Okay so first off, a big thanks to A-Sha for sending one of these! Second off, this is a very premium box. Within are noodles, sauce/seasonings, and then some very fancy extras. This box retails for $199. Yeah – that’s a lot. I often tell people when they’re sick there’s nothing better than noodles. Well, that’s maybe if you have influenza. This box however is if you have affluenza. Read on and see what is within!
Tag: usa
#4330: Uncle Ya Hot & Sour Sweet Potato Noodles – United States
I know, this is confusing to many. This is indeed made in China, but it’s packaged for the US market. That’s why it gets the United States suffix on the title. Anyways, the last one I had from this brand was quite good – hoping for more good things from this one!
#4324: Simply Asia Spicy Mongolian Noodle Bowl – United States
The last two days of reviewing have been particularly grueling. The kitchen has been pretty warm even before boiling any water; super humid. Not used to it and it’s really quite uncomfortable. But I will continue on of course. Well, the last one of these I tried was really quite odd and so having gotten three varieties in all, I thought I should trudge onward and do the other two. I’m really quite curious what a spicy Mongolian bowl will taste like. Only one way to find out.
#4323: Uncle Ya Sichuan Cold Noodles – United States
Definitely made in China, but definitely packaged only for sale in the United States. This one sounds interesting – let’s cold kick it live.
#4321: Uncle Ya Sour Pepper Beef Flavored Noodles – United States
Another one found at S*Mart in Bellevue, Washington. This is made in China, but definitely packaged for US sale. Let’s give it a try!
#4315: Jayone Aged And Matured Authentic Kimchi Stew Ramen – United States
Note – some weird porn star with the word kimchi in their stage name has apparently decided that this post infringes upon them in some way shape or form. Maybe its the aged or mature part who knows, but it’s quite irritating. I’ve been told I’m in violation of a DMCA issue because of it. As you can see, no porn here. Very weird.
#4314: Simply Asia Spicy Kung Pao Noodle Bowl – United States
I’ve tried quite a few different varieties of domestic microwavable bowls that have been very lackluster; to the point of finding it to be a bit of a no man’s land of endless zero star fare. Yeah – I really didn’t expect that. Well, I’m hoping to find some nice things here – hoping. Let’s see what happens.
Vite Ramen Sends New v3.0 Product Range!
So if you’re looking for a healthy alternative, this will interest you. Vite Ramen makes cups and packs – with tons of fiber, protein, lower sodium, and vitamins and minerals. It’s pretty impressive stuff – take a look!
#4311: Myojo Yakisoba Japanese Style Stir Fry Noodles Sweet & Spicy Habanero Sauce – United States
When I saw these on IG, I figured I should reach out to Myojo USA – and they sent some! Really curious about a habanero yakisoba sauce with a sweet element. Let’s check it out!
#4310: A Taste Of Thai Peanut Noodles – United States
As I’ve mentioned on Instant Noodle Recipe Time episodes lately, I’m running incredibly low on instant noodles to review. Found this one at the local Safeway grocery store today. Mind you, today is May 18th, 2022 and this will be probably posting in late September or early October. Why is that? Well, I do three reviews a day – and done that most days in the last month or so, so I’m not only ahead, I’m way ahead. Today I posted review #4153 – this is review #4294, so that’s 139 reviews ahead – possibly the farthest ahead I’ve been ever. I’ve really found a groove and I’m loathe to mess with it. I get up early, get the kids ready for the day, my wife heads to work, and between 715 and 8am, I do three reviews. After I get my son on the bus around 9am, I then come back and do up the videos and images and save my review. Then I get my daughter on the bus a bit later and go out walking ten miles, get home about a half hour before I have to go pick my daughter up from the bus, then start taking pics of the varieties I’ll be reviewing the next morning. It really works out great! But yeah – I’ve run through a hoard of varieties in the past month or so. This one sounded interesting. I also noticed today that the categories drop-down that has been on the website forever wasn’t there anymore, so I fixed that.
