Here’s the first of a slew of A-Sha varieties. This one is a collab between Momofuku, a hoidy-toidy restaint chain and A-Sha. While made in Taiwan, this is specifically for the US market. Shall we?
Tag: taiwan
#5078: Wu-Mu Hua Diao Noodle Soup Chinese Cooking Wine Flavor – Taiwan
This one came by way of James from Lakeside, CA – thanks! This is a fancy one – with booze! Yup – there’s alcohol in one of the sachets. Let’s cook it up and see how it goes.
#5076: Mom’s Dry Noodle Laksa Vermicelli With Fishball – Taiwan
Well this sounds right up my alley! A rice vermicelli laksa that actually comes with fishball! I’m all over this let’s give it a try!
Happy 8th Birthday Miriam! Repost: #2330: Ve Wong Little Prince(ss) Brand Snack Noodles Artificial Mexican Pizza Flavor
So I did this review the morning that my daughter Miriam was born eight years ago today. Happy Birthday, Miriam! I’ve been reposting it every year with a little update. So, here it is!
#5039: Surfmama Dan Dan Noodles – Taiwan
Well, that’s it. I’m out. No nodles left here to review. Been on a real tear of reviewing lately which is nice, but now I need to find more… Hmmm… It’s May 30th, 2024 as I write this which is kinda crazy. I’m guessing it’s closer to winter in your timeframe? Elections probably over by now… Crazy. Well, let’s cook it up. I’ll figure out where to get more noodles tomorrow.
#5038: Surfmama Sour & Spicy (Vegan) – Taiwan
These have been really wonderful so far and really glad to be reviewing them! Let’s cook these up!
#5036: Surfmama Shiitake Zhajiang Noodle – Taiwan
I’m generally not a fan of mushrooms, but I’m curious about this one. I do like zhajiang though… I reviewed the Mom’s Dry Noodle pack of this a long time ago, so afterwards I’ll take a look at what I thought back then.
#5035: Kinjabang Spicy Shadow Style Thin Cut Noodles – United States
Well, the last one of these wasn’t very good. Very salty. Noodle was nice though. This one has a different style noodle and claims to be spicy. Hopefully it isn’t just a spicy rendition of their original flavor. We will see.
#5033: Kinjabang Kin Style Medium Cut Noodles – United States
Okay so this stuff is cursed. I started writing the post for this one and now I have to write it all over again. WTH??? Anyways, I found it at QFC Supermarket in Edmonds, Washington. It seems this is related to some group or apparel company? That’s a little weird. Anyways, let’s give it a try.
#5032: Surfmama Sichuan Spicy – Taiwan
Check this out! New Surfmama packages arrived at my door the other day (late May 2024) and now I’m reviewing them. Let’s check out the spicy mala!
#5003: Ve Wong Artificial Spicy Beef Noodles Soup With Mustard – Taiwan
Found this one over at 99 Ranch Market recently. It was pretty cheap, so got a multipack. I’m pretty stingy when it comes to multipacks as generally I only need a single package, but most places have more varieties in multipacks and that’s vexing; I just want one but their single pack offerings and very limited. Sigh. Anyways, let’s give this one a go.
#4965: New Touch Nagoya Taiwan Mazesoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Back to the shinkansen to head to Nagoya! This Nagoya soup-less soba dish combines the kick of its slightly creamy and deliciously spicy sauce with the taste of yummy green onion and garlic. There’s also a hint of added umami with a light fish powder.”
#4955: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Beef Flavor – Taiwan
About 13 years ago, I did a review of this one. Over 4000 packs, cups, and bowls – and trays ago! Wow. I used to use a lot of different garnish than I do now that’s for sure. Well, let’s cook it up.
#4943: Chun Noodles Rich Sesame Flavor – Taiwan
Found this one at S*Mart in Bellevue, Washington. Who doesn’t like noodles? Well, these have been interesting to research and so far no great luck. I think we expected this to be onion oil flavor, but I’m getting flax and sesame (sesame seems more likely) upon searching and translation. Let’s give it a go!
#4934: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Brand Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Beef Flavor – Taiwan
This one’s kind of surprising to me as it looks like I’ve never reviewed it but that really surprises me. I really had thought I had. Got this one at S*Mart – but you can find it at pretty much any Asian grocery. Let’s give it a try.
