Every year I do my Top Ten, I like to try and have a new picture. Well, it’s been a couple years for Mom’s Dry Noodle, so I asked if they could send some – check it out!
Tag: taiwan
#3782: A-Sha LaoTao Beef and Tendon Noodles – Taiwan
I have to say – I like boxed varieties. They always seem to house more premium stuff, and this is continuing that observation. Beef and tendon, dry noodle, and a huge retort pouch.
#3777: Mom’s Dry Noodle Scallion & Sichuan Pepper – Taiwan
Here’s the last of the recent set of varieties sent by Mom’s Dry Noodle – thanks! Always enjoy trying new stuff from Taiwan. This one is made for a chain called PX Mart. Let’s check it out!
#3772: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Vegetable With Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s what I believe ar th last frozen noodles I have from Taiwan which arrived a little while back. They’ve all been really good and a neat change of pace. PLN Food Co. Ltd. got an Honorary Mention on the Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition! Let’s check this one out.
#3766: Mom’s Dry Noodle Sesame With Chili Oil – Taiwan
Here’s one that’s specifically made for a store chain called PX Mart. Sesame and a peppery oil sounds like a good one – let’s check it out!
#3761: Mom’s Dry Noodle Toona Sauce With Sichuan Pepper – Taiwan
Here’s another one of Mom’s Dry Noodles’ new Vegetarian friendly varieties. But wait – toona? Misspelling? Nope. Here’s a little about toona from Wikipedia –
#3756: A-Sha Hakka Noodle Original Sauce – Taiwan
Here’s one A-Sha sent – thanks! It’s from one of their boxes you can get at Costco. Neat to see noodles where I know the sellers in a place like that. So these are super thick and chewy with a non-spicy sauce. Let’s give them a try!
#3754: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Cold Udon Noodle – Taiwan
Alrighty so here’s another frozen one sent by the folks at PLN Food Co. Ltd. in Taiwan – thank you! This sounds to be akin to a hiyashi udon – I guess we shall see! Let’s cook it up!
#3753: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Crisp Shallot Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s another fresh frozen variety from PLN of Taiwan. So far, these have all yielded perfect scores. Their noodles are just excellent and the flavors are insanely good. This one comes with a crispy shallot topping and a special sauce – looking forward to this one! Let’s give it a try!
#3747: Mom’s Dry Noodle Spicy Oil Dan Dan Noodles – Taiwan
Something new from Taiwan just hit my mailbox recently – this is a dan dan variety from Mom’s Dry Noodle (their dan dan noodles have been on my top ten global list for a few years now). This one’s different though – lots of spicy oil and it’s Vegetarian friendly. Let’s crack it open and see what’s going on in here!
#3743: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Miso Ramen – Taiwan
Here’s another one that arrived on ice from Taiwan. Trying to get a couple out at a time since they’ve invaded our freezer – I’ll add happily to that statement. They’ve been so good up to now and guessing they’ll all be good – at least I hope so.
#3742: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Sesame Paste Noodle – Taiwan
What a week – just so busy lately! My daughter just started preschool and so another part of the day is taken up by Zoom meetings – not a bad thing and really neat to see her start school! Yet it is a difficult transition for me; I’ve had everything so timed and set up for reviewing that change is difficult – but not impossible. Adjusting had been hard but it’s going well.
#3722: TTL Table Wine Carved Chicken Noodle Bowl – Taiwan
Alright so this one’s a little confusing. The bar code on this correlated with review #3035, however there are some distinct differences in the packaging. #3035 doesn’t have side panels and the lid is different. I’m unsure about this one so it’ll get a new review. Let’s give it a try!
#3714: A-Sha Dan Dan Noodle – Taiwan
This one is from A-Sha and it’s going to be available at Costco for a limited period just in time for Chinese New Year! Like is says on the box, there’s aren’t any sachets in here; it’s literally just blocks of noodles in individual packages. I’ve got an idea for something to do with these, and I thought I’d get this review out in a timely fashio. So let’s check ’em out and give ’em a try!