#4309: Samyang Foods Buldak 2x Spicy Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Cup – United States
You know, I was surprised. Thought I’d reviewed the 2x Spicy cup before – but apparently, I hadn’t! Lucky me! I’m curious if this will burn my face off. While I thoroughly enjoyed my recent review of the Curry Buldak, it was less spicy than I’d expected. How will this one fare? I’m guessing it’ll light my mouth on fire! Let’s find out!
#4303: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor – United States
Yes, I can hear it again ‘wot?! You’ve not had this before?’ Well, yeah but it was back on December 11th of 2011. Pretty crazy, eh? It was review #600. Back then the packaging was different. Let’s give it a try over a decade later – now with a new recipe and new clothes.
#4300: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – United States
Okay yeah I know. ‘What? You’ve never had this? The hell kind of Ramen Rater are you?’ Fine. That’s a logical thing. Well, let’s see – that was over 4000 reviews before. This isn’t a re-review, this is a completely new review. Suppliers and sourcing changes throughout the years, and tastes change. here is the original review. #104! This is review @4300. God, that’s insane. Only 700 reviews until I hit 5000. What am I going to review for 5000? It better be absolutely fascinating. Well, let’s do this up.
#4297: Kikkoman Spicy Garlic Noodle Kit With Sauce – United States
Well this sounds nice – found it while hunting for more stuff to review. As of this moment, this is it; I have nothing left to review! Hoping tomorrow to hit Bellevue – we shall see… There should be some good stuff over there I think. Meanwhile, let’s give this one a try.
#4295: Annie Chun’s Thai Style Pad Thai Noodle Bowl – United States
I’ve tried a few of the soup varieties that Annie Chun’s makes, so I thought perhaps I’ll give the ones that are more saucy a shot. Previously, the soupy ones didn’t fare too well. Maybe these are better?
#4287: Annie Chun’s Korean Style Spicy Ramen Soup Bowl – United States
It’s been a rough go for brands from the US I’ve not reviewed a ton of before. It really surprises me how many zero star scores I’ve given lately. I have a feeling (and hope) this one’s different. See where it says CJ Foods next to the Annie Chun’s logo? That’s a Korean company. If they’re making this line, I would think that they could make a great spicy Korean ramen. Then again I see corn is an ingredient which is very odd. Ah well – come on let’s give it a go!
#4286: Samyang Foods Buldak Curry Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States
It’s been a long time since I reviewed a Buldak variety, that’s for sure! I have tried the curry before, but it’s been a very, very long time. The packaging is new, and I’m guessing the recipe is slightly different as well. Below you can see everything about this including my review, a video of cooking it, and then of course, a mukbang. This is the version for export to the United States. Let’s give it a go – hope I can handle it!
#4285: Maruchan Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
The last one of these I tried was really quite good. It had a ton of noodles, and an excellent chicken flavor which was perfect for Western palates. I’m curious how the spicy element will go with this one. Shall we find out? I should add that if you look in the ingredients, it mentions habanero!
#4284: Lotus Foods Spicy Kimchi Rice Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Well, hmm. This is the third variety of these I’ll be trying and the first two did very poorly. They both got zero stars. It really bums me out because these folks make some amazing rice products, but I have to say the translation into ramen makes my palate wretch. Hopefully, this one will be better! Third time’s the charm? We shall see.
#4283: Dragonfly Premium Hot & Sour Instant Vermicelli – United States
This one’s an interesting specimen . You might be a hardcore instant noodle fan and notice the font of ‘premium’ and the color scheme. Definitely might remind you of something completely different. This one’s definitely packaged for US sale. I’ve had quite a few varieties from Dragonfly and found them generally to be quite good. Let’s check it out!