#4904: Uni-President One More Cup Seafood Flavor – Taiwan
Was able to get out to a local Asian market hoping to find some cool Lunar New Year stuff. Didn’t find that, but found a couple varieties I was into using to try out the Ramen Bae products. So, here’s one of them. I tried this way back – it was a kimchi version – back in review #564. That’s around ten years. Let’s give this one a try.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2024 Edition
This is a list I come out with every year – what’s different this year is now there’s a new rule: only one product per company. Seems fair to me – and also a way for more things to be seen. I don’t think it’s a bad idea and honestly, I think insofar as this list goes, it won’t be very hard to pull off. Anyways, here we go with The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2024 Edition!
Surfmama Shreds Onto The Scene With Taiwanese Dry Noodle
Mom’s Dry Noodle has been putting out some amazing products over the years; excellent stuff that has been on the Taiwanese as well as Global Top Ten Lists. They’ve got something new – Surfmama. Check out the video to see what’s they got cookin’!
#4862: Kiki Noodles Mixed With Crispy Garlic & Seafood Sauce – Taiwan
Here’s one that came by was of James from Lakeside, California – thank you! I haven’t reviewed anything by Kiki in quite a while – really great stuff from these folks as I remember and looking forward to this! Let’s give it a try!
#4857: Ve Wong Artificial Peppered Beef – Taiwan
Well, I thought it was quite a while since I reviewed this but it was only a couple years. What I’d really like is to be able to get more varieties from this and other instant noodle companies in Taiwan – I get a lot of dry noodle varieties, yet not many instants… Well, let’s kick this into high gear.
#4784: Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien – Instant Noodle With Jah Jan Flavour – Taiwan
Sure looks like a basic packaging design, doesn’t it? My friends, what lies within this package is history. This is the pack version of a beloved classic in Taiwan. This isn’t a noodle soup, a soup, or a dry noodle. This is a noodle AND a soup! Read the direction below and you’ll understand.
#4756: Ramen Talk Taiwan Style Braised Beef Noodle Soup – China
Oh no – the last one… I really liked these – I sincerely hope the make even more varieties. Some of the best stuff I’ve had from China. Well, let’s give braised beef a try!
#4754: Mom’s Dry Noodle Oyster Flavor Vermicelli With Scallop – Taiwan
Here’s something not seen before – a bowl from the folks at Mom’s Dry Noodle! Not only that, it’s got a pop-top – you’ll see that below. Let’s give this soup with scallop a try!
#4750: NoodleMix Konjac Instant Cup – Taiwan
Here’s the last of the varieties sent by NoodleMix – and it’s been a really interesting range I’ve enjoyed. This one was a little difficult to figure out how to cook (well, since Idon’t read Chinese text) but they were quick to assist. Let’s give it a go!
#4731: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Garlic Pesto Noodle – United States
This is great – I saw this at S*Mart and couldn’t resist. I generally resist purchasing multipacks as I usually just need one, maybe two package to do a review. I was thinking though perhaps my daughter might like this one so there will be extras. Definitely made in Taiwan, packaged for US sale. One thing too – you might think this is pronounced Vey-dan – it is not. The ve is pronounced ‘way’. So now you know – let’s cook!
#4721: Mom’s Dry Noodle / Surfmama Mapo Century Egg With Meat Sauce – Taiwan
Fancy new packaging going on here. Mapo century egg with meat paste sounds really quite exquisite – this sounds great – I’m on it!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition
If there’s one thing that’s a certainty, companies from Taiwan tend to send me product samples more often than from any other country. They’re constantly innovating and refining, coming out with neat new things. Taiwan is a great place I’ve had the luck to visit twice. On one visit, I went to a large store and they had two aisles of just instant noodles that I really wish I would have taken pictures of. Now, what you’ll see on this list is mainly Taiwanese dry noodle. An ‘instant’ noodle is one that you can simply cover in boiling water for a short time and they spring to life. These require cooking. I hope to hear from Taiwanese instant noodle companies in the coming year; this is an invitation to you! It would be really nice to release a list of instant noodles alongside a list of dry noodles. This list is comprised of reviews of Taiwanese noodles up to #4650. Please check at the bottom for some special messages as well. With that, I hope you enjoy The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition!
