Well, there’s such a stigma these days about Russia here in the United States. Politics and world events aside though, there’s a thriving instant noodle industry there which fascinates me. I’d love to get the chance to do a Meet The Manufacturer with this company for example. I know they have tray varieties with real meat in retort pouches. This piques my curiosity in the extreme.
Tag: spice mix
#2897: Big Bon Spice Mix Hot & Spicy
This one came by way of the halalfoodblog.com – thank you! I’ve followed them for a while on Instagram and they’ve done posts about noodles before. They were in Uzbekistan visiting and showed some noodles in a shop – and I commented and they offered to send me some – and here is one of them! Very nice of them. So after a little research I’m finding that these are made in Russia – at least I’m 99% sure. This is the first Russian variety I’ve reviewed! Let’s check it out!