Tag: viet

My Awesome Birthday Noodle Journey!

So yeah look at that insane assortment of noodles – it’s really quite insane. My lovely Kit was so kind as to give me the gift of oriental flava today! First we went to Sun Ya in Seattle – a Chinese restaurant that has dim sum for lunch. Then to Uwajimaya where I got a ton of noodles! The we checked out a place called Viet Wah – that was awesome and yes, more noodles. Then to Seafood City and yes…. MORE  NOODLES! Finally after coming back and relaxing for a bit, we decided on homemade Korean BBQ for dinner. Got the stuff at 99 Ranch Market and yup – got another noodle cup! In all, there’s 65 unique varieties here that will be reviewed on Ramen Rater! So Enjoy! ...see full post

#6: Vifon Nam Vang Oriental Style Instant Noodle

Vifon: Nam Vang
Stars: ** 1/2
Notes: This stuff wasn’t bad – basically a typical salty rice noodle snack ramen from Vietnam. It would not do well with an egg though, as the noodles weren’t the most strong and a lot of them turned to an almost gelatinous state – not from overcooking I assure you. Other than the weak fortitude of the noodles, the broth was fine as were the dried vegetables. ...see full post