Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Obviously, the moon can’t be viewed at night, so let’s start with a visit to night stall for some tasty akisoba! This bowl combines two festival favorites—yakisoba and grilled corn! Add in a tasty charred shoyu (soy sauce) sauce and you’ll be vibing under the moonlight!”
Tag: yakisoba
#5116: Nissin U.F.O. Slurp! Flavor Punch! Extra Thick Sauce Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Time for a tasty bowl of yakisoba that’s as big and round as the moon! This bowl is one of Japan’s best-sellers in the instant noodle game with its thick, tasty sauce that packs a flavor punch in every bite! The seaweed and red ginger topping adds even more flair to every bite!”
#5069: Maruchan Seimen Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Last up is this tasty yakisoba from the famous Maruchan! Yakisoba is a festival classic, so you can’t have a festival box with out it. This pack features tasty noodles and a flavorful yakisoba sauce with a tasty sea lettuce and red ginger topping for a full festival experience!”
#5063: Nissin Sauce Yakisoba With Soup – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “We love yakisoba, and while it can be found all over Japan, one of our noodle staff has fond memories of eating this by the ocean at summer festivals. This yakisoba features a traditional yakisoba sauce with tons of flavor and tasty chicken soup to enjoy on the side!”
#5023: Yamadai Utsunomiya Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “”Now, let’s take a quick break to enjoy some more yakisoba from Tokyo’s Utsunomiya area! This yakisoba features a special collab sauce with Tsukihoshi (Moon Star) for a delicious saucy experience. Add the special chewy noodles and you have some delicious yakisoba!
#5019: Nissin U.F.O. Abura Soba w/Chili Oil Mayo – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “This bowl of ramen is more than just pretty visuals. This abura soba has a delicious thick shoyu tare (a thicker soy sauce based sauce). Add the chili oil mayo and you have a delicious soup-less ramen bowl with great flavor and a bit of flare!”
#5014: Myojo Ippeichan Night Shop Addicting Salt Tare Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Our next pick is inspired by the nighttime sakura festival food stalls. This yakisoba features a salt base sauce that is packed with flavor. From the onion flavor of the sauce to the sesame and garlic flavor of the mayo, this dish is perfect for any sakura night festival.”
The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Maruchan Yakisoba
I was approached by Maruchan recently asking if I’d like to review a couple additions to their Yakisoba Japanese Homestyle Noodles range. I’ve been reviewing them here and there for years, and thought since I have samples of their current range, why not go and do a special guide to the current varieties and ones that no longer exist. So, we’ll start with the current varieties and then go backwards after that to now discontinued varieties. Each one will have a link to the full review. I sent some questions to Maruchan regarding the initial release of these varieties and other things, but never got a reply. If I do, I’ll include these in this guide. Let’s check out all the Yakisoba varieties!
#4960: Maruchan Yakisoba Teriyaki Chicken Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
I realized that to have my complete Definitive Guide I needed this one I hadn’t reviewed. Tried the local store. Nope. Tried a Dollar Tree. Not this one but a different one I wanted to redo. A couple days later, I decided to try the local store again. Found it! So that rounds out the currently available varieties. Completion is good for the soul. Let’s cook it up – I know I really like the teriyaki beef, so let’s give this a try.
#4957: Nissin Bokkeum-myeon Korean Sweet & Spicy Cheese Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Next, let’s head over to Osaka’s Koreatown for some delicious yakisoba. This yakisoba is a Nissin collab with the Korean Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen. It features a delicious sweet and spicy feel like yangnyeom chicken and a downright addictive cheddar and gouda cheese flavor.”
#4954: Maruchan Yakisoba Korean BBQ Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
Here’s one I thought I ought to revisit. I got a couple boxes of samples from the kind folks over at Maruchan recently and this was in there. I wasn’t going to review it again, but my daughter Mimi asked to try it the other day. It smelled really nice, so I figured let’s give it a go. I really love Korean BBQ – some of the best meals I’ve had have been at a now gone Korean BBQ place called Secret Garden. The banchan was great, the servers were super kind, and usually in the back at the bar people were doing karaoke. It was fascinating and nice little cultural microcosm. Anyways, let’s cook this up and give it a go.
