally arrive here at Shoyu.
#980: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Cold Ramen Soy Sauce Vinaigrette Sauce With Honey Apple Added
Momofuku Ando Day! #964: Nissin Raoh Backfat Rich Soy Sauce Flavor
#958: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Soy Sauce Ramen (Bowl)
Here’s the second of the two Bowls that Sakurai Foods sent. From what I gather from their website, these are their newest products. The bowls are recycles sugar came fibers! Has an interesting feel to it. Let’s check out this second bowl, this time, soy sauce flavor!
#957: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Soy Sauce Flavor
Anotyher one from Sakurai Foods today. I had the regular Soy Sauce Flavor the other day and this one’s for the meat-conscious.
#953: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Soy Sauce Ramen
Here is the first of eight varieties of instant noodles made by Sakurai Foods of Japan. This one looks really good from the picture on the package! Let’s check it out.
#805: Acecook Super Big Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Japanese Style Instant Noodle
So the last one of these I had was super salty. hoping this one isn’t going to be like that; I couldn’t really eat the last one because of it.
#803: Master Kong (康师傅) Premium Taste Roasted Beef Noodle
Here’s another one of the Master Kong variants sent to me by Bo H.! Thanks again! This one is the the first Master Kong large noodle bowl I’ve tried.
#690: Maruchan Yakisoba Savory Soy Sauce Flavor Homestyle Japanese Noodles
Here’s another one from Ramen Place! Thanks! I think this should be a tasty one – let’s see!
#646: Yamamoto Shoyu Flavor Ramen
Today seemed like a good day for as fancy Japanese bowl of noodles.
Here’s what was on the bottom of the bowl…
How I Eat My Ramen
Hello fellow “Rameners” My name is Greg, and I am a Ramenholic. As a new contributor to I thought it would be appropriate to use my first post to share how I prepare Ramen noodles.
#567: Goku-Uma Japanese Style Instant Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor
Well here’s something I haven’t had in a while – Goku-Uma. Sounds like a tasty breakfast so I shall begin.
#521: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Soy Sauce” Authentic Ramen Soup
Here’s another Menraku coming atcha. Been weird the last two days; gotten over 10,000 visits to the blog from people using StumbleUpon and ending up on the ‘Recipes’ page… Pretty cool! Anyways, this looks like an interesting bowl of noodles and should be tasty. Let’s dig in.
#421: Myojo Kakesoba-Desse Soy Sauce Flavor Japanese Style Soup Noodles
So here’s another of these nice Myojo varieties. A little more spendy at $2.49, but really some nice stuff.
#207: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup
‘So I believe that this is the last of the Sapporo Ichiban regular ramens to try. I have a feeling is will be either soy or miso taste.
#184: Myojo Chukazanmai Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base Soy Sauce Flavor
Some more of the Myojo Chukazanmai. It’s still on sale!
A powder and a liquid…
#160: Myojo Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen-Desse Japanese Style Soup Noodles
This was a really cheap bowl noodle from H-Mart. Let’s see how it is…
So the veggies and powder soup base was in the big silver packet. The little packet had sesame oil.
#152: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Garlic and Sesame Oil Flavor
So I was going to 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds to get some 33 cent green onions but also got some of these noodles on sale for 99 cents. Good deal!