Tag: taiwan

#1600: Chering Chang Instant Non-Fried Noodles Shallot Pork Flavour

Today my wife asked me if I had any non-spicy noodles without much broth. It’s pretty rare for her to ask me to make her some noodles; she’s not the biggest fan of them, and really doesn’t like broth – she’s usually game for yakisoba or mi goreng as long as it isn’t spicy. I looked around through my stores of noodles – the ones in my son’s room, the ones under my desk, the ones that arrived the other day that are sitting in boxes in front of the fireplace. So this is the one I thought she might like. These are by a company that ranked high on my top ten Taiwanese instant noodles list that I contacted, asking if they could possibly send some varieties I couldn’t get here – and they did. Let’s see how we like them. ...see full post

#1592: Mom’s Dry Noodle Vegan Chilli With Sesame Sauce

Today’s a very big day for people living in Asia as well as the rest of the world! It’s Chinese New Year! I thought today would be a good day to have this new Mom’s Dry Noodle from Taiwan. I have the honor of taking part in a special Chinese New Year gathering in Seattle this year with a Singaporean group! I’ll be posting about that on Sunday. For those of you unfamiliar with Chinese New Year, here’s a little about it from Wikipedia: ...see full post

#1574: Chering Chang Steam Vegetarian Flavor Noodles

In last year’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition, Chering Chang was second place with their Curry La-Men – excellent stuff! What is interesting is that that was the only variety they make that I’d tried. I’m very curious how this one fares – vegetarian. Vegetarian instant noodles can be all sorts of different things; bland, bitter, full of vegetables, focused on mushroom; it’s such a broad flavor that can be interpreted masterfully or poorly. I have high hopes that this will be another excellent offering from Chering Chang. Without further adieu, let’s have a look inside. ...see full post

Friday Video: Takeru Kobayashi Chugs Down A-Sha Noodles!

Takeru Kobayashi is one of the most famous competitive eaters in the world. For those who’ve never heard of competitive eating, yes – there’s such a thing! In this episode of a popular Taiwanese TV show, watch him scarf down what looks to be ten bowls of A-Sha noodles! Very impressive! He’s doing some special stuff with A-Sha Dry Noodle right now, and I will have more on that soon! For now, enjoy and Happy Friday! ...see full post

#1547: Vedan Volcano Spicy Pork Noodle

Here’s an interesting one which I got some great help in translating from Bobby Y. – thank you as always! I kind of ran into a hitch when I was trying to translate this: 台湾泡面 味丹双响炮 碗装方便面 火山岩烧豚骨汤面110G 6个包邮 and then got this from Google: Taiwan Vedan Pom instant noodles bowl of instant noodles volcanic burning dolphin soup surface 110G 6 个 shipping. Volcanic burning dolphin soup does sound interesting though! Another thing he was able to verify was that there’s a little sachet that is to be enjoyed as a snack while you wait for the noodles to steep and aren’t actually an ingredient – we’ll go more into that in the directions. Anyways, let’s check this one from Taiwan out! ...see full post

#1511: Long Jun Hang Tainan Yi Mien With Sesame Oil Sauce

We tried this new grocery store (new to me at least) in Bellevue called Asian Food Center. Thought we’d give it a peek and found they had quite a few neat things. This is one of the noodles I found. I want to send a really big thank you to Bobby Y. up in Canada for help translating this one – mystery solved, thank to you!  Now here’s a note on contention between me and the entire country of Taiwan. If you look in the lower right corner, you’ll see a little warning. It reads: This product is not the instant noodles. Please boil the noodles before eating. They can’t be steeped; okay, we got that. What is kind of ridiculous is the fact that they only take 3 minutes to cook. That’s the same amount of time as noodles that can be steeped. Logically, the amount of time needed to cooking something should be relevant to whether it is deemed instant as well, don’t you think? I would call these instant noodles – that require a different cooking method than other instant noodles. But I digress – I don’t think Taiwan is going to get on board with this, and that’s alright with me. I’m thinking next year I might to a split Taiwanese Top Ten list – half the ones that can be steeped and half the ones that can’t, basically a pair of Top Five lists. It seems to really matter to them, and far be it for me to poo-poo any country with such a fervent passion for noodles. Let’s proceed! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition

Welcome to the 2nd annual The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time – the 2014 edition. In the last year, I’ve tried a slew of new varieties from Taiwan that were just amazing. Really discovered some great new products that I think everyone should try! What’s special this time is that I’m actually going to be in Taiwan during a layover on my trip to Malaysia! Figured I’d put this out a week early as it’ll be quite hard to post when I’m overseas. This is a list comprised of the best of the best of the 127 different varieties of instant noodles that I’ve tried that were made in Taiwan. As a side note – I’m also going to be traveling through Singapore and then my destination of Malaysia – there will be top ten lists for those two countries coming as well as soon as I’ve reviewed enough varieties to have a wide sampling. I’ve done just over 40 from each so far. With that, let’s have a look at the best noodles I’ve tried from Taiwan! ...see full post

#1488: Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Flavor

After trying the other Mom’s Dry Noodle variety a few days ago, I decided I really wanted to give their Sichuan Spicy one a try too. As I researched videos to add to their Onion Oil & Shrimp variety, I kept seeing this one mentioned. I also have been curious because they also sent a couple little jars of the paste – the spicy paste! Thought maybe I’d saute my garnish in it today. Well, let’s get this one started! ...see full post

