Tag: texas beef

Prison Ramen Roundup

The instant noodles found in prisons and corrections facilities differ a little from what you find going to the local grocery store. Given the response to the ones I’ve tried, I figured I’d put them all into a single post. I know there are more – for example a regular chicken flavor variety. Also, I know that Maruchan isn’t the only brand that packages them this way. I’ll go into the specifics of what makes them a little different and why. ...see full post

Maruchan Prison Ramen Noodles Sent Anonymously

It’s only been a couple of times I’ve been sent instant noodles that are available only if you get in trouble and go to prison. Both times have been from folks who work in correctional institutions and want to remain anonymous, so thank you anonymous donors! This video below will go over four varieties you might have never heard about unless you have been to jail/prison. They have a lot of clear space on them to dissuade folks from trying to hide stuff in them to bring in – drugs, weapons, etc. I’m really excited to receive these and not have to go to prison to try them – I’ve tried contacting Maruchan’s distributor in the past and gotten a firm ‘no’ as to getting samples. ‘You’re saying I have to go to prison to sample the product?’ ‘Yes. We won’t send you any.’ Rude! Well, again thank you to my anonymous friend who sent me these and didn’t make me adopt a life of crime to give them a taste. If you’ve had to be on ice for a period of time and tried these varieties, how did you prepare them? I’ve done prison ramen burritos aplenty, but I kind of want to do something different. Please comment below with the particular variety and what you did with them. On with the video! ...see full post

#3293: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Texas Beef Flavor – United States

#3293: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Texas Beef Flavor - United States

After years of searching, here we are. Where are we and what is this? This is a pack of instant noodles that is only for inmates in correctional facilities – prisons. I found them on eBay and asked fans on the Facebook page if they would be interested in purchasing them (it was a pack of 24 and I only needed a couple) and send me a couple. A fellow named Nick Bizarro was kind enough to take up the task, and thanks to him, here we are. ...see full post