Tag: 漢斯里納許

Zenpop.jp Ramen Unboxing – December 2023 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a Zenpop.jp box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4677: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken – United States

Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken - United States

I was contacted by Nissin USA a few weeks ago and learned about this one and it sounded interesting. Indeed, their Fire Wok bowls are quite good – especially the Sizzlin’ Rich Pork. Pack versions? Interested! So I hit them up and they provided. There’s this one and another. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4676: Paldo Teum-sae Ramen For Spicy Lovers – United States

#4676: Paldo Teum-sae Ramen For Spicy Lovers - United States

It’s time for some of the old ‘Fun&Yum’ (Paldo’s motto) with a bowl of Teum-sae ramen. It used to be just Teumsae I swear but now it’s hyphenated. These newly packaged varieties feature this woman on the package and it appears she has trouble getting her jacket over her angular shoulders or something. Well, let’s give it a try! ...see full post

UPDATE: The Ramen Rater Humbly Asks For Your Help

UPDATE 12/8/2023 – I want to personally thank every single one of your for your donations – it’s really been kind and immensely helpful to my family. We could still really use your help, though. If you can, we would really apreciate it. Again, thank you so much for helping with donations!

I’ve been reviewing instant noodles since 2002, doing episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time, The Chocolate Break with my wife, Professional Mukbang, Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater and more. Right now, we’re in a pretty crummy financial situation and hoping that some of the fans will be able to help out. I really loathe asking like this. I’ve set up a GoFundMe. It really is strange – you hear about statistics like ‘this percentage are one paycheck away from financial ruin.’ I love going to the thrift store and finding some trinket on the cheap. Right now, that’s a luxury I can’t even fathom, really. What’s crummy too is the time of the year that this is happening. Holidays plus my daughter’s birthday is a week before Christmas. Ugh. Here’s the link if you can help out. ...see full post

#4666: Samyang Foods Kimchi Ramen – United States

Kimchi is awesome stuff and I picked some up today as I’ve got quite a few Korean varieties I’ll be reviewing this week. Last week was crazy – last day of school for the kids, did 21 reviews, our dog Pepper got adopted by a nice couple from west Seattle… It’s cool but a lot. You’ll see this a long time from last week. It’s June 25th today and you’re probably seeiing this is October I’m guessing. Anyways, kimchi ramyun is good stuff – let’s check it out. ...see full post

#4661: Trader Joe’s Red Curry Thai Noodles – United States

#4661: Trader Joe's Red Curry Thai Noodles - United States

Time for some more fare from Trader Joe’s. I’m really curious about this but honestly don’t know on this one. Why? Well, the other day I did a review of a variety which looks identical and was just horrible.  I really hope that this does indeed taste like red curry – that would be great. However, I’v got my doubts. Let’s find out. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition

If there’s one thing that’s a certainty, companies from Taiwan tend to send me product samples more often than from any other country. They’re constantly innovating and refining, coming out with neat new things. Taiwan is a great place I’ve had the luck to visit twice. On one visit, I went to a large store and they had two aisles of just instant noodles that I really wish I would have taken pictures of. Now, what you’ll see on this list is mainly Taiwanese dry noodle. An ‘instant’ noodle is one that you can simply cover in boiling water for a short time and they spring to life. These require cooking. I hope to hear from Taiwanese instant noodle companies in the coming year; this is an invitation to you! It would be really nice to release a list of instant noodles alongside a list of dry noodles. This list is comprised of reviews of Taiwanese noodles up to #4650. Please check at the bottom for some special messages as well. With that, I hope you enjoy The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition! ...see full post

#4658: Shen Gong Fried Rice Noodles Artificial Beef Flavor With Chili Oil – United States

I’ve been reviewing instant noodles since 2002, doing episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time, The Chocolate Break with my wife, Professional Mukbang, Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater and more. Right now, we’re in a pretty crummy financial situation and hoping that some of the fans will be able to help out. I really loathe asking like this. I’ve set up a GoFundMe. It really is strange – you hear about statistics like ‘this percentage are one paycheck away from financial ruin.’ I love going to the thrift store and finding some trinket on the cheap. Right now, that’s a luxury I can’t even fathom, really. What’s crummy too is the time of the year that this is happening. Holidays plus my daughter’s birthday is a week before Christmas. Ugh. Here’s the link if you can help out. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Humbly Asks For Your Help

UPDATE – I want to thank everyone who donated – you really helped us out a great deal and made it possible to get through this difficult time! At this point, our heads are pretty much above water, so as far as a pressing need for donations, we’re good. I would say though that if you appreciate what I do and want to say thanks, that’s always truly appreciated, so I’m going to leave this up as an option. Thank you!

I’ve been reviewing instant noodles since 2002, doing episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time, The Chocolate Break with my wife, Professional Mukbang, Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater and more. Right now, we’re in a pretty crummy financial situation and hoping that some of the fans will be able to help out. I really loathe asking like this. I’ve set up a GoFundMe. It really is strange – you hear about statistics like ‘this percentage are one paycheck away from financial ruin.’ I love going to the thrift store and finding some trinket on the cheap. Right now, that’s a luxury I can’t even fathom, really. What’s crummy too is the time of the year that this is happening. Holidays plus my daughter’s birthday is a week before Christmas. Ugh. Here’s the link if you can help out. ...see full post

#4654: Trader Joe’s Squiggly Knife Cut Noodles With Soy And Sesame Sauce – United states

#4654: Trader Joe's Squiggly Knife Cut Noodles With Soy And Sesame Sauce - United states

Everyone I know seems to enjoy stepping foot into Trader Joe’s. Personally, I’m loathe to enter it. The silly bells, the caffeinated out overly engaging checkout people, the haphazard design of the aisles, the customers hanging out in groups here and there, oblivious to others and impeding travel through the place… Yeah, I don’t like going in there usually. However, I went in there recently with my wife and it was somewhat enjoyable as I found some noodles there. Now, Trader Joe’s makes nothing – nothing at all. They get companies to do private label products for them. This is one of those – made in Taiwan. These are Taiwanese dry noodle, a time-honored cuisine. Well, let’s just call ’em squiggly fun time noodles! Egad. Well, whoever manufactured them, I hope they’re getting paid good. Hopefully these are good, too. Let’s find out. ...see full post

#4652: That’s Asia Sweet & Sour Sauce With Noodles – United States

#4652: That's Asia Sweet & Sour Sauce With Noodles - United States

Well, here’s this. The last time I tried something from these folks I came up with only one thing to say; that’s not Asia. I’ve an open mind, but guessing I’m in for disappointment. But I’ve got an open mind, dammit! I think chicken should pair rather well with this and I do have chicken. Well, it’s made in Thailand for the Us market. That being send, let’s That’s. ...see full post