Hai Ya! Yet another bowl of Ve Wong’s Kung-Fu line or instant oriental noodle soups! Today it’s artificial beef flavor. Dig it!
Tag: taiwan
#456: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Szechuan Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here’s something from Ve Wong. I’ve been enjoying these bowls so far – pork sounds good! I did review some Baijia pickled radish and duck flavor earlier, but honestly I couldn’t eat the whole thing it was so nasty – I only ate perhaps a 1/4 of it… So yeah here’s this one.
#449: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo
This package was part of a five pack found at a 99 Ranch near Anaheim, CA. I’ve never seen such a basic variety from Wu-Mu before and it really piqued my curiosity. Wu-Mu prides itself on being a more premium brand and doesn’t fry their noodles but steams them. The result is less fat this whole pack has only 4g fat, compared to something like 14-22 grams in a fried instant noodle. Let’s see how this stuff is for breakfast with a couple of eggs.
#445: iNoodle Taiwan Style Chow Mein
So anyone who’s seen the top ten list of my all time favorite noodles knows that Sapporo Ichiban’s Chow Mein is up there. I had a fresh noodle – Souper Brand – that was a chow mein variety and liked it very much. This is a Taiwanese version – curious what the difference will be.
#436: Unif Bowl Instant Noodles – Artificial Beef With Sauerkraut Flavor
Wow look at this one – all purple and yellow… Very different looking than anything I’ve seen yet. And the flavor – beef and sauerkraut? I wonder if it’s going to be any good? Well, let’s have at it!
#431: Unif Tung-I Chinese Onion Flavor Instant Rice Noodles
I’ve reviewed a ton of the Unif noodles, but it’s been quite a while. Here’s a Unif rice noodle – Chinese onion.
#424: Q Ai Men Tsu Noodle With Sesame Sauce (Luxe Enterprises Ltd)
So my lady decided these looked good to her and woul dlike them for lunch today. They’re fresh ones from Taiwan – I’ll snag a bite and give em my opinion here.
#418: iNoodle Udon Noodle Soup Oriental Style Flavor
So here’s something new from the fresh noodle section. Never heard of this brand before and looks interesting.
#415: Ve Wong Dah Wei Vang Instant Noodles Artificial Classic Beef Flavor
So this is a big wide bowl of noodles. Don’t think I’ve had any Ve Wong like this before – hope its something good!
#385: Ve Wong Hot Of Hots Artificial Black Peppered Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup (Bowl)
So here’s another one of the ‘Hot of Hots’ I found recently. I really have no idea of what to expect with this one…
#378: Ve Wong Hot Of Hots Artificial Satay Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup (Bowl)
The ‘Hot Of Hots’ eh? Sounds interesting! I hope its good as I really like satay…
#293: Tiger Brand Food Onion Flaver/Flavor Bowl Rice Noodles
So spell-check wasn’t working the day you made the lid for this stuff was it folks? No matter – I will be forgiving on that note as I review a bowl of noodles that claims to have onion flavor – and I really like onions so this should be awesome!
Re-Review: Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Instant Noodles With Fried Soybeans Paste
So I’ve gotten a couple comments about doing this stuff wrong and sure enough, I made it wrong. So I shall try this again!
#270: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With BBQ Pork Flavor Sauce
So today’s a downtime today. My lady Kit’s not feeling well and we decided a couple days ago that we would chill and watch Star Trek movies and eat noodles together. That being said, I needed to find some kind of new noodle thing that she night like. Well, BBQ Pork flavor sounded pretty good to me and I thought she’d dig it too.
#250: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Sesame Oil Flavor
Another milestone – 250 reviews! Was waiting a while for this one – 99 Ranch would get other varieties but leave this little shelf bare – and after about 8 months, here it is. So let’s give it a try!
#191: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Chinese Herbs Flavor
I’ve had the garlic and sesame flavor noodles by Sing Lin before – they were really great so we’ll have to see how these stack up…
#173: Unif Tung-I Instant Bean Vermicelli Shrimp Flavor (Bean Thread)
Bean thread huh? Hmm – not always my favorite. It tends to be gloppy, mucky stuff that kind of congeals together.
#164: Unif Tung-I Artificial Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles
I must admit I laugh a little when I see this brand – I like the bit of Norwegian on the front. Biff!!! Smak!!! Sounds like the old Batman TV show! Well, Let me whip out my Bat ramen pot and cook this stuff up.
#135: Unif Tung-I Fresh Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodles
So after a long walk I was really quite hungry and decided to go with something simple and figured this would taste nice. Fresh shrimp sounds nice. I also really love how this brand has the text in another language – looks like dutch perhaps? Frisk Rekesmak!!!
#131: Unif-100 Artificial Shallot Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles
So Kit tried the Pork flavor of this line a while back. I thought chicken with shallots sounded quite nice so here we go. I must admit it feels like there’s a lot of pouches in this one!
#119: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Pork & Chicken Flavor (Mi Ga Suon Heo Khau Vi)
Chicken and pork. I have heard jokes about picken and chork made but never really thought of the two being brought together. I guess We’ll see if this combo works or not.
