Tag: tenkaippin

#4914: Sapporo Ichiban Tenka Ippin Akan-Kotteri Kyoto Toripaitan – Japan

#4914: Sapporo Ichiban Tenka Ippin Akan-Kotteri Kyoto Toripaitan - Japan

 Here’s one that came in a now defunct subscription box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘The forbidden fruit, er, no, the forbidden Ramen! “Akan” is Japanese Kansai dialect for “No way!” often used with the subtext of something you shouldn’t do because it’s surprising or a little crazy. The famous Ramen shop “Tenkaippin” cleverly uses this with a wordplay on the word as it also alludes to the color red, which happens to be the color of the stock. As you can likely guess, you’re in for a spicy treat! Its base is chicken, pork and garlic, while it also comes with added spices and toppings. ...see full post