#3704: A-Sha Hakka Noodle – Chili Sauce – Taiwan
This one appeared in the July 2020 Exotic Noods box. Want one? USe coupon code RAMENRATER15 to get one of the current boxes and a great discount!
Re-Review: A-Sha JiuNong Stewed Beef Noodles – Taiwan
Here’s yet another box from Taiwan – they’re getting more popular these days for companies who want to roll out a premium variety. I like boxes; they look fancy and usually mean meats will be at play. Here’s a little about Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup from Wikipedia –
Re-Review: A-Sha Hakka Thick Cut Noodles With Spicy Mala Chili Sauce Pack – Taiwan
Here’s one I was sent by the nice folks over at A-Sha USA – thank you! You’ can find these at Costco! Nice boxes of spicy noodles are always groovy the way I look at it. Here’s a little below about how I came to know the nice folks at A-Sha –
Meet The Manufacturer: #3675: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Pepper Sesame – Taiwan
Today, it’s the last of the varieties by Philosophy Of Tongue Taste and their Noodles Accompanied by Happiness range. Pepper sesame! Let’s give it a try.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3674: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Red Oil Sesame Paste – Taiwan
Okay so here’s another one with really colorful graphics. Silhouetted celebratory humands, against a scenic backdrop with the night sky. This one has ‘red oil’ – which I’m guessing is going to be a spicy one – but I could be wrong. Let’s find out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3673: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Fragrant In Original Taste – Taiwan
Meet The Manufacturer: #3672: Noodles Accompanied By Happiness Sesame Paste – Taiwan
The first of these four varieties in the series depicts excited people on the beach with hot air balloons going over. Sounds like fun! This one has a sesame flavored variety. Sesame paste is kind of like peanut butter with a twist on it. Check it out!
#3644: Wei Lih Men Ma Jiang – Taiwan
This one came by way of a buddy at www.exoticnoods.com – thanks,man! Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a nice discount on one of their subscription boxes.
#3638: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle – Taiwan
I was contacted in July 2020 about a new variety of noodle hailing from Taiwan. I was very interested in trying and gave the company the go ahead. Fast forward to mid September and I’m going to give it a try – they arrived last week. These sound interesting; they’re Vegan friendly and have a minced pork sachet which is made with so protein, mushrooms, white fungus, celery and other vegetables. A chewy noodle and a ‘secret sauce’ with Sichuan pepper is mentioned in the promotional sheet that accompanied these. Let’s give it a try!
Vegetarian Samples From Mom’s Dry Noodle Of Taiwan
Was happy to hear about new varieties coming from Mom’s Dry Noodle of Taiwan! They sent them over for me to try which was nice. Notice the rabbit on the picture above – we’re about to enter the year of the rabbit! Pretty cool – I was born on the year of the rabbit – let’s check these out!
#3618: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Spicy Paste Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s the second variety shipped by PLN Food Co. Ltd. of Taiwan. Really appreciate them going to all the trouble shipping these over – I can’t even imagine how much it costs to ship a 90 pound box express international via FedEx! This one’s got a spicy paste involved and sound really good – let’s check it out!
#3617: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Classic Dry Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s the first of two varieties that PLN Food Co. Ltd. of Taiwan sent over. This is not an instant variety – this is a frozen variety! They went to extreme lengths to send it over for my review and I’m really excited to try them! Let’s have a look.
#3584: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Vegetable Noodles – Taiwan
Here’s one Daniel from Exotic Noods brought me back from Taiwan – thanks! This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa), and has a South Korean parent company, so KORMOSA is a kind of play on the fusion of companies and distribution. Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition
Bowls, cups, , trays, packs, and boxes. Well, I haven’t done a list of boxed or tray-style instant noodles – maybe that will come soon. But I think that separating these is important. The experience that a cup is meant for is different than a cup or bowl. Cups are more for a snack on the go, packs for when you’ve got a stove, and bowls are, well, for lunch. Although in the finished shots of these you’ll see them plated here, generally people will be looking at the bowl they came in, possibly using the plastic fork they came with, and tossing everything once they’re done. These are my favorites, current as of review #3545. Let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition.