Lishan Food Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Chinese Instant Noodle
I got this stuff literally a few years ago and it’s been sitting about 90 miles away in a dark cupboard since. It’s a strange one.
#103: Ve Wong Oriental Style Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavor Soup Base
So some more Ve Wong – I think this is the 95th unique variety of instant noodles I’ve tried! Here we go!
#101: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor
So if I’ve counted right, this is ramenrater review number 93. 93 different kinds – holy crap… Once I get to 100 I’ll put on a pink tutu and wet my pants or something I don’t know… Anyways, here’s some Ve Wong Sesame Chicken flavor.
#100: Unif / Tung-I Artificial Chinese Beef Flavor Instant Rice Noodles
Been awhile since I’ve had rice noodles – let alone artificial Chinese beef flavored broth!
#99: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Onion Flavor Instant Oriental Noodles Soup
So today we have some artificial onion flavor noodles. New flavor eh? That’s pretty awesome! This packet is rather fascinating though…
#98: Unif / Tung-I Chah Chiang Flavor Ramen Noodles
Okay so thought I’d try something with an odd name today. Yes, I thought of the money ch-ching sound too when I read the flavor… It’s a Taiwanese flavor from what I found on Google – spicy and oniony.
#95: Wei Lih Instant Noodles With Artificial Beef Flavored Soup Stock
So here’s the second Wei Lih product to enter my stomach through my facehole. Artificial beef flavored stock huh? Is that what you get when you boil an artificial Steer with flowers on its head?
#89: Unif – 100 Artifical Stewed Pork Chop Flavor Instant Noodles
This is Christine’s first official ramenrater appearance! Look for more reviews by her soon!
#86: Unif / Tung-I Onion Flavor Ramen Noodles
So was thinking what ramen to pick today and then saw this. On special for 33 cents I couldn’t pass it up. I also got a 33 cent bunch of green onions for the dinner I’m making tonight so a pretty cheap trip to the ole 99 Ranch. So Onion flavor – should be interesting…
#81: Unif / Tung-I Spicy Beef Flavor Noodles
So it was ‘Summer Exotica Days’ at 99 Ranch and had me, Kitten and Andy all together trying new stuff. Andy tried some furikake on rice, bean thread noodles, plum and green tea drink ad shrimp wontons. Kitten picked my ramen today – the picture of the cartoon cow did it for her.
#80: Unif / Tung-I Artificial Chicken Ramen Noodles
Hot out this morning! Walked over to 99 Ranch for my daily fix.
I was in the mood for something a little different and picked something new and kind of safe. My stomach’s been a little funky – gut-bomb burritos in enchilada sauce and ice cream last night I wager.
#68: Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Instant Noodle With Fried Soybeans Paste
UPDATE! There is a new review I did of this product HERE. In this review below, I made the package incorrectly!
#58: Ve Wong A One Bun Tom Shrimp Rice Vermicelli
A One: Bun Tom Shrimp
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff was really good – had had a few beers beforehand and decided to
try it as a preventative hangover cure. Didn’t work all that great for it’s intended purpose, however it was good. The package contained a packet of dried green onions, seasoning oil and soup base. The noodles [rice variety] were strangely enough sealed in their own plastic bag. I cooked the noodles and green onions and dropped in a couple eggs and then dropped that mixture [drained of course] into a bowl with the oil and flavor base and stirred. Was a very burly dealio.
#43: Kim Ve Wong Brand Jaopai Series Vegetarian Instant Noodles Mixed Flavor Bowl
Kim Ve Wong Brand Jaopai Series: Vegetarian Instant Noodles Mixed Flavor Bowl Stars: ZERO
Notes: Never thought it possible to give a zero star rating to noodles, but this one gets it for sure. Sometimes, the noodles I try are almost too hot to eat, but I eat them anyways. However, these noodles weren’t at all palatable; they were horrid. A bowl with a retort pouch and a sesame oil packet and base. Very nasty, due to the low quality retort pouch innards. I wouldn’t wish this stuff on my worst enemy. Perhaps tasting the food they make prior to allowing it to leave the factory might be a good tip.
#42: Ve Wong Kung Fu Chicken Flavor
Kung Fu: Chicken Flavor Stars: *
Notes: Well, as far as this stuff goes, I can truthfully say NOTHING SPECIAL GPING ON HERE. I really was hoping I would be able to beat up bad guys and work it like Jackie Chan after eating it, but this was not even remotely the case. Basically a bowl of chicken flavor noodles. Very much like your standard Americanized noodles you’d find in a big supermarket.
#8: Tung-I Chinese Beef Flavor Instant Rice Noodles
Tung-I: Chinese Beef
Stars: ***
Notes: This was quite good – the base tasted like nothing I’ve tried before. Very much
like a Mongolian beef sauce – was really good.
#7: Ve Wong Mushroom Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Ve Wong: Mushroom Pork
Stars: *
Notes: Yuck, This stuff smelled and tasted like mushrooms.
In fact it had bits of dehydrated mushrooms. I don’t
really enjoy mushrooms all that much, especially
the ones that are slimy. The soup wasn’t even edible.