Tag: 漢斯里納許

#4614: Cielo Pozole Flavor Instant Ramen Noodle – United States

#4614: Cielo Pozole Flavor Instant Ramen Noodle - United States

You might not be familiar with pozole – I have tried a pozole ramen in the past but unfortunately I still haven’t sampled the actual dish. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it – ‘Pozole (Spanish pronunciation: [po’sole]; from Nahuatl languagespozolli, meaning cacahuazintle, a variety of corn or maize) is a traditional soup or stew from Mexican cuisine. It is made from hominy with meat (typically chicken , but possibly pork), and can be seasoned and garnished with shredded lettuce or cabbage, chilli peppersoniongarlic, radishes, avocado, salsa or limes. Known in Mesoamerica since the pre-Columbian era, today the stew is common across Mexico and neighboring countries, and is served both as a day-to-day meal and as a festive dish.’ ...see full post

#4610: Thai Kitchen Garlic & Vegetable Instant Rice Noodle Soup – United States

#4610: Thai Kitchen Garlic & Vegetable Instant Rice Noodle Soup - United States

I tried this 11 years ago. That’s a long time as far as my reviewing has gone. Back then it was review #761 – I still have the same bowl and I think I’ll use it again! Funny, I thought I got this from my mother in law and that I mentioned it in my review, but maybe it wasn’t this one. Hmm. Well, I gave it a 3.5 back then. Curious if I’ll like it now. It’s gluten free which I’ll mention to my wife. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

Zenpop.jp Ramen Unboxing – October 2023 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a Zenpop.jp box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4606: A-Sha Meteor Noodles With Braised Beef Sauce – Taiwan

#4799: A-Sha Meteor Noodles With Braised Beef Sauce - Taiwan

This sounds great and I’m really quite curious. Braised beef noodle is a really wonderful thing in Taiwan. I’ve had the fortune of trying it over there and it’s just spectaular – rich flavor and beef that’s melt in your mouth wonderful. A-Sha also makes a boxed premium noodle with beef that’s been on the global top ten for a couple of years now. Let’s see what this new braised beef noodle tastes like – it can be prepared two different ways, too! ...see full post

A-Sha Sends Meteor Noodle Trifecta!

Back in 2013, I gained the ire of many Taiwanese netizens when varieties from over there didn’t make the top ten, and some made the bottom ten. In a ‘noodle diplomacy’ initiative, I asked companies who thought they had some special stuff to send it. A-Sha was the first to answer the call, introducing me to the Taiwanese dry noodle. Ten years later, here we are with their Meteor Noodle – a threesome of flavors with a unique noodle. ...see full post

#4603: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood Flavour – Singapore

#4603: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood Flavour - Singapore

Back in 2017 when the world was young (before I started Instant Noodle Recipe Time), this one graced my desk with its packaging exclaiming ‘more shrimptacular.’ The packaging has changed a bit and I got this one as part of a media kit espousing the virtue of their new Cup Noodles Fish Head Curry (which were quite good, I might add). Nissin Singapore has sent some really quite amazing and well thought out media kits as of late – can’t wait for more of them! Let’s give this new packaging cup a try. ...see full post

#4602: Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia

#4602: Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour - Malaysia

This is it – the last of the great varieties that were sent by Mamee-Doubledecker. Thank you so much – it’s really been an amazing journey of flavor and new varieties! This is the cup version of the ghost pepper cheese. I previously did the pack version which was a real tough go. This one looks to be just a smaller version. They both have a sachet of ghost pepper oil – I think it works pretty darn well. Let’s do another mukbang! ...see full post

His Grace The Rev. Dick Gazinya Sends British Things

Over the years, I’ve met a great many people doing what I do, but none quite like my frien, His Grace the Rev. Dick Gazinya. He’s traveled the globe, seen the ravages of humanity as well as it’s triumphs, and built an empire on Tharg IV with aplomb and Daesenex rivers, healing the inheritors of the greatest ramen in the world. Indeed, Agent 45561A was comissioned by Weyland-Utani for maximum paradigms. May the Black Cardamom enthuse! Watch and see what was sent herein. ...see full post

