Tag: tasty

#1419: Vifon Ngon-Ngon Mi Tom Yum Thịt Băm Tom Yum Minced Pork Noodle

Here’s one with an interesting name. ‘Ngon-ngon?’ What could that mean? So I plugged ‘ngon-ngon’ into Google translate and it came up with ‘delicious’. I thought it interesting that only one ‘ngon’ came up with ‘tasty.’ I thought then, well hey – what about a trifecta of ‘ngon?’ Well, ‘ngon ngon ngon’ comes up with ‘delicious delicious.’ Anyways, it sounds like these Vifon minced pork tom yum noodles should be delicious. I hope they are! Let’s have a look. ...see full post

#787: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup

Today I received a big box full of instant noodles from South Korea! These are made by emart. If you can imagine a Korean version of Walmart, you’re on the right track – these are super huge superstores over there. Anyways, a fellow from emart contacted me about reviewing this new product of theirs and of course I said yes. They sent a box with some nice hats and 8 of these 6 pakcs – yep – 48 packages of noodles! Wow! ...see full post

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun

Since my last review of this product, I found out that I made it wrong! Yup… I suppose if I could read Korean I would’ve made it right. It turns out that the red packet goes in first with the noodles and cooks, and the peanut and veggies go in last after everything’s cooked! I’m hungry – gonna do it exactly as I’m supposed to this time! Here’s the old review. ...see full post

#499: Dragonfly Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

I was quite happy to see a few new big bowl style instant noodles when I was at an Asian grocery the other day, especially Dragonfly brand – I think I’ve only reviewed a single solitary Dragonfly instant noodle thus far. Now I think there’s at least four or five to do! Well, let’s start with this one. Beefalicious? Let’s hope so – I mean it IS the review before the big psychological number 500! ...see full post

#369: Bon Go Jang Tofu Udon Dosirak

So this one took a little work – all I knew was it was from Korea. Wasn’t sure of anything much other than that and the brand name. Luckily, those two things brought it all together. I found that this stuff is called Tofu Udon Dosirak and comes from Hanil Food Co. Ltd. in Seoul, Korea under its Bon Go Jang line of products. ‘Dosirak’ translates like ‘Bento’ or ‘Take Out Lunch.’ On their website it describes this as “fresh katsuo bushi soup with tofu udon that you can eat simply by adding hot water.” ...see full post