Maruchan Yakisoba Korean BBQ Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Contains beef. To prepare, add room temp water to line and clear sachet contents. Microwave for 4 minutes at 1000W. Add powder base. Finally, stir and enjoy!
#4953: Maruchan Yakisoba Chicken Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
Wow it sure has been awhile – repackaging and over 14 years! I thought hey – I’m planning on doing a Definitive Guide to these, why not revisit chicken. My last sampling was review #215. There’s something about these trays that drives me nuts. Now, they’re not designed with the thought that there’s a guy somewhere will be scanning the bottom of the tray. Well, this guy here does and it’s horror. They’re shrink wrap, so they dont want to lay flat and fold over, etc. They also get tons of reflective glare. Anyways, yeah. But whaddaya do. Best ya can. Let’s cook it up!
#4952: Maruchan Yakisoba Cheddar Cheese Flavor – United States
It was 2011. Nobody’d heard of COVID?. Everything was somewhat peaceful as far as I remember. 13 years ago. That was the last time I’d tried this one. There are a ton of these Yakisoba varieties – some are no longer made – the taco one was my 1000th review. Four Cheese, Tomato & Basil, Sweet * Sour – if you want to see them all here you go. But today, it’s cheese! Let’s cook it up.
#4951: Maruchan Yakisoba Orange Chicken Flavor – United States
Hey look – another new one! I’m thinking maybe I’ll have to sauté some chicken and add in some Mandarin orange… Very curious how this noodle will impart such a flavor; in a good way, or like some Tang powder mixed in. Let’s find out.
#4948: Maruchan Yakisoba Chili Cheese Flavor – United States
Hey look – a new one! Big thanks to Maruchan for sending – they sent me a nice assortment of these – maybe time to do a Definitive Guide on these hmmm… This one sounds like fun – let’s do it up.
#4929: Maruchan Yakisoba Spicy Chicken Flavor – United States
Well, a couple reviews ago I started with how my back was screwed up from doing a lot of work on the weekends setting things up. Well, it still is sore, and today I planned on walking a lot but there were three D’s that kind of ruined that plan… Damn cold, damn windy, damn rainy. So, damn. I walked to the local store and got a couple things including this one to review. I don’t think I’ve reviewed it in a great while, so here it is and here I go.
#4892: Acecook Super Cup 35SHU no Spice de Shiageru Negi-Shio Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Do you like spices? This cup is for you. Acecook went big for their 35th anniversary of Super Cup (スーパーカップ), and they used just as many spices for this delicious serving of yakisoba. It’s perfect for those last few days of summer, with refreshing flavors of lemongrass, rounded noodles that are a perfect match for the sauce and all those unique aromas. 🍋 The seasoning has a solid salt base, together with a mix of chicken, pork, and garlic. They opted for something simple so that the 35 spices could really do their job and magnify all the flavors. All of them have been blended in an original furikake (ふりかけ) that’ll leave you a lovely aftertaste in your mouth. The dish is topped with fragrant sesame, a sprinkle of green onions, and red pickled ginger.’
#4864: Maruchan Ore no Shio – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4863: Acecook Gaburi Chicken Kanshu Karaage Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition
Every year I pick my favorites out of all the reviews I’ve done. In the past, I’ve had lists that have multiple companies with multiple entries. I decided this year that I would change that. Starting with this list, only one entry per company will be on the list. I’ll mention other noteworthy varieties in the text of each one which I think will give more opportunities for folks to try new things. This new way of doing things will be reflected in this list, the upcoming Bottom Ten, Top Ten Bowls, and Top Ten Cups lists.
#4774: Nissin U.F.O. Koikoi Seafood BBQ Fu Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Nissin’s popular UFO series gets its name from the shape of the bowl. The UFO line are all Yakisoba, or fried noodles. These are eaten without soup, but with amazing topping, spices and sauce. This month’s ZenPop UFO is a summer limited edition BBQ cup, only accessible in Japan and will be sold out once summer is over.’
#4686: Myojo Ippei chan Yaten no Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4671: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Teriyaki – Germany
Big thanks to the folks at Nissin Foods Germany for sending this and quite a few others my way! These are really neat cups and now they’re even bigger! That means a lot of yakisoba. Let’s make it!
