Tag: udon

The Ramen Rater Diet Update – February 2020

I thought I’d do a quick update as to everything I’ve been doing to attempt to lose weight. Winter has come. Harder to have the ability to get outside – who wants to walk in the pouring rain? Plus, lots of vacation time for kids so stuck at home a lot. Here’s a new video about what I’m doing. plus I did a recipe using a couple ingredients including Hakubaku Udon noodles – it’s pretty quick – not going to say it’s only 5 calories, but it’s super good. ...see full post

#3249: Sapporo Ichiban Pirikara Kenchin Udon – Japan

#3249: Sapporo Ichiban Pirikara Kenchin Udon - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Pirikara means little bit spicym and Kenchin refers to a soup dish containing sauteed carrots, burdock root, and various vegetables, The soup is shoyu based kelp, bonito and shiitake mushroom broth, Yawataya Isogoro’s shichimi (7 spice) is one of the most popular shichimi seasonings in Japan, and it has a history of over 270 years in production. This udon introduces you to the special shichimi from Yawataya Isogoro and Kenchin soup. Especially, burdock and shiitake mushrooms in the cup taste delicious, we hope you enjoy this one of a kind udon.’ ...see full post

#3235: Myojo Scrambled Egg Udon – Japan

Myojo Scrambled Egg Udon - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -“Thick and soft udon noodles topped with soft scrambled egg and deep-fried tofu. The simple dashi soup has a flavor of fish. You might want the mild sweetness to complete the ramen touring around Japan.’ ...see full post

#3193: Maruchan Seimen Curry Udon – Japan

#3193: Maruchan Seimen Curry Udon - Japan

Here’s one from Japan Ramen Box – a subscription service out of Japan. Here’s what they have to say about this variety – ‘The curry udon version of Maruchan’s popular noodle series!
Enjoy the natural texture and raw flavors of noodles that have gone through the “raw noodle manufacturing method” to ensure they’re as tasty and delicious and possible! The curry is flavorful and has an added sweetness from onion and pork seasonings, and the smooth, rich noodles only help to bring it all together!’ ...see full post

#2826: Acecook Chicken Dashi Udon

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -‘Dashi is essential for most Japanese dishes including udon. This healthy udon is low in sodium and moreover, it contains GABA which helps lower the blood pressure, reduce the stress, and make you relaxed. Of course, it’s super tasty too.’ Alright – let’s crack it open! ...see full post

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles

Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This is a very large cup variety containing udon and green curry flavor. To be honest, I’ve not seen much if any green curry coming out of Japanese instant noodle companies in the past. Did I mention I freaking love green curry? Alright – let’s hit it! ...see full post

#2689: Maruchan Instant Lunch Udon Style Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

#2689: Maruchan Instant Lunch Udon Style Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Well, this is something completely different. Definitely a departure from their usual line . Maruchan’s Instant Lunch range is very popular in the United States. The flavors are generally in the domestic flavor profiles ranging from your standard chicken to California Vegetable to Cheddar Cheese. ...see full post

#2675: Myojo Hyobanya Kakitama Udon

#2675: Myojo Hyobanya Kakitama Udon - The Ramen Rater - Japan

This one took a lot of digging on Google and trying various translations and I think I have the name right. I think this may have something to do with egg drop soup? I really am unsure; the ones I see that sound like this one is only cooked 3 minutes and mention the calories on them. I’m completely lost. So I pushed out an ask on The Ramen Rater facebook page so we will see what that brings. In the meantime, let’s continue! ...see full post

#2630: Myojo Udon Hot & Spicy Flavor

#2541: Myojo Udon Hot & Spicy Flavor - United States - The Ramen Rater

So today is the first review I’ve done in a month! This was the first time since 2010 that I thought I’d take a little time off of reviewing. The main reason being that I’m so far ahead of myself – 110 reviews ahead in fact. I must say it’s nice to have such a buffer. Anyways, here we have a Myojo Udon bowl – honestly I can’t remember where it came from – someone either sent it (thank you) or I got it at the store. Myojo Udon sounds pretty good. Here’s a little information about udon from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2573: Ikeda Shokuhin Nabeyaki Kitsune Udon

#2573: Ikeda Shokuhin Nabeyaki Kitsune Udon - Japan - The Ramen Rater - Exotic Noods -

Here’s one that came by way of the guys over at Exotic Noods. Thanks! You can subscribe and get great boxes of different noodles every month – they also have The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Box! Definitely take a look. So today it’s udon from Japan. Kitsune udon comes with some fried tofu – which is really good stuff. Udon is a very thick noodle, but what is a nabeyaki? Here’s a little from Wikipedia – ...see full post