Tag: vegan

Kenchan Ramen Sends Fresh, Gluten Free, & Vegan Varieties

Kenchan Ramen Sends Fresh, Gluten Free, & Vegan Varieties

My friend The Fat Hipster told me about Kenchan Ramen recently, so as I do when I hear about anything new in the ramen realm, I reached out. They replied and sent samples – thanks! I’ve tried everything and you can see them in this video. Thank you very much – they’re really good! Let’s check ’em out! ...see full post

#4739: Samyang Vegetasty Noodle Soup – United States

#4739: Samyang Vegetasty Noodle Soup - United States

You ready for a historic roadshow in a cup? This variety has gone by a few names and packaging wordings, but I’d say this is my favorite.. For example, here is review #695 – savory vegetable flavor. But wait – here’s good old review #1030 – this one is ’60 ingredients’ flavor!  Back in 2011, I reviews the 60 Ingredients cup – review #553! Well, now this one’s called Vegetasty. They’ve dropped the whole looks how many ingredients and given it a very interesting name. I think this one is a troublemaker. The reason I say this is because they want to market it – and indeed it’s been pretty good – but as far as export, it’s a tough one to come up with a good name for perhaps. Vegetasty is kind of catchy, but for a Western audience, it might be a little tricky to pull off. It does bear the Vegan logo on there which is a good thing. Vegetasty sounds very monolithic; like it’s from a sprawling corporate empire. I would say completely revamp. Show farm imagery – crops being cared for or rolling fields in the sun as a background, then in the foreground a basket being held containing lots of different vegetables. Maybe a rustic theme. Then a better name – something like  Nature’s Delight or Back To Nature Vegetable Noodle Soup – granted those aren’t taken already. Either way, vegetable and in particular Vegan varieties are very popular. I;ve been asked many times by companies my thoughts on how to name something for Western markets – a real honor I have to say. Anyways, yeah – let’s cook it – maybe I’m ruminate on the episode on Instant Noodle Recipe Time that appears at the bottom of this post – the finest show in the universe – and you all want to like and subscribe to. Yeah. ...see full post

#4776: Vite Ramen Plant-Based White Miso v3.0 – United States

#4776: Vite Ramen Plant-Based White Miso v3.0 - United States

Alright – so if you like plants – in particular, eating them – this is for your. Definatly one for the Vegan crowd. I know a lot of non-Vegan people who poo-poo Vegan foods. I must say though – Vegan stuff is really quite good. Gluten Free stuff is excellent as well. I eat a lot of meat and glutenous things, but I’m totally open to these other things, and often like them more. I’ve enjoyed this flavor before that they make and the v3.0 stuff is really great thus far – let’s cook some up! ...see full post

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili – Germany

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili - Germany

So my sister is really into German stuff and when I review these, I save the plastic cups for her knick knack shelf. Just noticed this appears to have a Vegan logo on the lower right there. This morning, my wife is flying to the memorial service for her grandfather in California, so I’ve got a few days solo with the kids which will be nice but we’re already missing her. Her grandfather was quite a guy – I did a slideshow for them with music if you want to check it out. He was a 3 time purple heart recipient and was in WWII. He was a neat guy and will really be missed. Anyways, let’s cook up some yakisoba! ...see full post

#4666: Samyang Foods Kimchi Ramen – United States

Kimchi is awesome stuff and I picked some up today as I’ve got quite a few Korean varieties I’ll be reviewing this week. Last week was crazy – last day of school for the kids, did 21 reviews, our dog Pepper got adopted by a nice couple from west Seattle… It’s cool but a lot. You’ll see this a long time from last week. It’s June 25th today and you’re probably seeiing this is October I’m guessing. Anyways, kimchi ramyun is good stuff – let’s check it out. ...see full post

#4448: Vite Ramen Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition v3.0 – United States

#4448: Vite Ramen Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition v3.0 - United States

The guys over at Vite Ramen recently sent their entire range of the v3.0 products. I should stress that these guys are pretty amazing – healthy ramen isn’t a small feat. Look at the nutrition facts on the backshot of the package. Protein, fiber, vitamins up the wazoo. I’m really curious about this new patch version. It’s neat – they’re always working to improve their products – something I remember hearing that the street hawkers in Malaysian food courts would do as well which I think is admirable. Let’s see how this new version tastes! ...see full post

#4411: Nongshim Shin Green Mushroom & Fried Tofu – United States

#4411: Nongshim Shin Green Mushroom & Fried Tofu - United States

Big thank you to James from Lakesida, CA for sending these over! This is the second of two new Nongshim Shin varieties recently released. It’s Vegan friendly which appeals to a broader group as time goes on. I’m very curious – I really like their Vgean varieties quite a bit, but generally not a huge fan of mushrooms. So, let’s give it a try and see how it is. ...see full post

#4269: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl – United States

#4269: Annie Chun's Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl - United States

