Tag: style

#560: Myojo Soy Sauce Flavor Ippei-Chan Japanese Style Soup Noodles

Had a hell of a day today. Tried my bus card but it didn’t beep (figured the reader was at fault) so hopped the bus. Well, the fare cops had me get off the bus and checked out my card and it was screwed up. The fare cop said don’t worry just hop back on and get a new one at the bus station. Thinking ‘hey that went well ,” a different fare cop pulls me off the bus further down the line! Ugh. Long story short, I eventually got to the bus sttion and got a new card that won’t work for 24-48 hours… But I got to and from work and now I’m home – and hungry. This sounded especially good. ...see full post

#311: Vifon Tasty Asian Style Instant Noodle Mushroom Flavor

Okay so my theory here is that if it says it’s tasty, there’s an extremely good chance it isn’t. I’ve never been a mushroom fan but I’ve been coming around lately. This however looked gross to me and has been sitting at the bottom of my noodle box for a while. Today I decided no longer will I fear these noodles. No longer will I cower under my afghan. Bring it noodles – let’s see how ya are. ...see full post

#13: Sapporo Ichiban Chow Mein Japanese Style Noodles

Sapporo Ichiban: Chow Mein
Stars: ***1/2
Notes: Now this stuff is quite different – and quite good as well. It definitely
tastes like a greasy, heavily sauce laden noodle. The broth is dark brown
mainly because of all the soy, but it’s not all that salty. It is quite good
and I highly recommend it. One of the more compelling packets in this one is a little cellophane pouch of ‘green laver.’ It’s seaweed powder and adds a delicately mossy green shade to the concoction if added like pepper evenly to the top. This is a must for the adventurous and keen on the weird factor.
...see full post