Tag: taiwanese

#890: Unif / Tung-I Mushroom Flavor Ramen Noodles

So today I have two mushroom flavored instant noodles I’ll be doing. First off will be this Unif/Tung-I mushroom pack. What’s interesting about this one is that Unif Tung-I is usually from Taiwan, but this one’s from Vietnam. Anyways, let’s try this one and see how it is. ...see full post

#623: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavor

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York! I know… Yep – it’s a swastika, the symbol of the national socialist party of Germany in WWII, the Nazis. Well, Wei-Wei isn’t a Nazi company or has anything to do with oppression. On the complete opposite side, in the far east it represents the whole of creation as well as Buddhism. Wikipedia says: ...see full post

#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor

Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock.  Note the economical 49 cent price tag! ...see full post

#523: Dragonfly Artificial Hot & Sour Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles

Hate to say it but this is the last of the Dragonfly brand bowls I found at H-Mart… Bummer! I guess there’s a pork flavor out there in this line so hopefully I’ll end up scoring that one next time I go to H-Mart. Hot & sour shrimp… Sounds like Tom Yum flavor… I guess we’ll see… ...see full post

#456: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Szechuan Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

Here’s something from Ve Wong. I’ve been enjoying these bowls so far – pork sounds good! I did review some Baijia pickled radish and duck flavor earlier, but honestly I couldn’t eat the whole thing it was so nasty – I only ate perhaps a 1/4 of it… So yeah here’s this one. ...see full post

#449: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo

This package was part of a five pack found at a 99 Ranch near Anaheim, CA. I’ve never seen such a basic variety from Wu-Mu before and it really piqued my curiosity. Wu-Mu prides itself on being a more premium brand and doesn’t fry their noodles but steams them. The result is less fat this whole pack has only 4g fat, compared to something like 14-22 grams in a fried instant noodle. Let’s see how this stuff is for breakfast with a couple of eggs. ...see full post

#270: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With BBQ Pork Flavor Sauce

So today’s a downtime today. My lady Kit’s not feeling well and we decided a couple days ago that we would chill and watch Star Trek movies and eat noodles together. That being said, I needed to find some kind of new noodle thing that she night like. Well, BBQ Pork flavor sounded pretty good to me and I thought she’d dig it too. ...see full post

#43: Kim Ve Wong Brand Jaopai Series Vegetarian Instant Noodles Mixed Flavor Bowl

Kim Ve Wong Brand Jaopai Series: Vegetarian Instant Noodles Mixed Flavor Bowl Stars: ZERO
Notes: Never thought it possible to give a zero star rating to noodles, but this one gets it for sure. Sometimes, the noodles I try are almost too hot to eat, but I eat them anyways. However, these noodles weren’t at all palatable; they were horrid. A bowl with a retort pouch and a sesame oil packet and base. Very nasty, due to the low quality retort pouch innards. I wouldn’t wish this stuff on my worst enemy. Perhaps tasting the food they make prior to allowing it to leave the factory might be a good tip.
...see full post