Tag: tempura

#4984: Nissin Maneki Station Tempura Soba – Japan

#4984: Nissin Maneki Station Tempura Soba - Japan

 Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Now let’s head to beautiful Himeji and check out the Himeji station platform where there’s a popular soba shop called Maneki. This soba combines traditional Japanese dashi with Chinese-style soba for a unique experience. Add tasty tempura on top and you’ve got a classic.” ...see full post

#3306: Itsuki Tempura Soba – Japan

#3306: Itsuki Tempura Soba - Japan

Here’s one from an Umai Crate – a subscription box from Japan. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount if you’d like to get one! Here’s what they have to say about it – ‘There’s a saying in Japan that long noodles are good luck for a long life! These soba (buckwheat) noodles are extra long for that reason! They also come with tasty crispy tempura balls, seaweed and crunchy shrimp.’ ...see full post

#2809: Acecook Shrimp Tempura Soba

#2809: Acecook Shrimp Tempura Soba

Here’s another neat one from Zenpop.JP. Thank you! So Zenpop has all sorts of monthly boxes including ramen boxes. Nine instant ramen in one box for a good price – check ’em out! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This healthy soba is low in sodium and moreover, it contains GABA, which helps lower the blood pressure, reduce the stress, and make you relaxed. Of course, it’s tasty too. Katsuo (bonito) dashi and shrimp adds a delectable flavor to it.’ ...see full post

#1578: Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon

I thought today would be a nice day to deal with one I’ve been a little confused about. The instructions on this one have had me confused; drain it but it has soup? Hmmm… Well, a YouTube video I found helped with that and now it makes a lot of sense! In fact, it’s looking like a very easy one to prepare to be honest. Let’s have a look at this Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon and it’s unique preparation. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Top Ten Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2013 Edition

After more than a year of pondering and reviewing since the last list, here’s the new top ten instant noodle bowls. This encompasses all instant noodle bowls reviewed up to today, June 15th, 2013. With no further adieu, the top ten instant noodle bowls of all time, 2013 edition. ...see full post

Re-Review: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Thought I’d try this one again – it’s pretty sad – I have nothing new to review! Looking forward to some new varieties coming soon though hopefully! A couple from the UK have informed me that they’re sending a treasure trove of interesting varieties! Can’t wait! In the meantime, here’s the elusive Cucharealo – haven’t seen it for sale anywhere yet. Good stuff! Here’s the original review here. ...see full post

Re-Review: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)

I have fallen ill with some kind of head cold it seems and I thought something spicy would be good. My lovely wife Kit was kind enough make me some noodles for breakfast – she’s so good to me! Thought I’d have these – they’re available in the US now, but this is a Re-Review of the pack that is sold in Korea. The version sold in the US will be being reviewed soon! Here’s the link to the original review I did during Paldo’s Meet The Manufacturer. ...see full post

Show Your Noodles #20

If you’re new to The Ramen Rater’s Show Your Noodles, you can email me a picture of some noodles you’ve made, include your name and location and I’ll post it on the Show Your Noodles roundup! Fancy or functional, it doesn’t matter. I mean, you could do literally anything you want with some instant noodles – use your imagination!  Want to be part of the next Show Your Noodles? Just email me at hans@theramenrater.com. Let me know you first name, last initial, and city/state or country! My wife does the judging – here we go! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer #888: Yamachan Ramen Nagasaki Sara Udon Chicken Flavor

Here’s something different. Sara Udon means plate noodles – what you have is a crispy noodle that is thin. You put them on the plate and crush gently, then add the sauce and during the meal, the noodles go from crisp to soft. It’s a texture sensation! Well, let’s check it out! ...see full post