#4601: Indomie Hype Abis Mi Kuah Rasa Seblak Hot Jeletot – Indonesia

#4601: Indomie Hype Abis Mi Kuah Rasa Seblak Hot Jeletot - Indonesia

To begin, thanks to Pher Engi for sending this along with so many untried Indonesian varieties! Seblak Hot Jeletot. I searched and almost immediately found a site familiar to me – minime insights. This guy does market analysis on food trends and new things – he’s mentioned me in the past and I’ve check out his site quite a bit to find out about different products. In his post, he answers a lot of my questions, and leaves me with a little dilemma. First, this is a trending flavor. Second, jeletot turns out to be a Sundanese word (great now I have to figure out that Sundanese is) which means so hot your eyes pop out! ...see full post

#4596: Red Chef Sesame Clear Soup Noodles – Malaysia

#4596: Red Chef Sesame Clear Soup Noodles - Malaysia

Of all the Red Chef varieties, this one I understand the least. I like to revisit it again once in a while as it’s something I just don’t quite understand. That’s most certainly not the product’s fault . So that being said, I walk towards it again in hopes a new sampling will bring me closer to understanding it. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4595: Burung Layang Terbang Mie Goreng Rasa Sambal Terasi – Indonesia

#4595: Burung Layang Terbang Mie Goreng Rasa Sambal Terasi - Indonesia

Thanks again to Pher Engi for this crazy train of neat Indonesian varieties, of which I’ve barely scraped the surface! This is a shrimp paste flavored mi goreng – and it’s not like anything I’ve seen thus far in my reviewing – look at everything in this thing! Let’s get cooking! ...see full post

#4593: Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles – Malaysia

#4593: Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles - Malaysia

Haven’t has this in a while, and since they often change recipes and tweak them to bring customers better experiences with their products, I figure they’re due for another try. This one’s been on my top ten global list for a few years now. I also like to make sure these varieties should still hold their spots. My guess is this is still going to be good. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4592: Kobe Jiwa Pagi Mi Instan Rasa Soto Segeer – Indonesia

#4592: Kobe Jiwa Pagi Mi Instan Rasa Soto Segeer - Indonesia

First and foremost, thanks to Pher Engi for sending this over! Soto segeer means ‘fresh soto.’ I did a little research and found that Jiwa Pagi means ‘morning soul.’ These noodles contain carrot and green beans – also no MSG here. These are healthy variety. Sounds interesting – this also the same company (Kobe) that makes the BonCabe instant noodles and seasonings. Oh, you might not know what soto is to begin with – Wikipedia, if you please… ...see full post

#4590: Daebak Habanero Kimchi Jjigae Flavour – Malaysia

#4590: Daebak Habanero Kimchi Jjigae Flavour - Malaysia

You may have heard of budae jjigae, which features assorted meats. This is a kimchi jjigae, which has kimchi at the forefront. Of the extra spicy varieties of this range, this is the only soupy variety, also the only one not having chicken at the forefront. Well, I do have some chicken, so it will make an appearance in here. Let’s cook it up! ...see full post

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien 維力 炸醬麵 Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

A couple days ago, I was speaking to my son Andy about cooking and brought up bread machines and the joys of making bread; how crafting a loaf of bread using basic ingredients is a lot of fun. Well, I hadn’t done so in quite a while, so I figured I’d go ahead and do it, and what better ramen bread to make but something Taiwanese? ...see full post

Vite Ramen Sends New v3.0 Healthy Lineup!

Vite Ramen Sends New v3.0 Healthy Lineup!

A lot of you have asked me if there’s lower sodium ramen. A lot of you have asked about a healthier ramen. Vite Ramen does both of these things and more – tons of vitamins as well as protein and fiber – like Soylent is to a complete nutrition beverage but in ramen form and quite honestly tastes a lot better. Check ’em out! ...see full post

#4583: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Cabe Ijo – Indonesia

#4583: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Cabe Ijo - Indonesia

Another one that came by way of Pher Engi – thanks again! This one came out with a big promotion a few years back. What’s funny too is that I had this ten years ago. How do I know? Look at the pack here! So, what’s cabe ijo? Translates to green chili – and what’s neat it that the noodle ends up greenish from the sauce. Let’s give it a go! ...see full post