#4279: Lotus Foods Tom Yum Rice Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Well, hmm. Last time wasn’t so ultra wonderful. I’m hoping this one is super awesome! Going to use the microwave directions this go-round. Tom Yum is a soup out of Thailand with bright, spicy, and strong flavors. I’m hoping it’s reflected here; time to find out.
#4277: Annie Chun’s Vegan Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Bowl – United States
This sounded interesting enough. Well, hopefully it’s alright. I dunno. I haven’t had all that much luck with this brand lately so we shall see. The last one was a shoyu and really kind of tame/bland. Hoping this will be a nice luxuriant and creamy tonkotsu with a lot of flavor.
#4276: Menraku Japanese Ramen Flaming Hot Miso – United States
Found this (as well as review 4275) over at H-Mart the other day. I swear Menraku just keeps coming out with new varieties constantly – it’s pretty hard to keep up with but that’s fine – the more the merrier. This is made in Japan but for the US market. Flaming hot, eh? Let’s find out.
#4274: Maruchan Ramen Bowl Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Here’s another one of the Ramen Bowl varieties from Maruchan here in the United States. This is one of those varieties I figured I’ll leave as they’re so easy to find and save for a rainy day. Well, it’s raining – I’ve kind of hit a low amounts of instant noodles slump – happens from time to time. So, let’s get our chicken on.
#4272: A-Sha Dry Noodle Badtz-Maru Mandarin Style With Sesame Boss Sauce – United States
Well, folks – this is it. I’ve had a lot of fun reviewing this special Sanrio tie-in series over the last short while. Everything’s quite good. Now we come to the end of the line with this Badtz-Maru variety. Badtz-Maru is one of Hello Kitty’s friends – let’s give it a try.
#4271: Lotus Foods Garlicky Veggie Rice Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
I haven’t tried anything from these guys in quite a while. Their pillow packs were definitely not well received by this reviewer, but that was a very long time ago. These cups look interesting. These folks also make rice which is quite good – especially the ‘forbidden rice.’ Let’s give this thing a try.
#4269: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl – United States
Lately, I’ve found myself in a slight pickle. I’m low on varieties of review… Well, it’s mainly my fault – I think for over two weeks I’ve been in such a good groove that I’ve been able to do three reviews a day and walk about ten miles per day as well. That’s a lot of unique varieties of noodles… So, I’ve had to resort to finding a bunch in a bit of a hurry. I found this one locally at the grocery store today. In fact, I found five different varieties. Let’s see what this is all about – it sounds a little bit interesting. Guess we’ll see.
#4268: A-Sha Dry Noodle Keroppi Mandarin Style Noodles With Silly Spicy Sauce – United States
Onto the third review! There are four varieties of these you can find over at www.ashadrynoodle.com. This one is another of Hello Kitty’s friends. I don’t believe it’s frog flavor, but probably more akin to the Hello Kitty supercute soy sauce flavor with some heat. Let’s give it a try!
#4266: Maruchan Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Oh man – so I’ve been digging. I’ve dug through everything in my hampers and assorted boxes. This is it. This is the last one I have that’s kinda old. It’s not expired. It expires next motn though. I know at the local grocery store there’s a couple more I can get so there’s 2/3 of a day of reviewing. I think I’ve been doing three reviews a day for at least 15 days now. Honestly, it’s kind of nice. I’ve got my groove on. It’s going. I’m doing it on the weekends. Full tilt. A slurp, a bite. Let’s see how this new one fares.
#4264: A-Sha Dry Noodle My Melody Mandarin Style Noodles With Friendly Scallion Sauce – United States
Here’s the second in a series of four Hello Kitty & Friends varieties from A-Sha Dry Noodle of Taiwan. This one’s made for the US market. So far, impressed as the soy sauce one was excellent. Let’s continue on with some friendly scallion sauce noodle – should be able to find them at www.ashadrynoodle.com.
