Tag: taiwanese

#3157: TIEasy Traditional Scallion Sliced Noodle – Taiwan

#3157: TIEasy Traditional Scallion Sliced Noodle - Taiwan

I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new noodle and of course I said yes. Turns out the fellow who wants to distribute it is up in Vancouver, BC. So I emailed him while we were up there and we met up at Foodyworld in Richmond. He gave me this and another variety as well as a pack with different kinds of noodles that contain vegetable – like a purple yam noodle, pumpkin noodle, etc. This was really cool – we chatted for a few and two days later, I’m giving these noodles a try. Let’s check them out! By the way TIEasy is short for Take IT Easy. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition! ...see full post

#3139: A-Sha Guanmiao Noodle Spicy Fennel – Taiwan

#3139: A-Sha Guanmiao Noodle Spicy Fennel - Taiwan

This is the second of two A-Sha varieties I got a little while back. I’ve been cranking out three reviews a day lately and chugging through a lot of new stuff. Now that a lot of the varieties are churned through, I can focus on some things in the hamper. See, my hampers are very full. When I get new stuff, they go into the area next to the kitchen. Instead of tripping over boxes, I try to run through them quickly! So here we have a wide noodle from Taiwan. Let’s get started. ...see full post

#3131: TTL Spicy Pork With Rice Wine – Taiwan

#3131: TTL Spicy Pork With Rice Wine - Taiwan

I recently did a Meet The Manufacturer series where I tried every single one of TTL’s varieties. TTL is Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor. While these packs don’t include a cigar, they do include a sachet of rice wine – and a big retort pouch filled with meat and sauce! Rad! Looking forward to trying this new variety – let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3117: A-Sha Gourmet Sesame Paste Noodle – Taiwan

#3117: A-Sha Gourmet Sesame Paste Noodle - Taiwan-sha

This is the last of the quartet of varieties from A-Sha that they sent to me a little while back. With this, I think I’ve cleared out all the odds and ends of noodle varieties that have been sitting in the kitchen – boo yah! Next will be the boxes next to counter in the kitchen lol – should be able to whittle those down quite a bit this week as well. ...see full post

#3114: A-Sha Gourmet Sichuan Peppercorn Flavor – Taiwan

Here’s the third of the A-Sha Gourmet varieties I’m trying today. There’s one more left. So translation isn’t my strong suit and I often turn to friends and colleagues as to what different varieties are called and translate them. At this exact moment, I’m dumbfounded. Google’s not very helpful; one says hemp. I could be mistaken, but I think hemp isn’t going to be in the name of this one. I’ve had varieties say they’re dolphin bone as well, which most certain isn’t the case! I’ll find out shortly though! ...see full post

#3109: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen Soup – Chili Beef Flavor – Taiwan

#3109: Wu-Mu Jing Xiang Ban Mian Ramen Soup - Chili Beef Flavor - Taiwan

Today, we’ve got a nice one from Taiwan’s Wu-Mu. This is a newer variety that uses wide gauge noodles for a soup – something I find really interesting and not done nearly enough. Although these noodles are absolutely excellent in a dry noodle (without broth) setting, I think in soup they really excel too. Let’s see how these end up! ...see full post

#3104: Yi Lai Shuen Handmade Noodles With Spicy Chili Sauce – Taiwan

#3103: Yi Lai Shuen Handmade Noodles With Spicy Chili Sauce - Taiwan

So here’s somewhat of a mystery to me. I’ve never heard of this company, nor am I familiar with their products. But here they are – and they arrived in the mail yesterday in a box with such a big hole in it all I needed to do to see was was inside was reach in and pull a pack out. That’s pretty unique! Let’s give these a try! ...see full post

Unboxing A $15 Gourmet Wagyu Beef Noodle Box – Taiwan

So this is some epic looking stuff. A-Sha USA was kind enough to send one of the fanciest products A-Sha Taiwan makes – their Gourmet Wagyu Beef Noodle Soup. So first things first – you want to get some? Well, it’s only available during the holidays i.e. Lunar New Year – so you might have a year to wait for it. But here I can show you what it looks like and tell you some about it – including the fact that this goes for $15. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3079: Fu Chung Village Dry Noodles With Sauce – Spicy Sichuan Pepper With Vinegar – Taiwan

Meet The Manufacturer: #3079: Fu Chung Village Dry Noodles With Sauce - Spicy Sichuan Pepper With Vinegar - Taiwan

Here’s the first of a trio from Fu Chung – a spicy Sichuan variety with vinegar. No doubt this includes Sichuan pepper. Now, it’s not like a fleshy chili pepper – it’s a peppercorn. Here’s a little about Sichuan pepper flavor from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Beef Noodle Samples from Mom’s Dry Noodle of Taiwan | Unboxing Time

I was really interested when I heard Mom’s Dry Noodle was coming out with a boxed version of beef noodle soup. I’ve been following their opening of their own restaurants and the food looks really great! Curious to see how it tastes, but today we’re just having a look at what it looks like. Let’s crack it open! ...see full post

#3052: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Stewed Pork Noodles With Mushroom – Taiwan

#3052: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Stewed Pork Noodles With Mushroom - Taiwan

A little whle back I was asked if I could review some noodles by a Taiwanese instant noodles by a Taiwanese university student working on her master’s thesis. As a thank you, she sent more varieties for me to try including this one. I’m don’t know who this fellow is on the package. It’s a big cardboard box with two servings – and it’s big. Let’s give it a look! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3036: TTL Pickled Vegetable Beef With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle – Taiwan

Meet The Manufacturer: #3036: TTL Pickled Vegetable Beef With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle - Taiwan

It is with great thanks and a week of interesting flavors that we bid adieu to the last of the varieties from TTL. This is the packaged version of the pickled vegetable beef variety. I really wasn’t sure how all these liquor-infused varieties would go, but they’ve been really quite impressive. Let’s check out this final variety. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #3035: TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle – Taiwan

Meet The Manufacturer: #3035: TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle - Taiwan

Well, here we are again. I goit one of these bowls a long time ago and guess what happened? I opened the retort pouch and spilled it all over my leg and on the floor! Was crushed; hard to find this one and I had only one of them. Egad! Luckily, TTL sent all of these for Meet The Manufacturer (thank you again!) and now I can give it another go. I should note I didn’t spill anything this time – let’s give it a go! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From TTL (1 of 2) – Taiwan

I was really thrilled to get a huge box from Taiwan as always, but I wasn’t exactly sure what this box was at the outset. I really enjoy a surprise as well, so let’s watch as I crack this box open and look at some of the varieties for review in this Meet The Manufacturer series! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With TTL – Taiwan

#3026: Mom’s Dry Noodle Shiitake Zhajiang – Taiwan

#3026: Mom's Dry Noodle Shiitake Zhajiang - Taiwan

Today we’ve got something new from Mom’s Dry Noodle with their new shiitake zhajiang. Shiitake mushrooms… Hmmm… Curious if I’ll like this one… I wish I liked mushrooms more – my wife loves mushrooms – so does my buddy from Germany. Shiitake have a strong flavor to them… Curious how that will translate in here. Hopefully well! Let’s find out! ...see full post

#3010: Vedan Wei Wei Premium Noodle With Braised Beef – Taiwan

#3010: Vedan Wei Wei Premium Noodle With Braised Beef - Taiwan

This one comes by way of a reader from Taiwan who visited t he Philippines and saw this and a spicy version there. This is most definitely an export version. First, lots of English text. Now, you’ll never see this in the United States as it does contain beef. Casn’t go wrong with braised beef – well, I guess you could if it’s bad, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case here. Let’s find out! ...see full post