#3553: Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli – Taiwan
Here’s another fancy one from Mom’s Dry Noodle! Now, many of you probably haven’t tried anything with blood in it. Let me reassure you that I have and there are some really great foods that do contain it from many places. Malaysian White Curry often contains coagulated duck blood, while in Taiwan I’ve tried pork blood rice cake which was absolutely wonderful stuff. I know it’s popular in a Vietnamese soup as well.
#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles – Taiwan
Okay. This one’s interesting. This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa). It was sent to me by Daniel – one of the guys from www.exoticnoods.com who visited Taiwan recently and brought it back for me – thanks again! Let’s check it out!
#3539: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodles Soup Chinese Herb – Angelica Flavor – Taiwan
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! Sounds interesting – let’s give it a go!
#3523: Little Couples Dry Noodle Sesame Flavor – Taiwan
Little Couples sent me two varieties – an Onion one that was about as good as can be, and this one which I’m curious about. This one won’t be noodles with sesame oil. Instead, in Taiwan sesame is more of a sesame paste with peanut notes and soy sauce which pulls it all together. My wife found this out in the early years of my reviewing one time when we got some sesame noodles and she was very excited, but when she tasted peanut she was really quite unhappy. She is not a fan of peanut butter, and that’s what it reminded her of.
#3519: Ve Wong Dah Wei Wang Instant Noodles Artificial House Beef Flavor – Taiwan
Ah ha! I knew I had more of these bowls! I walk by this every time I go to 99 Ranch Market but I don’t buy more because I swore I already bought all of them. Well, here’s another one. Bowl is a little dented (okay, a lot dented) but it’s fine. Let’s give it a try!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition
Despite all the tumultuous and unnerving events of our current age,, I am happy to announce that I’ve got a new list for our year, 2020. In the past fe hundred reviews I’ve done this past year there have been some real standouts and of course many have remained. These are my absolute favorites of reviews 1 through 3487. It’s hard – I feel like I should be doing a top 20, or even a top 50 at this point, but the sheer amount of time that would take with being a stay at home father of two while trying to get in a few hours of exercise every day just isn’t in the cards. I’m hoping in the coming months to come out with the regular top tens and maybe some new ones, but it’s a tough juggle these days.
#3485: Taihodien Restaurant Spicy Sesame Noodles – Taiwan
Here we are, yet again. It’s hard – I really like the packaging at least. I’ve tried two of these Taihodien varieties and hoping this will be one I like. Thus far, they’ve been just to violently filled with Sichuan pepper. Just mean stuff! Hopefully for them the third time is the charm. Let’s give ’em a go.
#3471: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodles Soup Chinese Herb – Ginseng Flavor – Taiwan
I really love Taiwan. I have been through Taiwan a couple times and visited a couple times. If you’ve never been, go. That’s all I have to say on the matter. It’s a neat place with so many different things going on. Let’s try this one!
#3468: Little Couples Dry Noodle Onion – Taiwan
I did a Meet The Manufacturer with this company a while back and thought I’d see if they had anything new – and they did! So here we go. I was in the mood for some Taiwanese stuff so this works out.
Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli Samples!
Here’s something unique and wonderful from Taiwan – a bean vermicelli with Sichuan pepper heat and duck blood! Check it out!
#3450: Taihodien Green Chilli Paste Noodles – Taiwan
It’s been a while since I had the original Taihodien spicy mala noodles. On those, the noodles themselves were decent but the flavor was just such an onslaught of Sichuan peppercorn. Just too much. This one sounds much different – green Sichuan peppercorn and a lot of other chilli pepper action going on. Hoping to like thing one! Let’s check it out.
#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles – Taiwan
I found another one of these export Mandashi varieties at the local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds the other day. Nice to find stuff at the regular haunts. I still think the man on the front is going to strike me if I don’t prepare his noodles correctly! Although I have worked with the Wu-Mu folks before and did a Meet The Manufacturer and they are really very nice people. Anyways, shrimp and scallion? Sounds good! Let’s see if it is!