#4258: Ocean’s Halo Plant Based Vegan Beef Instant Noodle Soup – United States
I’m hopeful for this one, although my recent sampling of the chicken flavor variety didn’t go so well. Fingers crossed.
#4255: Ocean’s Halo Plant-Based Vegan Chicken Instant Noodle Soup – United States
This was one of three my lovely wife Kit found at Whole Foods a while back. These are really large noodle bowls – as you’ll see below, they have two noodle block in there. I just baked some chicken for the review so it should look somewhat nice. Let’s give it a go!
#4254: Oyatsu Baby Star Crispy Ramen Snack – United States
Nearby where I live, I walk past a community free books/food pantry. I’ve found some interesting things in there – most recently a canned ham. I found this in there and there were a ton of them but only needed one. What is it? It’s a snack, that’s what it is! Let’s check it out.
#4250: Mr. HOO Rice Noodle Soup Pho Flavor – United States
Here’s one that was sent by James from Lakeside, CA – thanks! I’ve been on a reviewing tear the last week – actually the past couple of weeks. I’m trying to empty bins of varieties I’ve not tried yet. This was in a box above the bins. Anyways, yeah – this is made in South Korea for the US market. Let’s check it out!
#4246: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavor – United States
I am a big fan of spicy things as well as shrimp, so this should be pretty good. This is the last of the new cups they sent – thanks again! Let’s give this one a try.
#4245: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor – United States
My old sometimes on the show guest Stumpy from North Little Rock, Arkansas has provided some humorous quips in the past. One he often mentions are meaty beefs, cheesy beefs, bell-beefin’, and more. These odd phrases have spilled out a bit; I often say ‘I’m the beef and you’re the cheese’ to my 6 yr old son, and then he says it back – we eventually give up on who is the beef and who is the cheese.
#4244: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor – United States
It’s time for something different in this series – something a little spicy – but wait. I think the next two will be spicy as well, so be prepared! Let’s get the guinea pigs on their treadmills and fire up the ‘ol microwave and give this puppy a try! NOTE: we don’t actually make the guinea pigs run on treadmills to power the microwave. Yet.
#4243: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Magic Noodle Chicken Flavor – United States
Say what? What. This is what. What is it? Well, it’s noodles but it changes color; kind of. There’s food coloring in the noodle block, and so once you introduce boiling water or microwave and stir, it changes to either pink or blue – at least so far. There might be green as well – I really don’t know. Purple? Mauve? Chartreuse? Taupe? Taupe is not magical. Remember that. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of anything like this and that’s saying something. Very cool and unique! Let’s check it out!
#4242: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Lime & Chili Shrimp Flavor Ramen – United States
Lately, I’ve been getting noodles in the mail. A lot of noodles. I’ve kinda got a stack of them and need to get through reviews, and so I’m doing a bunch in a row. Well, the last sentence I wrote about two hours ago and guess what? More noodles arrived. That’s how it works I swear! This most certainly isn’t a complaint though – the more the merrier – especially if I’ve not reviewed them. Well, let’s hit it!
#4241: Samyang Buldak Quattro Four Cheese Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States
Here’s the second of the two varieties I’ve rushed out that arrived in the mail from MH from the Ramen Junkie group. So… Four cheese… This one’s interesting. First, this is made in South Korea, but packaged for sale in the United States. Second, Hochi looks like she’s dressed up for Halloween. During my research on this one, I found that it’s been in South Korea as well. I also found people trying this variety four months ago – kind of interesting. I wonder if they’ve just been test marketing these in a limited fashion prior to now. In the mukbang video below, I mention I thought I’d only 2 varieties not tried, however that’s not the case. In addition to the creamy carbo and the rose, there’s a jjamppong and a ‘lovely’ variety. Would like to add them to my reviews if anyone’s got some to donate! I did read that someone thought carnitas would go very well with this, and luckily my wife made some last night so I ended up with some nice garnish. Let’s cook these up – don’t forget to watch the mukbang at the bottom as well!