Lately, I’ve found myself in a slight pickle. I’m low on varieties of review… Well, it’s mainly my fault – I think for over two weeks I’ve been in such a good groove that I’ve been able to do three reviews a day and walk about ten miles per day as well. That’s a lot of unique varieties of noodles… So, I’ve had to resort to finding a bunch in a bit of a hurry. I found this one locally at the grocery store today. In fact, I found five different varieties. Let’s see what this is all about – it sounds a little bit interesting. Guess we’ll see. ...see full post

#4245: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor – United States

#4245: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor - United States

My old sometimes on the show guest Stumpy from North Little Rock, Arkansas has provided some humorous quips in the past. One he often mentions are meaty beefs, cheesy beefs, bell-beefin’, and more. These odd phrases have spilled out a bit; I often say ‘I’m the beef and you’re the cheese’ to my 6 yr old son, and then he says it back – we eventually give up on who is the beef and who is the cheese. ...see full post

#4216: Ocean’s Halo Organic Vegan Thai Coconut Big Bowl Of Noodles – United States

#4216: Ocean's Halo Organic Vegan Thai Coconut Big Bowl Of Noodles - United States

My wife went to Whole Foods the other day (not a place we usually frequent, however she’s trying out the gluten free thing) and she came across three of these Ocean’s Halo varieties. The first I’m trying if this Thai coconut. Sounds pretty good in theory at least. I guess we should take a look! ...see full post

#4109: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle Vegan Sesame Paste Flavor – Taiwan

Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle Vegan Sesame Paste Flavor - Taiwan

Definitely excited about this one – today I got home from a ten mile walk and found a big box at my doorstep. I haven’t even edited the unboxing video yet – and here we are. This as far as I can tell, is their Pepper Sesame Lai Noodle – it also sounds like it’s the favorite of an influential lady in Taiwan. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4074: Noodie Tonkotsu Irresistible Ramen – United States

#4074: Noodie Tonkotsu Irresistible Ramen - United States

This is the third variety of Noodie Vegan ramen I have here to try and I’m really stoked! The first I tried was their Peanut Chili which was absolutely fantastic stuff – just loved it. The second was the Smoky Garlic, and sadly, I really disliked that one. But now we have a Vegan Tonkotsu and I’ve had quite a few Vegan tonkotsus in the past, so I’m hoping this one will be great. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4033: Noodie Peanut Chili Irresistible Ramen – United States

#4033: Noodie Peanut Chili Irresistible Ramen - United States

I received an email a few weeks ago from Isabel, CEO and Founder of Noodie. She extolled the virtue of her product (non-fried, 16g of protein, lower sodium, load of veggies, and Vegan-friendly) and asked if I’d like to try it. Never one to turn down the chance to try something new, I accepted – and here we are. I write this before tasting, but I’ve got it say I’m already impressed. The presentation here is just impeccable – downright revolutionary to be honest. You can cook these noodles in their container (which is plastic by the way). You can cok it like a cup noodle, however the noodle block is in a standard flat shape – which works with the container. The graphic design and fonts are great – you can’t tell from the above picture, but the contents of the bowl image are done with gold leaf! This honestly feels like a futuristic instant noodle. Isabel sent a very nice note about how my review would be a big milestone in the timeline of her product. Like I said at this point of writing, I’ve not tried it yet – but I definitely wanted to say that this is one of the neatest packaged noodles I’ve seen. With that, let’s begin. ...see full post

#3849: Muso Organic Ramen Shoyu – United States

#3849: Muso Organic Ramen Shoyu - United States

This one’s made in Japan, however it’s definitely for sale in the United States and so that’s why it’s getting that country at the top. I found this at a local grocery store this morning and have been thinking about giving it a try. Well, today’s the day – and it’s going to be a post featuring the 1001st episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time – one probably very hurried as my kids are doing online schooling and everything is such a rush with what I do these days. It will be interesting to look back at this time in our lives. Hopefully somewhat findly, but with some relief. Let’s check this one out. ...see full post

#3847: Chef Woo Thai Lemongrass Ramen – United States

#3847: Chef Woo Thai Lemongrass Ramen - United States

I’ve been spacing these out a little bit. They’re really fascinating to me. I discovered the Ramen Express By Chef Woo a while back at a local grocery store – these products are very different – and quite good! Good for Vegan folks, plus 20g of protein in a cup which is pretty neat. Definitely worth a try. Let’s see how this one pans out! ...see full post

#3793: Sutharos Organic Yellow Curry Thai Cooking Set – Thailand

#3793: Sutharos Organic Yellow Curry Thai Cooking Set - Thailand

These come by way of Yukhong at Golden Bay Supply – thanks! Hey sent me some neat Thai products to try recently to try out and so here we are. This one isn’t with noodles – for some reason I just ended up assuming they all had noodles although the first one I saw was a Pad Thai which I’m pretty sure will have noodles included. But I’ll give this a try noodles or no. I love curry so here we go! ...see full post