#4654: Trader Joe’s Squiggly Knife Cut Noodles With Soy And Sesame Sauce – United states
Everyone I know seems to enjoy stepping foot into Trader Joe’s. Personally, I’m loathe to enter it. The silly bells, the caffeinated out overly engaging checkout people, the haphazard design of the aisles, the customers hanging out in groups here and there, oblivious to others and impeding travel through the place… Yeah, I don’t like going in there usually. However, I went in there recently with my wife and it was somewhat enjoyable as I found some noodles there. Now, Trader Joe’s makes nothing – nothing at all. They get companies to do private label products for them. This is one of those – made in Taiwan. These are Taiwanese dry noodle, a time-honored cuisine. Well, let’s just call ’em squiggly fun time noodles! Egad. Well, whoever manufactured them, I hope they’re getting paid good. Hopefully these are good, too. Let’s find out.
#4826: Little Couples Thai Tom Yum Dry Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s something interesting from a company that usually brings things that are interesting! A tom yum variety from Taiwan. I’m game – let’s check it out!
Little Couples Sends Exotic Tom Yum From Taiwan
I’ve gotten some really unique flavors from Little Couples over the years and this one is no exception! Let’s have a look and a sneak peek at what I created with them!
#4635: Mom’s Dry Noodle / Surfmama Goose Oil Zhajiang Noodle – Taiwan
The last one of these I tried was really nice – and this should be no different with Mom’s Dry Noodle’s track record to date. But you never know, so let’s check it out.
#4632: A-Sha Meteor Noodles With Hot & Sour Sauce – Taiwan
Well this sounds interesting. A-Sha pairing it’s Meteor Noodle, which is like a regular noodle with an extra ‘fin’ on top, and a hot and sour flavor. Let’s give it a try on this rainy day.
#4630: NoodleMix 3 Flavors In 1 Noodle – Guanmiao – Taiwan
This one seems a little different. So, it says 3 flavors in 1 noodle.
NoodleMix 3 Flavors In 1 Noodle – Guanmiao – Taiwan
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, boil noodle for 5~6 minutes, then 30 seconds with lid on. Drain. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
#4623: NoodleMix Vegetarian Noodles – Taiwan
The last one by this brand I tried was spectacular – a wide and chewy dry noodle with a savory sauce. This one brings a thinner noodle. I’m really curious – let’s give it a try!
#4615: NoodleMix Hot & Sour Flavor Konjac Noodle – Taiwan
This time, we have the third of this series – a hot and sour plain konjac noodle. The other two were really quite good – very curious about this one. Let’s find out!
#4612: NoodleMix Kelp Seasonal Vegetable Flavor Pumpkin Konjac Noodle – Taiwan
The last one of these I did contained lion’s mane mushroom – and it’s just amazing stuff I’d never heard of. Today though, it’s kelp and seasonal vegetables. I’m really curious and can’t wait to give this a try – let’s do it!
#4606: A-Sha Meteor Noodles With Braised Beef Sauce – Taiwan
This sounds great and I’m really quite curious. Braised beef noodle is a really wonderful thing in Taiwan. I’ve had the fortune of trying it over there and it’s just spectaular – rich flavor and beef that’s melt in your mouth wonderful. A-Sha also makes a boxed premium noodle with beef that’s been on the global top ten for a couple of years now. Let’s see what this new braised beef noodle tastes like – it can be prepared two different ways, too!
A-Sha Sends Meteor Noodle Trifecta!
Back in 2013, I gained the ire of many Taiwanese netizens when varieties from over there didn’t make the top ten, and some made the bottom ten. In a ‘noodle diplomacy’ initiative, I asked companies who thought they had some special stuff to send it. A-Sha was the first to answer the call, introducing me to the Taiwanese dry noodle. Ten years later, here we are with their Meteor Noodle – a threesome of flavors with a unique noodle.
#4600: Kung Fu Noodles Premium Braised Beef Noodle Soup – Taiwan
While I tried this in May of 2022, I heard through the grapevine that there may be some changes to this one so I thought hey – I like beef noodle – can’t hurt to give it another try. Nothing better than Taiwanese beef noodle, that’s for sure. Let’s check out this premium boxed variety.
#4586: Kung Fu Noodles Premium Goose Oil With Crispy Shallot Flakes – Taiwan
Here’s another one of Kung Fu Noodles’ tasty varieties – and it’s got the goose oil! It’s rich and tasty – let’s give it another go – now with a new sticker!