It seemed to me like I needed to a new country list, but I wasn’t sure which. I was perusing my big list of reviews and noticed at this point, I’ve reviewed a ton of them from India, and I thought a nice list of my favorites would be good. I really would like to review more, so if you’re reading this and with an Indian manufacturer of instant noodles, I’d love to hear from you – please drop me a line! This is a list of my favorites which is current as of review #3,702. With that, let’s check out the debut of The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition.
Tag: sunfeast
#2587: Sunfeast Yippee! Noodles Magic Masala
Here’s one from a brand I’ve never tried before. I also must say that I really love exclamatory instant noodle names. Yippee! is probably about the happiest name I’ve come across. It seems that the closer to the end of the alphabet they get, the more interesting they are. Not only that, but someone on YouTube recommends I try them and there is one in my hamper, so I think hey – what better time to try? I got these at a local Indian supermarket in Bellevue, Washington. Let’s check ’em out!