Something tells me this will taste just like chicken! Let’s see!
Here’s a closeup of the little red thing on the package – looks like a laughing flame demon of sorts.
The Definitive Source For Instant Noodle Reviews Since 2002
Something tells me this will taste just like chicken! Let’s see!
Here’s a closeup of the little red thing on the package – looks like a laughing flame demon of sorts.
I’ve got to say, this is some of my favorite packaging. I really like the big drumstick in the picture and the old english exclaiming ‘good.’ I hope it’s good! I’d rather it be better than just good, but I think I’ll just wait and see.
This looks like something good. The last one I reviewed wasn’t the best, so hopefully ol’ number 861 will be kinder and gentler.
Here’s a new one – sounds good to me – kind of funny having two instants that are ‘hot and sour’ flavored in a row…
My friend Todd T, clued me in the other day about a new Asian grocery on 99 in south Everett and we checked it out. Well, I found this interesting one. Vietnamese kimchi ramn! Check it out!
This is different – usually you don’t see a clear window in on the noodle block inside! Let’s have a try with this one.
I don’t usually review these but I saw this one and I thought it looked kind of interesting. Basically, take instant rice and shred it up and then use instant noodle packets and steep it for a few minutes. Basically it’s like rice noodle mush!
Back in Washington! We had a great trip down to the Bay Area – saw the San Francisco Giants play (and win) at AT&T Park, went to Six Flags in Vallejo, CA and lots of other fun things. On the way home, we stopped at the Uwajimaya in Beaverton, Oregon. Found ten new varieties I’d never seen before and here’s one of them. Sounds good! Gonna give it a try.
Here’s the last of the packs that Carter B. sent from his time in Mali. Hot & sour shrimp sounds awesome – so let’s give it a try.
Here’s one from Vietnam. My sister found it for me up in Canada earlier this year. Vegetable? Kimchi? Sounds good to me.
Here’s another of the ones sent to me by Carter B. of Lancaster, PA – thanks again! He got this one whilst in Africa! Never seen this brand before here. Something interesting – see that little red band along the front? It comes off!
Stewed fish huh? Found this one at Uwajimaya in Seattle around my birthday. It says there’s fish in there… Hmm.
Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try!
Here’s another one that my sister brought me back from
Canada! Today, my son Andy will be enjoying this one. He’s agreed to let me have a couple bites and a slurp of soup to do the review. Thanks, Andy and Sue!
Today’s my birthday! Yay! I haven’t had any Vina Acecook in a while so I thought I’d have this one that was in the bags of noodles my sis brought me back from the great white north! Yay! Time fer noodles!
Definitely one that’s been sitting at the bottom of the noodle hamper for a while – it’s barely expired – not worried. Let’s give it a try!
Thought I’d eat this before it got too far out of date. Got it at 99 Ranch Market – my wife spotted it and lo and behold, I hadn’t reviewed it. Here we go…
Been waiting for a good day to review these – they sound really good! I thought I’d try them today to celebrate the CNN article coming out!
It dawned on me – why not a ton of videos about how instant noodles are made around the world? Well, here you go!
Thanks to Todd T. of Everett, Washington for hooking me up with this one – he got it from a Vietnamese client. Spaghetti from Vietnam eh? Sounds interesting. Nothing at all is in English on this packaging, so I’m going to be winging it.
Another ‘bottom of the hamper’ pick. Not a huge fan of the bean thread – you surely know that if you’re a follower of this blog. Really hoping to become one though – maybe pork will change my view.
The last noodles were so bad that I had to toss them. What a waste! Ah well, this should be good enough to eat!!!
I thought today I’d pause from the onslaught of funky noodles and look at this one. The thing I didn’t expect was that these would be wheat noodles and that piqued my curiosity. Here goes my 5:30pm after work breakfast!
Hey cool I didn’t realize I still had one of these left! I liked this line of Vifon stuff!
You hungry? Ya! What joo hungry pho? Phoya? Phoshizzle… I dunno – I think they think they’re really clever with this one. So I’ll review it pho ya….
This one’s pretty unique looking – what the heck is Suc Song? I would love to find out because I can’t find anything about it! Artificial pork flavor sounds good though!
Never seen this before – I also got a chicken variety as well I’ll review a bit down the road. I like the name – Phoya… Maybe there could be a froyo and pho place called PhoYo? Ya!
Something else from Saigon Ve Wong – Shrimp & Crab flavor! I sure found a lot of these down in California at the Dublin 99 Ranch Market. They’re pretty cheap too – I think these were around a dollar. I recently had a request that I include the prices of these noodles on my reviews – and that’s going to be a little tricky… See, when I go noodle hunting, I end up getting as many new kinds as I can and a lot of the time the receipt has a list – and extremely cryptic listings. So I’ll do my best – I can do an ‘around’ pricing kind of deal. So yeah – this was around a buck. Anyways…
It certainly looks like shrimp and very enjoyable in the picture. I wonder how it will taste though. That’s kind of the question I ask myself 50% of the time. The other 50% is kind of a oh look it’s chicken this should be chicken like. This on the other hand is Vietnamese, and sour and spicy and shrimp. So we shall see…
Here we have some noodles from Vietnam. I got these during the trip to California in Pleasanton. I’m figuring these won’t be too bad – in my time as a noodle reviewer, I must say that chicken flavor is pretty hard to screw up. So let’s see what we have here!
So I wasn’t sure what this was at first – I figured by the color that they were shrimp flavored or something. Then I looked below and saw…
So here’s one of the noodles I reviewed during my interview with Rachel Belle at KIRO 97.3FM. I didn’t take a lot of pictures at all, but here’s a video of the making and eating of this one- it’s ghe larger of the two being tested.
So here’s another of the Vifon Tứ Quý packs I got on my birthday. Chicken eh? Sounds basic… Hmmm.
This one’s been sitting in the bottom of the ramen box for quite a while now. Wondered how they would be – spicy? Salty? Nasty? Thready? Well, let’s open them and find out!
So here’s the second of the Gomex noodles. I’ve never seen them other than the two I’ve rated – pretty interesting. They’re from Vietnam and sound interesting, so let’s give em’ a try…
So the other Vifon Asian Styleys have been great so far – so let’s see how this one fares. I like how their packaging for this line of products is nice and colorful.
Hảo Hảo Hảo? I doubt whether John Lee Hooker enjoyed this stuff during his life, but let’s see if it’s any good.
So far I’ve been so pleased with the Vina Acecook products. Everything’s been so nice about them. So let’s try a new one – a bowl noodle this time.