#1486: Mom’s Dry Noodle Onion Oil & Shrimp Flavor

I was contacted by a fellow named Kyle from Taiwan a few weeks ago and asked if I’d like to sample his company’s noodles. Mom’s Dry Noodle? Sure, why not!  It’s pretty exciting – out trip to Malaysia in coming very soon – like in ten days we’re leaving! There’s a layover in Taipei and I’m really excited to be able to actually be in Taiwan, albeit in the transit area and only for two hours, but it’s going to be amazing! These are what they call ‘dry noodles’ over in Taiwan; they’re served without a broth. I’ve been very curious about what these would be like, and I thought I’d also test out a new kitchen gadget I got  with the garnish. ...see full post

#1462: Wei Lih Steam Instant Noodle Korean Salt & Rib Soup Flavor


Today I opened up my big hamper of noodles and this one popped into view. To be honest, I don’t know exactly when I got this one – Canada trip I think. Definitely has an interesting name – Korean Salt & Rib Soup. The closest thing I can think of that they might be referring to would be galbitang, which is a South Korean soup with short ribs and made with ox bone broth. Sounds interesting – let’s see what we have here. ...see full post

#1440: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With Beef Flavor Sauce

I’ve reviewed quite a few instant by this brand. They’re made in Taiwan and they come with four of everything; four noodle blocks, four of each sachet. The Interesting twist with this one is that it doesn’t use broth; it’s a stir noodle! I don’t think I’ve found one of those yet. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Friday Video: Cup Noodles + Pudding; Ramen Pudding

Fridays are usually a slow day on the site so I thought I’d start putting up a video from YouTube on Fridays (unless of course it’s Meet The Manufacturer time!). Recently, a story came out on RocketNews24 about putting a little pudding cup in with Cup Noodles. As it turns out, this is a big new craze in Taiwan. It’s kind of like cigarettes; why would someone who had never done it before roll up leaves, set them on fire and stick them in their mouth?! Why would someone dump pudding or what is also known as cup flan in their noodles? Bizarre! These guys give it a try. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2014 Edition

Bowls of noodles. They’re made all around the world and are a great option for those with access to boiling water and are ‘on the go.’ Some are basic and have very little imagination to them or perks, while others are really full meals that include meat and vegetables, seafood and other niceties. I’ve review 1,410 different noodle varieties and of those, many have been bowls. Here’s a list of the best, most memorable bowls I’ve come across is my adventure in tasting. ...see full post

#1397: Wu-Mu Steam Seafood Flavor Ramen

Here’s something from Taiwan. These noodles aren’t fried – they’re steamed. This lowers the fat content by quite a bit, although they will break your teeth if you try eating them like snack noodles! Most of Wu-Mu’s products are this way and they’re usually pretty good. This is a four pack – you get four of everything! Let”s have a look inside. ...see full post

#1369: A-Sha Hello Kitty Za Jiang (Soy Bean Sauce)

Last year, Taiwanese were unhappy that they didn’t make it on The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition, and this year they’re pretty annoyed that they didn’t this year as well. I thought today I ought to review something from Taiwan to at least make them a little happy. I was lucky in that A-Sha was kind enough to get me a neat box set of these and a spicy variety a while back. Instant noodles are kind of like a fine wine to me; you gotta open em at just the right time, and I think today’s the right time for some Taiwanese Hello Kitty noodles! Let’s check em out! ...see full post

#1328: A-Sha Hello Kitty La Wei (Spicy Flavor)

This one was sent by the folks at A-Sha – thank you very much! I’m always on the lookout for Hello Kitty instant noodles. Why? Well, my wife really likes Hello Kitty. They wanted me to be sure to let people klnow that these cannot be found for sale in the United States – sorry folks – gotta pack your bags and fly to Taiwan! This one’s spicy – which seems a little funny to me. I would think anything Hello Kitty would be very light in flavor and tame for the kids. I think the kids over in Taiwan can handle their spicy stuff! That’s rad! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1317: Ve Wong Little Prince Brand Snack Noodles Original Flavor

In Taiwan, there is a huge market for snack noodles, among them Little Prince. You don’t cook them; they’re seasoned and crunchy and in little snack baggies. Here’s a great example of them – you get a big bag with 20 little bags inside. Noodles oodles! They come in a range of flavors – original, seaweed, kimchi and bacon. Yes, bacon! Here’s a link to my review of the bacon variety. Let’s delve into this snack insanity from Taiwan! Noodles oodles from Little Prince! ...see full post

#1280: Deshome Sun Dried Noodle Chlorella Powder Noodle With Curry Sauce

A new one from Deshome! Not only is it new, but it’s curry! However, it’sd also chlorella. I put one variety on instant noodles on my bottom ten list that was a green tea and chlorella combo. I’m not sure if it was the green tea or the chlorella I dislikes, but I really disliked that one! So I guess we’ll see! As far as chlorella, Wikipedia has this to say: ...see full post

#1274: Wu-Mu Shiitake Flavor Spinach Ramen

I’ve just got to face it; I’ve got noodles coming out of my ears here! There’s a big bag of these Wu-Mu noodles next to my bed that I’ve been almost tripping over as of late. They don’t fit anywhere else and each one is a 4 pack! I thought today my son and I would try a couple varieties. I figured I’d give this one a shot. I’m definitely not a huge fan of mushrooms, but the spinach noodles sounded nice. Let’s have a look! ...see full post