#4638: Nissin UFO Pokkmyeon Koi Koi Kankoku Fu Amakara Carbo – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4626: Daikoku Large Sauce Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4518: Maruchan Yakisoba Teriyaki Beef Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
Eventually, I’ll get through everything I want to do for the Maruchan Meet The Manufacturer series – there’s a lot of them to go through and then unite all together. I’m cobbling everything together slowly. I got this one at the Kenmore, Washington Safeway store – your standard American domestic grocery store. In these stores, there are two areas you will commonly find instant noodles. There’s the soup aisle, and the ethnic foods aisle. These are in the soup aisle. They’ve got a few varieties of trays – some Maruchan, and some by a competitor . I think I’ll have to see what other Maruchan ones they’ve got, but thought this might be a good one for the trays. Let’s check it out!
#4483: Samyang Foods Buldak Yakisoba HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Big thanks to Pher Engi for sending this along. Have you seen this one? Figured I should get it out there soon as possible for everyone to see. Definitely a departure from the multiple creamy and cheesy flavors as of late. Let’s give it a try!
Hard To Find Varieties Sent From Australia!
Big thanks to Pher Engi – she has sent another big box of varieties from Australia containing things I’ve never seen before – including a Buldak variety you may not have known existed! Check it out!
#4474: Nissin U.F.O. Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavour – Singapore
This one should be good. Nissin SG seems to do justice to Singaporean flavors and this is certainly a well-known Singaporean flavor. Let’s give it a try!
#4471: Nissin U.F.O. Korean Hot Chicken Flavour – Singapore
This is definitely a challenge to the popular spicy Korean varieties that are so popular right now. I’m really curious if it will also bring a Singaporean savoriness. Logically, this will be formulated to appeal to Singaporeans; like how we have American Chinese cuisine here, perhaps there’s a Singaporean Korean cuisine there? I don’t know but I think I’ll find out shortly!
#4465: Maruchan Mukashi Nagara no Chahan Aji Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4449: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yakisoba – United States
I can’t tell you how stoked I am about these! I’ve been a huge fan of Myojo Ippei-Chan in the tray – the ones you make by steeping. This is something different – these are refrigerated section yakisoba! They’re made in the United States! I am really looking forward to this – got the chashu ready! Let’s make it so!
#4447: Nissin U.F.O. Osaka Takoyaki Flavour Yakisoba – Singapore
Takoyaki is a little octopus ball – here’s what Wikipedia had to say –
Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼) is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger (beni shoga), and green onion (negi).[1][2] The balls are brushed with takoyaki sauce (similar to Worcestershire sauce) and mayonnaise, and then sprinkled with green laver (aonori) and shavings of dried bonito (katsuobushi).
#4432: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Yakisoba Noodle Bowl – United States
I found this at WinCo Foods in Lynnwood, Washington last weekend. It mentions that this is Vegan friendly. I’m very curious about this; we will see how this goes.
#4396: Nissin Deka Uma W Mayo Sauce Yakisoba – Japan
Found this one at the Uwajimaya in Renton, Washington. Nice to find something like this locally – I’m curious as it kind of looks like it’s going to have a wasabi bump to it but really unsure. Well, let’s check it out.
#4382: New Touch Osaka Kasu Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4374: Myojo Ippei-chan Yaten no Yakisoba Ninniku Shoyu Aji – Japan
Here’s an interesting one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#4351: Myojo Ippeichan Yomise No Yakisoba Mentaiko Flavor – Japan
Well this sounds good. I always am surprised at all the Myojo Ippeichan out there and that there are still varieties I’ve yet to try. Mentaiko is cod roe. Yep – fish eggs. While some might find that strange, fish eggs are all over in Japanese foods. A lot of savoriness! I think I found this one at Asian Family Market a couple weeks ago. Let’s make some yakisoba!
#4348: Itomen Sauce Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one I found in an Umai Crate from Japan Crate! They have boxes full of neat Japanese varieties! Check out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles!
Check this out! Myojo USA makes a slew of different fresh ramen and yakisoba. This time around, it’s personal. I’ve been a fan of the tray style fried noodle yakisoba for years and this particular Ippei-chan Yakisoba is with fresh noodles for the refrigerated section. I’ve tried it and it’s amazing – find it. Check out everything they sent!