Yep! Another Maruchan variety. Roast Beef! Shall we begin?
One packet of fun.
The powder in the bowl awaiting the cooked noodles and boiling water.
The Definitive Source For Instant Noodle Reviews Since 2002
Yep! Another Maruchan variety. Roast Beef! Shall we begin?
One packet of fun.
The powder in the bowl awaiting the cooked noodles and boiling water.
Here’s another new one brought from California by my lovely lady. Thanks, Kit! On with the review!
So here’s one my lady got for me – chili flavor Top Ramen! So cool – dueling Chili flavor products back to back! Let’s rock!
So my friend Todd hooked me up with this stuff – thanks man! Haven’t seen this one before, so let’s give it a try.
So when I’m not eating instant noodles, I eat other things. Here’s one of them. A can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodles soup with some dehydrated onion and a spoonful of Mae Ploy yellow curry and a few dozen grains of rice in there. Pretty awesome stuff.
So today I opted for something different from Nissin – Top Ramen Picante Beef. Kind of funny; why don’t they make a teriyaki beef or a stir fry flavor over here? Anyways, here we go…
Alright -first off, it’s my lady Kit’s birthday today! Happy Birthday I love you!!! She was just in California and brought me back some noodles. I thought there were only two varieties of this stuff – apparently I was wrong! So here we go!
So I asked my lady Vietnamese, Korean or Filipino noodles today? She said Korean. So I picked this one to try. It’s quite unique as it’s the first round big bowls I’ve ever seen with a drain spout. Let’s begin.
So here’s another one of these by Paldo. It shall be today’s breakfast/lunch.
One solitary packet of love.
So this has been one I’ve been curious about for a while. It’s lurked in my ramen box, quietly asking me to try it from time to time. I heeded its call, and tonight gave it the trappings of a fine bowl of noodles.
So I’ve reviewed a lot of bowl noodles. I’m confused as to how Paldo, Samyang and Nongshim all have them and they’re all called bowl noodle. Spicy chicken is pretty common – let’s see how this is.
This is one of those that I’ve only found in 5 packs and had to go ahead and get it. Been so curious about this one and I mean the packaging is probably one of the coolest I’ve seen yet. I wish this guy would come to my town and toot on his trumpet – I’d gladly buy a bowl of noodles from him! I think I can say happily, “screw the ice cream man – this guy’s way cooler.”
So haven’t seen this one before so I snagged it today. Its a little hefty actually and seemed much bigger than most packages…
So here we go – an even larger container of Nong Shim Shin Ramyun!
Styrofoam! Ready for battle!!!
Some new stuffs of happiness from the folks at Vina Acecook – we have vegetarian flavour. I’m enthused! I’m curious if this will taste like a vegetarian – vegetarian created with Japanese technology, that is!
Always nice to see a bag of noodles that I’ve only seen previously in five packs. I don’t like buying five packs period. Doesn’t matter if they are super cheap – I only want to eat one, review it and then move on. So let’s see how this goes.
So I’ve been waiting for a good time to try this stuff and today seemed the right time. My 5 year old stuck his headf in the ramen box and picked it out for me. I have so many and its so hard to pick that I often ask family to pick the one I’m going to have – and usually after they pick once or twice I agree to the one the pick the third time.
So as far as I know, this is the third in the trifecta of big cup noodles that they’re putting out here in the USA. I have seen reviews of Japanese-market big cup noodles though… Anyways, big!
Yeah – seriously. I’ve always liked this kind of thing – I know Nissin Top Ramen had a variety in the past too… So let’s try this out.
Yep! The Ramen Rater Top Ten List is here! Check it out by clicking here!
Here’s a Six Fortune – I think this is their flagship or ‘original’ flavor. Anyways, hope its good!
So I’ve seen these bowls around for a while but haven’t tried them. So here’s the first – hot flavor.
So this is the second of these – I imagine there’s a chicken one too.
Today, my lady Kit decided to try one so I sneaked a taste so I could review it. This one was interesting as the last one I’m afraid…
So my lady found this one at a supermarket a couple days ago – we go there all the time so I’m thinking this is extremely new so Check it out!
So it’s time for some spiciness! Champong! Bring it!
Was a little surprised to see this one has over 2200mg sodium! It’s just a cup for cryin’ out loud!
So here’s something I’ve not tried before – Sunlee brand from Thailand! Crab is usually a pretty good instant noodle flavor… Let’s see how this tastes…
So here’s something from Vietnam – some bean thread noodles! Chicken flavored…
Here’s another Namchow Mee-Jang variety, this time its artificial beef. So far, these have been pretty good.
Ladies and gentlemen, the enormous Ramen Box has been opened and we begin. This one comes from Korea.
So my old Indomie Meatball flavor box just didn’t cut it, so my beloved brought me a new one!
So yeah look at that insane assortment of noodles – it’s really quite insane. My lovely Kit was so kind as to give me the gift of oriental flava today! First we went to Sun Ya in Seattle – a Chinese restaurant that has dim sum for lunch. Then to Uwajimaya where I got a ton of noodles! The we checked out a place called Viet Wah – that was awesome and yes, more noodles. Then to Seafood City and yes…. MORE NOODLES! Finally after coming back and relaxing for a bit, we decided on homemade Korean BBQ for dinner. Got the stuff at 99 Ranch Market and yup – got another noodle cup! In all, there’s 65 unique varieties here that will be reviewed on Ramen Rater! So Enjoy!
So here’s a brand I’ve never tried before. Gomex is produced by Viet Hung Food, another brand I’ve never heard of before. So I suppose its time to strap on the old noodle bowl and try this stuff.
So here’s another of the big ole Little Cook bowls. I would like to say first that curried chicken is one of the favorite things of mine. Let’s see if it’s good.
The Ramen Rater would like to send its sympathies to all affected by the catastrophic 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan. So much of what goes on on The Ramen Rater is related to Japan and we hope that Japan bounces back swiftly and smoothly.
So some noodles from Thailand. I have no idea what to expect from this one… Let’s see what’s inside…
So here’s a big sucker – the name says it’s big. So let’s see if bigger is better with Nongshim Spicy Shrimp…
I like how the lid has the instructions in the little pull up tab!
So here’s some Korean cup noodles from Ottogi. Haven’t had any Ottogi stuff in a while so this should be nice.
So here’s some Unif Shrimp Fish… What’s funny is that I have had the Super Bowl’s lately and they looked exactly the same as this, but this one doesn’t say Super Bowl on it so go figure.
So this looks really interesting. Upon tearing off the outer cellophane, i notice that where it says NEW TVP SPICY BEEF FLAVOR is actually a sticker. In fact, on the sides there were stickers as well – ingredients, nutrition facts and direction on preparation.